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TWU negotiations.........what?

Tulsa will be fed fear and worst case scenarios during negotiations. Without any outside intervention the TWU has a captive audience and little chance of rebellion against them. The best message that can be sent to all parties involved is vote out all the incumbents of Local 514 and introduce new bylaws that will embrace accountability, informed members, and let the members have more say on how the local operates. Democracy.......what's that?

And tell me what it takes to get by-laws changed or for members to "have more say" in how the local operates. It is so easy to get on these boards and #### and complain about current "situations" but what you (and many others here)fail to mention is that you are doing NOTHING to try to change things other than griping and threatening to oust the current officers. Look at the records of meeting attendance.....Stewart for example attended NONE!!! As did most of you here. You cry like a bunch of schoolgirls and expect things to happen/change but yet you fail to follow the written procedure to get them changed.

Boo freakin' hoo...........
[And tell me what it takes to get by-laws changed or for members to "have more say" in how the local operates. It is so easy to get on these boards and #### and complain about current "situations" but what you (and many others here)fail to mention is that you are doing NOTHING to try to change things other than griping and threatening to oust the current officers.


I personally made 7 motions mostly for democracy changes and all but one were knocked down. Tell me again how I have done nothing to try for change?
Look at the records of meeting attendance.....Stewart for example attended NONE!!! As did most of you here.

We used to go to the meetigs before the massive concessions

The majority of the line station vote was NO

Go to the meetings for what. Unless it is a local issue we have no control over the twu and what they shove up our arse

Go to meetings so you can talk to the guy who talks to the guy who has control of the contract? And then you wonder why nobody attends?

Members are limited to making motions that only affect their local, they cant do anything that affects the contract.
Go to meetings so you can talk to the guy who talks to the guy who has control of the contract? And then you wonder why nobody attends?

Members are limited to making motions that only affect their local, they cant do anything that affects the contract.

That pretty well sums up the TWU iteration of Industrial Democracy. Samuel Gompers is spinning in his grave.
FWAAA, I have to give you credit. You hit the nail right on the head this time. This vote was done in haste and fraud could have easily been accomplished using the system that AAA had in place.

Yep - the voting had to be done before a Friday, as I recall, to have agreements in place before SEC documents were filed, and therefore, the $46 million executive slush fund was made public.

Everyone got mad at Carty over this, but he was no more than a stooge for the board of directors, just like Arpey is now.
Rumor has it that Human resources stated that "we should lower our expectations on the next contract". Referring to the battle cry of wanting our 2001 contract back! The writing is on the wall and all is quiet on the front lines?
Just what we need a company sponsored website for negotiations! I am sure the information will be objective!

Hey....I have a great idea! why not let membrs observer at negotiations so we don't have to rely on the compnay for our info!



Today, American launched a Web site to provide information and news related to its labor contract negotiations with the APA and TWU Dispatchers. The site, which can be found at AANegotiations.com, will be an important resource for employees, the media and the general public. It will contain information such as American's negotiations principles and philosophy, relevant business issues, industry news and other data related to labor discussions. The site will also feature a historical overview of negotiations activities and progress made at the bargaining table.

The site in no way takes the place of formal Section 6 labor negotiations, and serves only to provide employees and the public important information and facts about the company and the industry and will play a key role in the ratification of new contracts. Contract information will only be posted on the site after it has been communicated and exchanged in accordance with the United States Railway Labor Act. When AA enters into negotiations with other represented workgroups, information about those discussions will be included on AANegotiations.com as well.
Rumor has it that Human resources stated that "we should lower our expectations on the next contract". Referring to the battle cry of wanting our 2001 contract back! The writing is on the wall and all is quiet on the front lines?

Wow, what a disappointment! I was all excited when Burchette said he was going to stick his hands deep into the company's pockets!

What a letdown!
The contract is already a done deal.

Six percent raise on "radification", 1.5% per year raise, contract is SIX years long, two holidays are restored(Memorial Day and day after Thanksgiving), One week of vacation is restored, Sick pay is restored, but only 5 days accrual a year, OSM's will now be allowed in all shops and hangar jobs(per FAR part 145), and increased employee contributions to "Flex" benefits.

All the TWU International has to say now is "AA will shutdown the overhaul bases, if this doesn't pass!"
You forgot one more incentive; The 1500 dollar signing bonus If we sign it right away!
The beatings will continue until moral improves!

Nothing will change unless we choose to fight and force changes to be made. all the concessions including all the current changes have benefitted only the top brass. The brass includes the company and the TWU International officers. Change must come from the top ranks of our union and the company. The first and most important change needed in this union is direct election of TWU Air Transport Division Officers by the members not by appointment period! A workforce without leadership is a weak union at best.

Insist on newly elected local officers to committ to achieving direct elections of TWU ATD Officers. I know there is plenty of support for this on the floor. Without this we are a controlled flock of sheep.