TWU negotiations.........what?

<_< ----- Mediator comes from Missouri!?----- St. Louis you say?---- Humm! Something sounds familiar here!!------ :rolleyes:

Too bad he's a mediator and not an Arbitrator.....Because he may have sympathy for former TWA folks and could've stuck it to AA.
Too bad he's a mediator and not an Arbitrator.....Because he may have sympathy for former TWA folks and could've stuck it to AA.
<_< ------ Hopeless,----- That's past history! It is, what it is!------ So let's leave it at that.
<_< ------ Hopeless,----- That's past history! It is, what it is!------ So let's leave it at that.

Believe it or not MCI, I mean it. Would be nice for the unions to get something for a change.
I wasn't flame baiting. I'm long at the point where I'm sick of this company's arrogance.

After the senior VP stated line maintenance "sucks" and "whoever doesn't like it can quit,"
well, this seems to be the icing on the cake.
Believe it or not MCI, I mean it. Would be nice for the unions to get something for a change.
I wasn't flame baiting. I'm long at the point where I'm sick of this company's arrogance.

After the senior VP stated line maintenance "sucks" and "whoever doesn't like it can quit,"
well, this seems to be the icing on the cake.
<_< ----- Hopeful, I do believe you're not the only one with those sentiments. For the same reasons also!
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How serious can mediation be when there is such a long gap between meetings. The next meeting for M&R will not happen at least into June. That would mean 2 months without a meeting! If retro was a given at least we could expect some kind of compensation for extending the contract. It is the wrong message to send to let our negotiations drag on without any penalty for now and future negotiations. Though we have seen some pro-active activity from the International, I am not convinced of any effect it has on negotiations up to this point. Leadership will determine the battle.
How serious can mediation be when there is such a long gap between meetings. The next meeting for M&R will not happen at least into June. That would mean 2 months without a meeting! If retro was a given at least we could expect some kind of compensation for extending the contract. It is the wrong message to send to let our negotiations drag on without any penalty for now and future negotiations. Though we have seen some pro-active activity from the International, I am not convinced of any effect it has on negotiations up to this point. Leadership will determine the battle.

Pro-active doings by the International? Chuck, you know damned well you're not supposed to be smoking that stuff (wouldst thou care to share?).

Any thing "proactive" coming from the International was agreed to by Little and the company, and then, only for the sake of appearances.
Well some interesting news regarding negotiations that I have not seen posted yet. If it has - well, my bad. Anyway, it seems the NMB mediator picked up on many differences among the TWU represented groups, and determined separation was a good way to go. So, now each group can independently negotiate and ratify their respective agreements without worry of other groups, and "me too" clauses. Since it was no secret that title 3 wanted to bring the companies last offer to the membership for a vote - look for some similar type offer to title 3 in the next month or so, and a possible vote.
So do you see the separation of the title groups as a good thing or a bad thing?
How serious can mediation be when there is such a long gap between meetings. The next meeting for M&R will not happen at least into June. That would mean 2 months without a meeting! If retro was a given at least we could expect some kind of compensation for extending the contract. It is the wrong message to send to let our negotiations drag on without any penalty for now and future negotiations. Though we have seen some pro-active activity from the International, I am not convinced of any effect it has on negotiations up to this point. Leadership will determine the battle.
We are doomed to substandard contracts. The demo in front of the aptly named 'centerpork" was an embarassment to all. You are correct Mr. Schalk in that no serious negotiating is going on at this laughable rate. They meet only to agree to meet again in a month. I for one will settle for no less than full restoration, full retro and a short term deal 3 years max.
Pro-active doings by the International? Chuck, you know damned well you're not supposed to be smoking that stuff (wouldst thou care to share?).

Any thing "proactive" coming from the International was agreed to by Little and the company, and then, only for the sake of appearances.

I'm wondering if the mediator for M&R knows that there are scores of topped out AMT's on "special assignment", working diligently as committee members and lapdogs? If so, he would expect the TWU to remain comatose indefinately, not daring to upset "the force of the working together process". With it, the compAAny has control and the union retains it's dues paying membership. In chess it's called a stalemate.
The CompAAny wanted an 18 month contract correct ?
So now... they have their 18 months for free w/o retro, raises, etc and are still able to collect their bonuses.
And the TWU thinks we are making head way in Mediation..pfffff
They just voted union rep raises here last
Since it was no secret that title 3 wanted to bring the companies last offer to the membership for a vote - look for some similar type offer to title 3 in the next month or so, and a possible vote.

The company has taken the stance that their September offer is now their table position and as such, don't hold your breath expecting a vote on that steaming pile of bovine feces.

The September "Proposal" from the company wanted to outsource 24 additional stations and included other hidden concessions that are like an Easter Egg hunt, but in this case it's a landmine hunt...

All stick, no carrot.That'll work out well. :lol:

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