How is LHT Switzerland even relevant?... They specialize in RJ overhauls, particularly the AVRO (next gen BAe146).
Their problems are just collateral damage to what's happening in the Eurozone. They're also not an outfit AMR would have ever contracted with for mainline overhauls (although LHT itself might be an option).
Funny how you guys are so quick to tell us that airplanes can fly anywhere to be Overhauled then say that its not relevant when they have to reorganize.
As wages converge between the Airlines and the MROs expect to more of this;
Is that more rellevant?
AAR has been complianing for months they cant get people, as other carriers continue to hire they will have a harder time keeping what they have. Even SWA is hiring. When have you seen companies merge then hire more workers? Normally with a merger you have layoffs.
I hear UAL is having a similar response from the guys they are trying to recall that AA had. "Thanks but no thanks".
The supply is dwindling, not just in the US (go by one of those A&P schools and see how many are foreignors studying here and going back home) BK is AAs last gasp to throw in a crappy long term deal and hope they can get away with what they did in 1995.
Here's how it used to go.
1.Go to school get your A&P License.
2. Work for an MRO to get experience
3. Work for a fly by night carrier to get heavy turbine experience
4. Get into a major carrier.
The first to get hit when the schools dont pump out enough are the MRO's , sure they dont have to hire A&Ps but since most A&Ps that dont go into General Aviation want to go to a major they can get away with paying less than they would to retain someone with mechanical abilities who could care less about airplanes. Its looked at as an internship by the mechanic, he will work cheap just to get experience with the hope that it pays off when he gets to a major. If whats out there now was the best they had to look forward to there would be very very few going into this Industry, they could play with Cars, boats, trucks, Trains, etc, instead. Thats where we are now, few are coming in to the industry. The airlines will continue to draw mechanics from MROs and Regionals. When I was hired you needed five years of Heavy Turbine Experience, now you dont need any. Soon the steps will be;
1. Go to School, get your A&P License
2. Get into a major carrier
3. Realize thats all there is and go into another industry after you realize how much time and money you wasted getting your A&P.