Well we know this, the company said a 20% cut across everything. So whatever cuts we gave back then would not count now, such as retiree medical. There are few things that we have in our contract that could be considered onerous because we are industry lagging in pretty much every thing else. What we do have is our pension and retiree medical. We also have in house OH, but still we have not been presented with any proof that at the end of the day it would be less costly if we outsourced it, and even if at this time they claimed it was they could not do it tomorrow, it would take a couple of years because as you know the places where they would be sending it to are having trouble keeping people, making the work they already have enough of a challenge. I think the companys main objective here isnt to actually send out 50% of the work, they want to have clear language that allows them to so they can use outsourcing as a threat to increase productivity.
Maintenence is particularly hard hit by this 20% figure because the company inflated their maintenence costs over the last few years. We are the only group to be hiring off the street, they started a bunch of mods and are trying to catch up on maintenence they had put off years earlier, even outsourcing the 757s added to the figure making our 20% disproportional to other groups, why the ask for maintenence was around $60 million higher for us than fleet. Another problem with the ask is that as new aircraft come on line and old aircraft leave our headcount will diminish as well as other costs, none of which we get credit for. The simplest way I can put this is lets say under normal circumstances they spent $750 million on maintenence, but do to all the extra stuff they decided to do over the last few years they recently spent $1 billion , the extra $250 million being one time expenses that would niot reoccur such as winglets and refurbishing the cabins .They are telling us we have to come up with $200 million, based on 20% of a Billion instead of 20% of $750 million which would be $150 million. So in a few years their actual maint costs once the new planes come in would be a lot more than 20% lower than they are today.