Are you aware that Fed Ex and UPS always sent that work out, even when we made more than them?
Are you aware tht AA dumped most of their cargo because they did not feel it was profitable enough?
Are you aware of all the concessions that were tied to the TA including having to turn over our Prefunding for sick time credits that could only be used to buy retiree medical at inflated rates that could be raised even higher after three years?
As far as your claim that outsourcing pays for the holidays please present your proof, if outsoucing pays for he holidays does it also pay the $17 more per hour they get at UPS? If that's the case then why is AA looking to only pay us a max of $32.77/hr with 50% outsourcing? If outsoucing is such a great deal then why isn't AA offering at least industry average in exchange for increased outsourcing? How come in four years of negotiations AA never even proposed matching compensation and outsourcing?
Are you aware that our management still has 10 holidays? Wouldn't the ranks of management also be reduced by outsourcing?
Seems that you are the one cherry picking. You never fail to leave out the fact that none of our competitors who outsourced oh had Osms and that osms lowered AAs average costs below what competitors could achieve even with the concessions they got in BK.Show me proof hat AA will outsource all that work, the fact is that AA has around 1700 mechanics without system protection, in other words they could lay hem off under the agreement as is but instead of laying off they have been hiring for the last two years.
I am aware of that FEDEX and UPS always outsourced that work. Are you aware that in the BK process the judge and the creditors don't give a damn about pay comparisons or how much you feel you should have made in the past? BK restructuring is for the purpose of enabling the company to pay back the secured creditors first, not "get even" for how badly the company was managed or how you didn't get paid what you think you should have. You don't even understand the process you wished for apparently.
AA did not dump cargo, revenues have dropped probably due to less belly capacity (parked DC10s, A300s, and MD11s) not because it is unprofitable as you claim. AA hasn't run a cargo only plane for sometime but sells available cargo capacity at rates where they can make money. With the lower operating costs they seek AA may be able to do more business with more competitive cargo rates.
I am aware of what was in the TA and retiree medical. The point is, now we will most likely have no retiree medical prefunding and at best pay active rates when we retiree. The MCTs already have that and they got a pay raise that they are not having to give up in BK. We got no pay raise because the TA was voted down and will get the same thing as the MCTs.
The holiday issue is simple, it's all about cost. If you outsource a block of work at a lower cost than it does to do with inhouse staff, you can afford to have additional wages and benefits (e.g. more holidays) for the smaller inhouse group. It's actually really simple to figure it out. You have professional economists at your disposal, maybe you should spend some time with them so they can explain it to you.
AA does not have to offer us higher wages or benefits due to outsourcing. AA is in Chap 11 which means they are restructuring the business to become profitable and viable. If they can show they need outsource and not pay higher wages and benefits to the judge and we have no effective argument other than you think you should get more, AA gets what they want. You standing there saying, "I should get more because the other guys do," is not an effective argument. But then again, you are a smart and compelling guy, I am sure the judge will hear you.
If you had offered to swap higher pay for more outsourcing during negotiations I am positive AA would have said ok. The problem is I doubt AFW, TULE, and MCIE would have agreed with that and roll called you.
Yes, management does still have ten holidays. And your point is that we should get it too because it's not fair? That's a great argument!
I did not leave it out. OSM/SRPs were a response to how other airlines were getting lower costs through outsourcing in the early 90s. So are you saying we should have outsourced those jobs instead of having SRPs?
Could it be that AA hired because the scope clause required them to keep work inhouse? After all the clause does describe that AA will be able to outsource according to existing practice. That would mean they can't outsource more than they have in the past therefore they needed to hire mechanics. Laying people off or not hiring would require modifications to the work rules or some type of continuous improvement to increase productivity. Kind of like what AA is doing by trying to wipeout all the special LOAs and restrictive language.