That's been my feeling all along. The employees left after this tsunami are going be so fed up and resentful, I don't see how AA could possibly survive this "restructuring".
I wouldn't be a bit surprised to a bright AAR sign out front on Mingo one day in the near future. What once was.......will be all that's left of American Airlines in TUL.
What a shame.
And as for AAR.....they can just turn around and take there damn 19-20/hr paltry wages back to OKC, IND.
Fricken labor pimps....
The airline ind better enjoy this one last batch of exp comml aircraft maint techs hitting the streets. Because when the AA guys find a new home....that's it for this ind, they'll have to resort to contractors, a/p sch grads. Think about it.....,
if there is an up side to all this, this is it!