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TWU negotiations.........what?

Lets see, I have been a shop steward, communications person, member of various committees, and on the negotiating committee during the second US Chapter 11 case for the Mechanic and Related. Also was on the Negotiating Committee for the IAM at CO for the Flight Attendants.

Been to every school the IAM has offered in Leadership classes, and many others. Those classes are college accredited with credits.

I will put up my experience and knowledge against yours anytime.

One's classification has nothing to do with their education and knowledge. Sat through many educational sessions with Sharon Levine and other counsel, have you?

How many jobs have you saved and how many grievances have you won?

Even got under Steven Wolf's skin to get a personal letter from him, ended up getting many changes in CLT mtc because of it.

What have you done to help the membership and your coworkers?

I have won many, many many.

So your turn.

Glad to see you avoid any question that I have asked for you.
Ok so you are an educated Socialist. If I understand you are a employee at USAir? Being paid less than the TWU represented at AA with the highest paid being AMFA represented....
Well the company has demonstrated their ability to mismanage this airline and defer blame to everyone else except themselves. Then to add insult to injury, the company thinks by balancing the books in bankruptcy will fix the problems that have plagued this airline of poor management. They can balance the books but they can't fix a flawed operation with disgruntled employees. this will not be a win-win scenario.
Start by reducing head count of management as compared to other airlines and apply that cost savings to the bottm line. a company that is over managed is a company that has lost control and wont admit it.
Arpey took over with a balanced book and several years later here we are again with another CEO looking to just balance the books!
I agree Chuck they haven't had control, that's their justification for having so many managers...this is definitely a loosing deal all around.Well except for some Chinese businessmen. I think we should lobby congress to add aircraft overhaul location on the front of AIRLINE TICKETS LOL...
It appears that the battle plan is to retreat to the hubs pay everyone less, eventually the real airlines will pay their people more. Regardless of our inept, incompetent decesions we have up make a profit! So while management retreats to their cacoon of safety and denial, back at the ranch all the ranch hands swing in the wind wondering "what the f**k"
I agree Chuck they haven't had control, that's their justification for having so many managers...this is definitely a loosing deal all around.Well except for some Chinese businessmen. I think we should lobby congress to add aircraft overhaul location on the front of AIRLINE TICKETS LOL...
The flying public doesn't care where the planes are overhauled. If they did, they would have stopped flying those airlines years ago.
I agree Chuck they haven't had control, that's their justification for having so many managers...this is definitely a loosing deal all around.Well except for some Chinese businessmen. I think we should lobby congress to add aircraft overhaul location on the front of AIRLINE TICKETS LOL...
For some time now, the union has been advertising the problems with overseas MRO's and even how some places hired Al Queda members. Has it influenced Congress enough for congress to enact the laws to protect the public....hell NO! The airlines have done a great job of lobbying Congress to perform maint. anywhere they want, and charge whatever they want. The unions, on the other hand, have done a lousy job of representing us, and they just do the minimum to prevent a DFR. It won't be any different in the next few weeks. You watch!!
For some time now, the union has been advertising the problems with overseas MRO's and even how some places hired Al Queda members. Has it influenced Congress enough for congress to enact the laws to protect the public....hell NO! The airlines have done a great job of lobbying Congress to perform maint. anywhere they want, and charge whatever they want. The unions, on the other hand, have done a lousy job of representing us, and they just do the minimum to prevent a DFR. It won't be any different in the next few weeks. You watch!!
Why not have a "no confidence vote" for the leader of the TWU International ...
Why not have a "no confidence vote" for the leader of the TWU International ...
How about getting enough signatures to petition the BK judge so WE can DECERTIFY the union!!!!

Why waste $600 for representation if the company is allowed to just gut wages, benefits, jobs, and work rules whenever they want???? Right now, I'd rather be in a non-union shop!
So you are a carreer stock clerk, bragging about taking your company through bankruptcy twice, and you want me to accept your adivce?

Sorry, that will not happen. Your advice is lower than worthless to me.
700 was a cleaner most of his airline career
I am a no body and have no qualifications
I’m OK with that still like to post
John John are you somebody's child like one of thos baby's in the Etrade commercial with the iPad?
700 was a cleaner most of his airline career
Actually I was a stock clerk just as long and thats how I finished.

And what does one's job classification has to do with one's knowledge?

I was a shop steward, on various committees, a district rep, done grievance hearings Negotiating Committee Member at US and CO, and even won a $15 million arbitration case against US. Saved many a job and gotten members out of trouble.

What have you done to help the membership?

I spent many a night away from my son being on the road to help the membership.

I have attended Labor School and every leadership and collective bargaining class the IAM has to offer at its accredited Education Center.

So what does one's classification have to do with their knowledge?

And I was the first non-mechanic ever to be appointed to the Negotiating Committee at US.
Actually I was a stock clerk just as long and thats how I finished.

And what does one's job classification has to do with one's knowledge?

I was a shop steward, on various committees, a district rep, done grievance hearings Negotiating Committee Member at US and CO, and even won a $15 million arbitration case against US. Saved many a job and gotten members out of trouble.

What have you done to help the membership?

I spent many a night away from my son being on the road to help the membership.

I have attended Labor School and every leadership and collective bargaining class the IAM has to offer at its accredited Education Center.

So what does one's classification have to do with their knowledge?

And I was the first non-mechanic ever to be appointed to the Negotiating Committee at US.

You are the worst case of the "BIG I" or "WONDERFUL ME" syndrome I have ever seen.

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