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TWU negotiations.........what?

Yeah that's it!

We gave up well over $10,000 in raises and signing bonus since T/A was voted down, to test and see if we keep the company match in prefunding which is worth less in value.

WE showed their asses didnt we?

Or was it our own asses that are showing now?
Dont you think they company would recoup the money that they would have paid out?

Therefore your concessions in Chapter 11 would be greater, so you might have gotten it on the front end, but would lose more on the back end.

But your harping on the T/A, its done, the majority spoke, move on and try to make it better for people instead of worse.

Nothing worse than crying over spilt milk.
Dont you think they company would recoup the money that they would have paid out?

Therefore your concessions in Chapter 11 would be greater, so you might have gotten it on the front end, but would lose more on the back end.

But your harping on the T/A, its done, the majority spoke, move on and try to make it better for people instead of worse.

Nothing worse than crying over spilt milk.

So you are a carreer stock clerk, bragging about taking your company through bankruptcy twice, and you want me to accept your adivce?

Sorry, that will not happen. Your advice is lower than worthless to me.

I have no idea what would or would not happen in BK if T/A had passed and neither do you or anyone else.

It appears to me that AA is interested in keeping my skill around, but has interest in completely eliminating your skill from the payroll.
Not sure if that will happen or not, but they seem to think stock clerks are severly overpaid and want to outsource that work.
Had Stock Clerks agreed to a T/A they may have well been spared.
Dont you think they company would recoup the money that they would have paid out?

Therefore your concessions in Chapter 11 would be greater, so you might have gotten it on the front end, but would lose more on the back end.

But your harping on the T/A, its done, the majority spoke, move on and try to make it better for people instead of worse.

Nothing worse than crying over spilt milk.
Funny, the majority never spoke before! What happened?
So you are a carreer stock clerk, bragging about taking your company through bankruptcy twice, and you want me to accept your adivce?

Sorry, that will not happen. Your advice is lower than worthless to me.

I have no idea what would or would not happen in BK if T/A had passed and neither do you or anyone else.

It appears to me that AA is interested in keeping my skill around, but has interest in completely eliminating your skill from the payroll.
Not sure if that will happen or not, but they seem to think stock clerks are severly overpaid and want to outsource that work.
Had Stock Clerks agreed to a T/A they may have well been spared.

Lets see, I have been a shop steward, communications person, member of various committees, and on the negotiating committee during the second US Chapter 11 case for the Mechanic and Related. Also was on the Negotiating Committee for the IAM at CO for the Flight Attendants.

Been to every school the IAM has offered in Leadership classes, and many others. Those classes are college accredited with credits.

I will put up my experience and knowledge against yours anytime.

One's classification has nothing to do with their education and knowledge. Sat through many educational sessions with Sharon Levine and other counsel, have you?

How many jobs have you saved and how many grievances have you won?

Even got under Steven Wolf's skin to get a personal letter from him, ended up getting many changes in CLT mtc because of it.

What have you done to help the membership and your coworkers?

I have won many, many many.

So your turn.

Glad to see you avoid any question that I have asked for you.
How many Delta mechanics would be impressed with your resume? They have every opportunity to vote in a union and have declined. They seem just fine with letting their employer hold their coworkers accountable without union interference, make more money than many of their legacy competitors, and don't pay union dues to an international godhead that makes up to 4 times their wage. BTW, I'm not impressed either.
The election at DL for mtc was AMFA, not the IAM.

And have their heavy maintenance done all over the US, and China, and not in their own hangars.

Ask them how the hangars in MSP, DFW and TPA are doing.

MSP cutting jobs, DFW and TPA closed.
The election at DL for mtc was AMFA, not the IAM.

And have their heavy maintenance done all over the US, and China, and not in their own hangars.

Ask them how the hangars in MSP, DFW and TPA are doing.

MSP cutting jobs, DFW and TPA closed.
They don't feel so abused that they want any union, including the iam, taking dues money and still getting their work outsourced.
It took two trips to bankruptcy for US to outsource work, and more work has come back in-house and are currently in Section 6 negotiations.

50% of mtc has to be done in house and it is audited every month.

Gee what about those 757s of AA's that Timco did without AA being in bankruptcy?

Hey TWU,

Still waiting for you to answer those questions poised to you. Guess you cant since your all about yourself.
It took two trips to bankruptcy for US to outsource work, and more work has come back in-house and are currently in Section 6 negotiations.

50% of mtc has to be done in house and it is audited every month.

Gee what about those 757s of AA's that Timco did without AA being in bankruptcy?

Hey TWU,

Still waiting for you to answer those questions poised to you. Guess you cant since your all about yourself.

How many times must you be told that nobody cares here about your two trips through bankruptcy that you are so proud of?


Is there nobody at that airline or on that forum that will listen to you, so you have to seek our ears for your braggin.

Glad to see you still cant answer or refute.

Now what about those 757s Timco is overhauling and have overhauled and will overhaul?
Glad to see you still cant answer or refute.

Now what about those 757s Timco is overhauling and have overhauled and will overhaul?

To my knowledge there is a grievance pending on the issue.

My belief is we do no have the scope language to win that grievance.
How many jobs have you saved and how many grievances have you won?

From a Delta thread:
Again, I will state, for the record, I personally know of two people , one who's been walked out 3 times, badges confiscated, who are "still" employed by Delta, due to the current resolution boards findings and they didn't have to pay them any type of monthly dues to accomplish it ! 😱

What makes you think Delta needs a carrot , to keep unions out ? They sure as hell didn't need one recently, when the unions were voted out !


Actually I was told by TWU Stooges CIO, HSS, and others that I saved 10,000 jobs and three maintenance bases back when they were busy defending the 17.5% paycut, the lost vacation, the lost holidays, the lost sick days, ect.

That is all in the archives of this forum history.

SO my answer, according to those that think like 700UW is I have saved 10,000 jobs.

But just like 700Uw rhetoric, the facts are really different than the spewed propaganda.

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