Regardless of how you or anyone else feels, the fact of the matter is you have no leverage and were unable to reach an agreement before with the company. The courts control the process from here on out, and AAs labor disadvantage is clear. Concessions will now be IMPOSED and you'll have no recourse.
We always have recourse, as long as companies need us we have recourse. The courts control the process but the workers control the movement of aircraft, and that's where the real power is.
Look at history, the RLA was formed because despite the fact that the government had outlawed every tactic that unions used to level the playing field rail workers kept shutting down the system. The industry and government realized that there really isn't anything they could do about Wilcat actions, sickouts, refusals to work OT, sit downs, work to rule etc. Rail workers, who went through the same things we are going through, over expansion, bankruptcies and then contraction, fought back, rulings, injunctions be damned. They did not sit back and wait to be told what to do because they knew the courts had made it so the leaders could not tell them to do it. Workers knew they had to act, then , realizing they had no control, the Rails would approach the leaders to get things moving again, the leaders would make the deal, tell the workers what transpired and if the workers found it acceptable things would move again but there was no guarantee that pockets here or there would not still resist. So the government had the leaders of the industry and the unions sit and write the RLA. The law put restrictions on our right to strike in exchange for guarantees that we would not work under imposed agreements unless first the President heard our case and then Congress, but the company could not unilaterally impose terms! Not even with the aid of a friendly Judge.
Rail workers are very cognizant of their history, and have proven that they will defend their hard fought for rights so the industry and their puppets in government are much more hesitant to mess with them. In the rails they live by the wording of the RLA and those workers would never allow a Judge to strip them of their rights. The RLA is clear, workers can't strike as long as negotiated wages and working conditions remained, however if those things are unilaterally changed then they can strike. 1167 of the BK code states that even in Bankruptcy labor contracts covered under the Railway Labor Act can not be abrogated in Bankruptcy, they have to follow the RLA, however in another clause they excluded airlines from this provision. So what airline workers are left with is all the limitations of the RLA but none of the protections, kind of like the way African-Americans had to pay the same fare as everyone else but could only sit in the back of he bus. As long as we tolerate this things will only get worse.
When the quacks at the appellate court ruled that the NWA flight attendants could not strike because their contract never existed, despite the fact that it existed fr 50 years or more and in clear violation of the RLA the company changed wages and working conditions (the authors of he RLA did not introduce any ambiguity there, no exceptions for BK) the airline unions should have banded together and threatened to shut down the whole country, thats what the rail workers would have done, that's what he dock workers would have done. Things will keep getting worse for airline workers as long as they keep doing what they are told and keep giving the bosses what they want. Rosa Parks did not wait for a Judge to tell her that it was ok for her to sit in the front, we should not wait for a Judge to tell us when its ok to resort to self help, the RLA already told us that, the law is flawed, it is discriminatory against Airline workers for no other reason than they feel they can get away with it. How can we be expected to obey a body that says because we are Airline workers we are subject to all the restrictions of the law but none of the protections of the same law? Like Rosa Parks we paid our fare and we will get the same treatment and opportunity as anyone else.
Airline workers must put an end to this injustice.. Workers at other carriers must join together and have the law changed, the RLA is clear, we have the right to strike if terms are imposed on us without being given the opportunity to present our case in a fair forum, ie the PEB and then Congress, but we have to fight for it. If The cycle is allowed to continue and another carrier is successful at lowering the bar yet again there is nothing stopping every other carrier from going into BK every time their labor contracts become amendable and having the courts get them what negotiations could not. If the government continues to act in such a biased, pro-corporate way then they no longer deserved to be recognized as a government of the people, by the people, for the people and the people must disobey them.