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TWU negotiations.........what?

Interestingly, a lot of them quit, anyway, because they either had their wages cut because they were paid much more than AA mechs.

Their wages were frozen (red circled) until an AA employee with the same senority caught up to them, then their pay progression was unfrozen, not cut.
Dare I guess that you have not worked at a line station or two?

When the head of training at DFW said, "There is no way that any un-licensed mechanics are working the line, and especially signing log books off. " did he mean actually working the terminal or working shops and checks at a line station?

I will not name names here, but it happened for years. Don't know for sure if it still is, now, since it is not on my radar. I do know they quit hiring unlicensed mechs at my line station some time ago, but continued to hire avionics techs with FCC licenses for a while longer. Some of the unlicensed mechs and avtechs have retired, though. One Repairman I can remember even went on field trips by himself. Very often, in fact. So yes, he signed off log books. Without anyone inspecting his work.

I think different people had different situations with management. But, it was not uncommon at all for unlicensed mechanics to sign off work cards at a line station.

When license pay became larger, most got licenses, but not all. Never understood why they would not want the license pay. At one time, a 2nd class FCC license was good for single license pay, and a 1st class was good for double license pay. Don't remember what happened to those 1st class FCC license holders when their license was changed to a General license, just like the holders of 2nd class FCC licenses. Most avionics techs just went ahead and got A&Ps, anyway so they could work the terminal and go on lucrative field trips, so it became a non-issue.

Didn't some unlicensed mechs in overhaul get "Skill Pay", at the same rate as license pay, at one time?

Some of the issues are true on how line operations were handled in the past. Yes there were people with just FCC licenses. With Americans operation guide lines, the requirements for line stations, you must have an A&P. With line stations, there won't be unlicensed persons. The talk of the unlicensed persons will be at the places that have a repair certificate for that base or station. That work will be the overhaul or repair of aircraft. The company could use people to do the work and sign off the aircraft under that certificate. They are still required to have some A&P's there but the rest won't. The main places that this could happen at AA is more than likely TULE and AFW. With the overhaul shops, you don't need all those A&P's in those shops to do the work. In the past, yes it was the norm to have all A&P's do the work. With the companies now days, they are looking to cut cost as much as possible. Unfortunitly, this is propably going to happen at AA with these two bases. This could even spill out on the floor, where the planes are. AA has made the gesture in the past of doing this. To me, I think the quality of work will suffer and safety. The company don't see it, they would just hire anyone off the street that will show up for work and do work that they don't really know what or why they are doing that. It is happening at Boeing in STL.
As for the line stations, I see a possible reductions of the number of mechanics there, only if the FAA will aprove. The FAA just made the comment in the past year that AA is short on mechanics. There also could keep the mechanics, work rules change. When they are not doing anything, they could be out there loading and unloading bags off of the planes, other low cost carriers do that....
Durring the next few weeks will be the time to watch to see what happens.....
Which carrier asks there mechs to load/unload bags??
Never heard of that one...

Barring the mech just jumpin in to help.
A new twist in the realm. What could it be about? The NMB dragged negotiations on and on, now what is the NMB going to do in BK?

NMB to bring American Airlines, unions together for an update


It is an election year and sOmeone needs a few feathers in their cap.
I can see the company "ask" being turned over to the negotiating committee and let the negotiations amongst ourselves begin. Trading one thing for something else of equal value. The bankruptcy court is not controlling these negotiations it is the TWU and the company. Just another extension of strong arm negotiations. It is 2003 all over again
I can see the company "ask" being turned over to the negotiating committee and let the negotiations amongst ourselves begin. Trading one thing for something else of equal value. The bankruptcy court is not controlling these negotiations it is the TWU and the company. Just another extension of strong arm negotiations. It is 2003 all over again
Get ready Chuck, it's that time again. I'm taking notes this time around with dates, and who said what. We'll throw in a DFR if WE have to. What do WE have to lose???? The TWU is NOT going to do a repeat.....I can guarantee you that!!!
The company says our overhaul is too expensive. Has anyone factored in that these costs are from the past and that in the near future we will shed old leases and replace the fleet with new aircraft which will not require the maintenance of our old fleet thus dramatically reducing maintenance costs going forward? They always present the worst case scenario and no one challenges anything! instead lets form another committee!

but who am I to speak
The company says our overhaul is too expensive. Has anyone factored in that these costs are from the past and that in the near future we will shed old leases and replace the fleet with new aircraft which will not require the maintenance of our old fleet thus dramatically reducing maintenance costs going forward? They always present the worst case scenario and no one challenges anything! instead lets form another committee!

but who am I to speak

Keep hearing they want to shed the $25 per hour unskilled jobs.
Most OSM/SRP's are now topped out in pay and not making $9.00 that Bob like to use to average down the payscales.
Most were hired in 1995 and now have 15 years and are topped out.

Stock Clerks also $24-25 per hour.

What is your position if they want to outsource the unskilled jobs to keep the skilled positions in overhaul?
Keep hearing they want to shed the $25 per hour unskilled jobs.
Most OSM/SRP's are now topped out in pay and not making $9.00 that Bob like to use to average down the payscales.
Most were hired in 1995 and now have 15 years and are topped out.

Stock Clerks also $24-25 per hour.

What is your position if they want to outsource the unskilled jobs to keep the skilled positions in overhaul?

I do not support outsourcing any work and have filed grievances on it. Tulsa has now been put in a position that they are not used to. Tulsa is being tested as to how strong of a union body they are. Will Tulsa allow the jobs to be taken away or stand tall. Time will tell. We understand the struggle as we have been through it before. I hope Tulsa proves themselves as they are the bulk of the union.
I do not support outsourcing any work and have filed grievances on it. Tulsa has now been put in a position that they are not used to. Tulsa is being tested as to how strong of a union body they are. Will Tulsa allow the jobs to be taken away or stand tall. Time will tell. We understand the struggle as we have been through it before. I hope Tulsa proves themselves as they are the bulk of the union.

You are going to have a vote just like everyone else Chuck, no need to pretend Tulsa is on a Island by ourselves.

You did not answer my question.

I am not asking if you filed grievances on current contract language. The issue we are faced with is modification of language. Not enforcement of current language.

My question is, what is your position on allowing the unksilled work to be outsourced to save the skilled work?

Do not pretend we have some ability to start some Custards last stand battle here. We do not, and never have had that option.

We are either going to agree to contract changes or the judge is going to give them the changes.

So we have to accept the fact that changes are coming.

Are we going to let them go to the judge and get them, or are we going to try to look for ways to get the best deal possible given our circumstances?

Pensions are done, prefunding is done, and on top of that they want work rule changes and cost reduction.

You do understand this to be true? correct? We are not going to be taking a stand on anything Chuck. We are either going to reach an agreement or they will go to the judge and abbrogate and get those changes and more.

I can ask you the same question, what is your stand on removing maintenance from class 2 stations? You will have a vote as well. We do not have line item veto power. The contract will come as a package as it always does. How can I seperate the issues with one vote?
the fight is before it goes to paper in the contract proposal.

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