You are the elected leader Chuck, tell me what my options are here if they differ than I believe. You think taking a stand now is going to change the outcome? I don't. In fact the view I see of your taking a stand leads to the same damn road, but you can blame someone else, but the outcome is the same.
Nobody in Tulsa is telling us, they are just like the rest of the elected leaders. They would rather not be seen, because they do not want to tell the truth, and some feel guilty walking around telling people only what they want to hear.
There is no leadership in the TWU, not even in New York.
All there are is politicians holding office, sitting back waiting to insure they can blame someone else for where we are.
Ball Less leaders going to sit and watch the profession get decimated as long as they can point the finger at and blame someone else for the destruction.
All the while talking big and bold when the truth is none of that big and bold will ever transpire as long as they are leaders. Yet, even though they know the big and bold is not going to happen, they go home proud every night, because they spoke about the way it should be, not the way it really is.
with this said Dave, you are your own critic with one vote like me and entitled to your opinion. we will see how it pans out.
good luck to you