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TWU negotiations.........what?

Any way you slice it $20/hr is outrageous. Back in 92 I started at 16.48 with NWA. You tell me. Like has mentioned in many articles, this, IMO as well, is where unions have failed the aircraft mech miserably. FXs compensation puts many a union contract to utter shame. (plus a 33 mo step pay-last i heard)Yes, FX does it to one up the unions, but it's still pretty admirable nonetheless. WN is at about 27 or so to start... So, no 20/hr don't get it no mo.
We just "LOST" a mechanic to WN. He started at $26, but in 5 years he will top out. At this time the top is around $46 HR.

Another item of note at WN, in the intergration of WN and AirTran. It is still under negotiations, but I understand the union for WN mechanics is asking for 12 years seniorty over the AirTran mechanics. If there are any WN mechanics reading please update.

I do have a question about FX. How many other than mechanics are in there group for negotiations?
Wow...now there's a post I can agree with you on.

Pardon my skepticism....but I have concerns over two points. 1) from what I've observed out at TULE in the short time I've been there, you guys really think you can make those "old dogs" learn new tricks & break habits formed over decades?(obide by new productivity rules/policy actually enforced) 2) management will have to adapt to a new (firmer/enforcement)style and run that place like a business. TULE is flat out of control. I just don't see it....

This is the reason we're in trouble for OH's future. Those two things will not happen
As the days ahead reveal more troubled times in our wordly happenings think about this:

“Most people, if they would really learn to look into their own hearts, would know that they do want, and want acutely, something that cannot be had in this world.

There are all sorts of things in this world that offer to give it to you, but they never quite keep their promise."

American Airlines, TWU, Politicians, and the Judicial System, and this Bulletin Board. Just to name a few.

Any way you slice it $20/hr is outrageous. Back in 92 I started at 16.48 with NWA. You tell me. Like has mentioned in many articles, this, IMO as well, is where unions have failed the aircraft mech miserably. FXs compensation puts many a union contract to utter shame. (plus a 33 mo step pay-last i heard)Yes, FX does it to one up the unions, but it's still pretty admirable nonetheless. WN is at about 27 or so to start... So, no 20/hr don't get it no mo.

You are correct the unions have failed us. We were always promised that if we were challenged that our association with the AFL/CIO would be a factor in helping in the fight.
We should have and still should join forces with other unions and fight from a position of strength and truly one voice!
Corporate america plays one against each other and has done it very successfully. Divide and conquer is used against us as we preach injustice to one is an injustice to all.
Our careers are going down below the line and this so called highly respected job called an Aircraft Maintenance technician is an embarrasment to say this is how try to support my family.
You are correct the unions have failed us. We were always promised that if we were challenged that our association with the AFL/CIO would be a factor in helping in the fight.
We should have and still should join forces with other unions and fight from a position of strength and truly one voice!
Corporate america plays one against each other and has done it very successfully. Divide and conquer is used against us as we preach injustice to one is an injustice to all.
Our careers are going down below the line and this so called highly respected job called an Aircraft Maintenance technician is an embarrasment to say this is how try to support my family.

Don't know if you folks pay much attention up there at 562 but if you will notice the TWU is already involved in taking action to join forces with other unions affiliated with the oneworld alliance airlines....see below

Oneworld Unions Offer Employers ‘Partnership in Building Alliance Future’
Jul 19 2011
A new body representing workers in oneworld alliance airlines made its first move by offering a constructive partnership between trade unions and management on problem-solving and negotiation.

The One World of Labour Council – which was formed in April by unions affiliated to the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) including the TWU and with members working across the alliance – made the offer in a letter to the CEOs of each of oneworld’s 12 member airlines.

In it, the Council’s coordinator and TWU International Administrative Vice President, John M Conley says:

“I am writing to you to introduce the One World of Labour Council, a global group that comprises trade unions representing workers across the oneworld alliance member airlines.

“The oneworld airlines are operating increasingly as if they have a de facto merger, and this alliance on the part of our employers has caused us to forge even closer working relationships. The One World of Labour Council was established within the International Transport Workers’ Federation, a Global Union Federation of 780 transport trade unions which collectively represent over 4.6 million workers worldwide, to strengthen collaboration, information sharing, joint planning and actions on issues of common concern to our members.

“The Labour Council met recently in Madrid, where its members reaffirmed their commitment to acting in unity and becoming an effective counterpart to the employers in the oneworld alliance.

“We see ourselves as your partners in building a world class oneworld alliance that maintains high standards with regard to safety, customer care and employment conditions, and that strengthens its position through quality service and professionalism rather than by pursuing a futile and destructive strategy of labour cost competition.

“At present, industrial relations are clearly strained in a number of airlines within the oneworld group and our unions have pledged to support each other during these challenging times. Nevertheless, we wish to express our commitment to problem-solving and negotiating in good faith with those among our management counterparts who are wiling to do the same. To this end, the Labour Council would like to invite you and your fellow leaders within oneworld to open channels of communication with us as soon as possible, both at the national and global levels.”

The One World of Labour Council seeks to forge a coordinated approach to labour relations across the alliance airlines and act as a voice for those working within it who might otherwise not be heard. The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) is a global union federation representing 4,668,950 members in 155 countries. Two hundred and seventy five of those unions represent workers in the aviation sector, including cabin crew, pilots, ground staff, baggage handlers and air traffic controllers.
Don't know if you folks pay much attention up there at 562 but if you will notice the TWU is already involved in taking action to join forces with other unions affiliated with the oneworld alliance airlines

Where are they now in our time of need? What is the benefit besides words on paper?

I am referring to airlines in this country. We should never let the lead contract go without all the unions supporting that contract negotiation as it will affect us all. This is what the unions have failed at in this country.

Local 562 has been taking positive efforts by strengthening our relationship with Local 100 NYC (30,000 member plus) attending demonstrations and committee meetings........see below

Special Action at Mass Membership Meeting
Local 100 Pledges Support
For TWU Members at
American Airlines and American Eagle
AMR Corporation, the parent company of both American Airlines and its regional carrier, American Eagle filed for bankruptcy in lower Manhattan on Nov. 28, 2011. Those two carriers employ well over 20,000 TWU airline di¬vision members across America in Fleet Service, Maintenance, Cabin Cleaning, Stores, Flight Dispatch, Mete¬orology and more. Other airlines have used bankruptcy proceedings to decimate collective bargaining agreements, destroy pension and health plans, and slash union jobs especially in overhaul maintenance. Local 100 members took time at the union’s Dec. 3rd mass membership meeting to recognize this threat to our Brothers and Sisters at American and American Eagle by unanimously endorsing a resolution of support.
Prior to presenting the resolution, Local 100 President John Samuelsen said that the bankruptcy filing “is an enor¬mous challenge for our entire TWU International union. It is crucial that we as an organization pull together in a truly unified fashion to meet this attack on TWU members at American and American Eagle.”
Following is the text of that resolution. It was unanimously endorsed at both the A.M. and P.M. membership meet¬ings on Dec. 3, 2011.
Resolution in Support of Our Brothers and Sisters
At American Airlines and American Eagle
TWU Local 100 Mass Membership Meeting
Dec. 3, 2011
WHEREAS, AMR, the parent company of American Airlines and American Eagle, that employs thousands of TWU members throughout America, has declared bankruptcy, and
WHEREAS, such bankruptcy filing endangers the jobs, contracts, pensions and health benefits of these workers and retirees and thousands of others employed by American and American Eagle, and
WHEREAS, all unionized employees at American, including TWU members, the Pilots and Flight Atten-dants, agreed to significant cost savings agreements to keep the carrier out of bankruptcy in recent years, and WHEREAS, TWU has been bargaining in good faith with American for successor agreements for several years without success, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the 38,000 members of TWU Local 100 offer our full support to International President James C. Little and the leadership teams of all American Airlines and American Eagle Locals in this crucial battle for the families of so many thousands of TWU members at these carriers, and be it further RESOLVED, that TWU Local 100 offers the full resources of the Local union in this campaign, and be it furtherRESOLVED, that TWU Local 100 will open its offices in midtown Manhattan for meetings, caucuses, plan-ning sessions or whatever else is requested by our International Union while this battle is being waged at Bankruptcy Court here in New York, and be it finally
RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to International President James C. Little, Air Transport Division Director Garry Drummond, and the officers of all American Airlines and American Eagle/TWU Locals and that a copy of this resolution be posted on the TWU Local 100 website and printed in the TWU Local 100 Transport Workers Bulletin.

what have you done?
Chuck, I see your point. I went back and highlighted a portion of my post in blue for you to read...see post #4536
Don't know if you folks pay much attention up there at 562 but if you will notice the TWU is already involved in taking action to join forces with other unions affiliated with the oneworld alliance airlines....see below

Oneworld Unions Offer Employers ‘Partnership in Building Alliance Future’
Jul 19 2011
A new body representing workers in oneworld alliance airlines made its first move by offering a constructive partnership between trade unions and management on problem-solving and negotiation.

The One World of Labour Council – which was formed in April by unions affiliated to the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) including the TWU and with members working across the alliance – made the offer in a letter to the CEOs of each of oneworld’s 12 member airlines.

In it, the Council’s coordinator and TWU International Administrative Vice President, John M Conley says:

“I am writing to you to introduce the One World of Labour Council, a global group that comprises trade unions representing workers across the oneworld alliance member airlines.

“The oneworld airlines are operating increasingly as if they have a de facto merger, and this alliance on the part of our employers has caused us to forge even closer working relationships. The One World of Labour Council was established within the International Transport Workers’ Federation, a Global Union Federation of 780 transport trade unions which collectively represent over 4.6 million workers worldwide, to strengthen collaboration, information sharing, joint planning and actions on issues of common concern to our members.

“The Labour Council met recently in Madrid, where its members reaffirmed their commitment to acting in unity and becoming an effective counterpart to the employers in the oneworld alliance.

“We see ourselves as your partners in building a world class oneworld alliance that maintains high standards with regard to safety, customer care and employment conditions, and that strengthens its position through quality service and professionalism rather than by pursuing a futile and destructive strategy of labour cost competition.

“At present, industrial relations are clearly strained in a number of airlines within the oneworld group and our unions have pledged to support each other during these challenging times. Nevertheless, we wish to express our commitment to problem-solving and negotiating in good faith with those among our management counterparts who are wiling to do the same. To this end, the Labour Council would like to invite you and your fellow leaders within oneworld to open channels of communication with us as soon as possible, both at the national and global levels.”

The One World of Labour Council seeks to forge a coordinated approach to labour relations across the alliance airlines and act as a voice for those working within it who might otherwise not be heard. The ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) is a global union federation representing 4,668,950 members in 155 countries. Two hundred and seventy five of those unions represent workers in the aviation sector, including cabin crew, pilots, ground staff, baggage handlers and air traffic controllers.
Trade Union, isn't that a Craft Union?
Chuck, I see your point. I went back and highlighted a portion of my post in blue for you to read...see post #4536

The One World of Labour Council was established within the International Transport Workers’ Federation, a Global Union Federation of 780 transport trade unions which collectively represent over 4.6 million workers worldwide, to strengthen collaboration, information sharing, joint planning and actions on issues of common concern to our members.

What has this alliance and the 4.6 million provided us in support of our strife? better yet results?

My members have spoken to me loud and clear they have heard enough fluff. I am just the messenger.
The One World of Labour Council was established within the International Transport Workers’ Federation, a Global Union Federation of 780 transport trade unions which collectively represent over 4.6 million workers worldwide, to strengthen collaboration, information sharing, joint planning and actions on issues of common concern to our members.

What has this alliance and the 4.6 million provided us in support of our strife? better yet results?

My members have spoken to me loud and clear they have heard enough fluff.

Well if you will read it you will see that the alliance was formed in April of this year, so it was formed about 6 months ago. Will it be of any value to our forthcoming strife? I don't know Chuck. All I know is you were complaining that the unions should join forces and I thought I would let you know that it was already in the works...
Well if you will read it you will see that the alliance was formed in April of this year, so it was formed about 6 months ago. Will it be of any value to our forthcoming strife? I don't know Chuck. But you were complaining that the unions should join forces and I thought I would let you know that it was already in the works...

unfortunately, we have heard that way to often "it's in the works" and then ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ....nothing.
how do you explain the non-existant AFL/CIO in our strife? wasn't that formed many years ago? oh that's right "it's in the works"!
you know I am really getting tired of not knowing who I am debating with this far into the game. With someone with so much to say you hide in alias. How can anyone be taken seiously without transparency.
HSS, you know exactly what I am referring to. The membership does not care about a World Trade Union. At this time in their careers they are concerned with their livelyhoods and their famlies. Will they have jobs when this bankruptcy is over? What will world social unionism do to help them? Are you are to busy with the Occupy Wall Street movement to tend the needs of the members. Can the AFL-CIO, TWU convince AMR to keep them employeed and get a contract. Why don't you and the TWU let the memebrship know what the unions plans are? The membership has been in the dark for way to long. Is Jim Little going to fight like hell in the press only?

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