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TWU negotiations.........what?

Well dude for someone who has 35 yrs in the industry you are still clueless. Keep sucking the TWu teet . I was AMFA and yes I got kicked to the street. I had 17 yrs at the time. But we fought for the whole industry not just us. Guess what I walked across the street in Memphis to FedEx I have coming up on 6 years now and I make 46.26 an hr. How much do you make under the TWu? At least I know my salary is a direct result of the hard work we did at NW under AMFA regardless of outcome. The other airlines made a race to the bottom after our union was busted but UPS, SWA and FDX kept those top wages and in fact the A@P's at FX are getting another 1.40 raise on their license in Jan. Keep hanging on to those TWu dreams.

I would say your pay has more to do with the company you work at, rather then AMFA. UAL had AMFA and they make less then us (right now) I believe FedEx is non union and UPS has IBT. As I understand it the UAL mechs aren't happy with the IBT either. But thanks to the NWA AMFA mechs for leading the way for our pay raise back then.
I was actually okay with the $39.85 I was going to make on midnights in the July 2010 TA, keeping my retiree medical, and pension.

Why are these new people not hiring on with UPS and WN at $40 plus? Hmmmm...

Preaching to the choir brother. The vote NO "geniuses" think they were protecting the profession by saving pre-funding for a health care system we have no idea what it will look like 15 years from now. Why these guys stay at a company they think is stealing from them is any one's guess.
What choice will we have if our contract is so inferior that I can't provide for my family! We are all struggling in the high cost areas and I don't mean that things are tight, I mean, I can not pay my basic bills and I do not want to work at american Airlines till I am 70. We gave concessions year after year we were told to protect our pay and benefits and in the end they want it all and then some! we protected nothing. If the creditors committee and the judge thinks that taking away our last bit of security is going to save the company think again it will do the opposite. Then their decisions will be what brought american down not the mechanics.

It's cute how you think the BK judge will think about protecting the employees.
Fool Thinking

All it takes is a simple change in SCOPE and Daily Flight Formulas and more Line AMT's will be looking for work than Overhaul AMT's

You should consider coming out of your chimera and get back to reality.

Ya I'm sure AA will do away with their line operations, becasue that's what USair, UAL, Delta, and NWA did in BK. Wait a second, they kept their line operations and did away with their OH operations. Quite being so emotional, there is a big s##t sandwich coming that we are all taking a bite out of.

That said, dollars to donuts AA keeps TULE open as AA. But there will be work rule changes. My prediction.
They all make what, $25 top out. You get $46 hourly of the backs of your other AMT brothers and sisters. How's that feel?

And you were willing to sell out for your CC pay and keep your Retiree medical on the backs of your current under 50 coworkers and pension on the backs of your future coworkers. You were willing to add more guys who start at just over minimum wage and top out at less than TIMCO wages after 10 years.

By the way did Fed Ex ever do that work in house or did they always outsource it. IIRC Lineguy and his coworkers went on strike to keep that work in house at NWA, done by A&Ps at A&P wages. You are willing to create a permanaent underclass within our contract as long as you get yours yet you try and bash guys like Lineguy?? Are you for real??

The companys proposal at NWA was to cut the pay and outsource the work, the majority of workers would have had to vote away their own jobs. Are you saying that if AA had proposed the same thing that the majority of our guys would have voted to close OH, half the stations, and take a pay cut? NWA reduced capacity by 20% overnight, that also lead to the loss of jobs, just as we have lost over 35% of the jobs at AA. You keep bringing up the NWA Strike as if we or any other Union group somehow could have had a different outcome. So tell us, presented with the same offer, outsource more than half the jobs and cut the pay how would you have voted?

$25/hr. What do our OSMs top out at?

Keep on typing OS, with every keystroke your true charecter becomes clerarer and clearer.
Hmm, did you say something about "I got mine"? Sure you would have kept your retiree medical, for the time being (would you expect us to fight for your retiree medical in BK after we lost ours?) but the rest of us would have lost all our prefunding and the new hires would not have the same pension, they would have the smallest contribution in the industry and it would be capped at 2080 hours instead of all hours.

By the way didnt a member of management in DFW quit AA to get hired as a mechanic at SWA recently?

How well are we going to do in BK, and now without the threat of any self help we have no power at the bargaining table.
How well are we going to do in BK, and now without the threat of any self help we have no power at the bargaining table.
Who says there's no threat of Self Help?

In AFA vs NWA the Judge did not say that they could not ever strike, he said the injunction was legal and they had to follow the Section 6 process before they could strike, which we already did.
Who says there's no threat of Self Help?

In AFA vs NWA the Judge did not say that they could not ever strike, he said the injunction was legal and they had to follow the Section 6 process before they could strike, which we already did.

Are you saying we can strike if we don't like the ch11 contract?

Which i consider a bad idea.
And you were willing to sell out for your CC pay and keep your Retiree medical on the backs of your current under 50 coworkers and pension on the backs of your future coworkers. You were willing to add more guys who start at just over minimum wage and top out at less than TIMCO wages after 10 years.

By the way did Fed Ex ever do that work in house or did they always outsource it. IIRC Lineguy and his coworkers went on strike to keep that work in house at NWA, done by A&Ps at A&P wages. You are willing to create a permanaent underclass within our contract as long as you get yours yet you try and bash guys like Lineguy?? Are you for real??

The companys proposal at NWA was to cut the pay and outsource the work, the majority of workers would have had to vote away their own jobs. Are you saying that if AA had proposed the same thing that the majority of our guys would have voted to close OH, half the stations, and take a pay cut? NWA reduced capacity by 20% overnight, that also lead to the loss of jobs, just as we have lost over 35% of the jobs at AA. You keep bringing up the NWA Strike as if we or any other Union group somehow could have had a different outcome. So tell us, presented with the same offer, outsource more than half the jobs and cut the pay how would you have voted?

$25/hr. What do our OSMs top out at?

Keep on typing OS, with every keystroke your true charecter becomes clerarer and clearer.

1) You still lie. Retiree medical did not go away. The funding option changed. Instead if a trust you now paid for it with SK time like WN. That question has been answered a hundred times but you still misinform. Guess what, the pension is going to change for everyone in BK court. Wow, we won by voting that deal down but we won on principle. Bob Owens you are "winning".

2) No FDX never did that work in house but Flying Tigers did before they bought them. The TWU did not pave the way for an "underclass" as you call it. US, NWA, WN, CO, DL, AS, JetBlue, and AirTrans led the way on that. The TWU has been bucking a trend and had a deal on the table to preserve that and you recommended a "no" vote because you were going to get us a better deal with the "ammo" you had in the "strike gun". Horton and the BK process just took away your gun and ammo.

3) Never said we would have done better. NWA was on a destructive path for a long time.

4) OSMs don't make top $25 but hey can't they transfer in to the first possible opening to AMT that would have made top $37? Wouldn't they carry the Title I seniority in to AMT? Yes.

I will keep typing...if you mean having the character to not lie and distort. Yep, that's me.
What choice will we have if our contract is so inferior that I can't provide for my family! We are all struggling in the high cost areas and I don't mean that things are tight, I mean, I can not pay my basic bills and I do not want to work at american Airlines till I am 70. We gave concessions year after year we were told to protect our pay and benefits and in the end they want it all and then some! we protected nothing. If the creditors committee and the judge thinks that taking away our last bit of security is going to save the company think again it will do the opposite. Then their decisions will be what brought american down not the mechanics.

"A dream is a wish your heart makes..."
So out of 4,500 AMTs at NWA how many got jobs at WN, FDX, and UPS? All? Half? A Quarter? 10? Yeah, a lot of people took the hit. You guys won! Hooray! You know who won? OV. He got a big ass annuity of over $500K when he left in 2008 after all the thousands of NWA, AS, and UA jobs were lost.

OV says, "Winning!"

I am glad you got another job though. And AMFA had nothing to do with it. It's FDX management scared and trying to keep a union off the property just like DL. How many AMTs do you have per aircraft making that kind of money? Is it near 8,000 for 400 aircraft? Uh, no. That's because your overhaul is outsourced to Aeroframe, AAR, Goodrich, ST Aero, and TIMCO. They all make what, $25 top out. You get $46 hourly of the backs of your other AMT brothers and sisters. How's that feel? You are now in the AMT 1% Club.

Really Overspeed, who's at fault. The guys working at these overhaul sweatshops have only themselves to blame for their pay and benefits. Many of these MRO workers don't have licenses, some were rejected by, or fired from a major airline.
Then there are those - that like the locations of the MROs, and want to live there.

Who can blame a guy for going to a company that pays well, with decent benefits like UPS, Fed EX, and SWA?
There are 7 hangars with 22 docks in Tule. The dock plans, which are flexible, are full for the next 2 years and Timco can only handle 1 757 at a time. Care to inform everyone as to where all this work will be performed?

You're correct, nothing ever changes in the airline industry. <_<
4) OSMs don't make top $25 but hey can't they transfer in to the first possible opening to AMT that would have made top $37? Wouldn't they carry the Title I seniority in to AMT? Yes.

Didn't you read the contract? Top out on base for the masses would have been $33.01 + change for weekend coverage and mids.

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