TWU negotiations.........what?

I have news for you...The TWU OWNS the contract.....The locals as well as the negotiating committee will be told to sit in the corner with their lawyers and not to speak until spoken to. The TWU is the one that will have the day in court, NOT the locals...NOT their lawyers....They may, as you said, "OVERSEE" the process, but that's it...

Little and company have now taken control of the process as well as negotiations......From my source, who happens to be one of the TWU elite making well over $160,000 a year, that this is the way it will go and Little and Drummond have had enough of Owens and his supporters on the negotationg committee.

The TWU is still the bargaining agent for ALL represented employees....Not one for OH and one for the line.

I like it, the more Little and his international tools continue on their path of arrogance over the membership ,the sooner their exit will be.
Little and company have now taken control of the process as well as negotiations......From my source, who happens to be one of the TWU elite making well over $160,000 a year, that this is the way it will go and Little and Drummond have had enough of Owens and his supporters on the negotationg committee.

The little Teflon coated dictator has been in charge since Aug 2010 while "observer Owens" was relegated to the corner. No matter how they spin it, the internAAional owns the lack of progress for the last 15 months and our loss of income from BK.
The little Teflon coated dictator has been in charge since Aug 2010 while "observer Owens" was relegated to the corner. No matter how they spin it, the internAAional owns the lack of progress for the last 15 months and our loss of income from BK.
still want to blame the intl. .They let us do what most of you guys wanted and stayed out of it
still want to blame the intl. .They let us do what most of you guys wanted and stayed out of it

Can you produce proof of this claim? Or did this come from a behind closed door worship session of the appointed congregation?

I have said all along that voting NO was not going to produce a better agreement. And now that has become fact.

But your clamis are not substantiated and are nothing more than typical TWU rhetoric.

Who or what in this Union Structure do you feel has the responsilibity to represent our interest? If the outcome was the opposite the International would sure as hell be taking credit.

When this exact crap was happening at Northwest, you and others blamed AMFA, now that is happening to us, you defend the TWU and place blame on the membership.

Can you spell

Read my post again. Which part do you deem inaccurate?

R U really sticking up for the international? It makes me sick to see how much in pay these bumkins are rewarding themselves with. There is no shame from these greedy bastards.
To All,
Well the house cleaning has begun which may help AA overall. But what I wanted to speak to was the lack of interest or comments on my last post. Granted it was personal speculation on my part but the ecessive focus on Bob and his work is disturbing. My name is Steve Goeyvaerts I have worked for 26 years at AA, 3 years OH at Aircal and 23 years LM at AA, I have also been in several union positions first as a steward in 505 and as station chairman and vice chariman e-board in SJC and SFO. I have been in these union positions not because I believe in the TWU but because I distrust them to represent our members in M&E, back in the early 90's when I found a bylaw in the international constitution that allows for separate contracts and neg., I circulated a petition and had about 4000 signatures returned to me. This upset the international,the President and Vice President of 505 at the time Al Mayes and John Connaly gave my home number to the international and consequentely I recieved threatening calls form both Kozatiek brothers. I also attended ORD's meeeting in the early 90's at the hotel I was stayiing at and asked Mr. Little some questions he did not care to answer this resulted in him and one of the officers in ORD threatening to kick my Axx, so as you can see I am not a union shill.
That being said and to my point about my last post that was so disinteresting, was it because it was just my speculation, maybe or was it because it hits to close to the mark, maybe. Also I know there are TWU sponsors and AA managers on this board who are intent on causing disruption to the real information on this board and they are unwilling to give their identity's.
So where are we at now well the TWU has acquired a seat on the panel thats good except for the fact that the internationals interest of keeping as many dues payers no matter what we make on the payroll as possible is not in all of our best interest we have given up enough. I hope that the international realizes that AA will downsize M&E regardless of any more concessions we give to them before the judge makes a ruling. But that being said if the TWU international has any say in this we are screwed, they will give up even more.
Now all you Bob Owens haters you need to show your identity or backoff he is one of the only ones who will put out his opinions and issues without hiding behind an alias. He may not have a degree but he has far more knowledge about how the international and the company is using us to get what they want. I may not always agree with him but at least he is on our side and trying unlike most of you on here. Also I am under no delusions that my station SFO will exist after all is said and done but I will still be somewhere, good luck to us all.
Steve Goeyvaerts
sen. 7-24-85
To All,
Now all you Bob Owens haters you need to show your identity or backoff he is one of the only ones who will put out his opinions and issues without hiding behind an alias. He may not have a degree but he has far more knowledge about how the international and the company is using us to get what they want. I may not always agree with him but at least he is on our side and trying unlike most of you on here. Also I am under no delusions that my station SFO will exist after all is said and done but I will still be somewhere, good luck to us all.
Steve Goeyvaerts
sen. 7-24-85

My right to disagree with Bob Owens' does not make me a hater. I have great respect for Bob and actually wish more of what he believes in and has tried would have been correct instead of wrong. Given the current structure of the TWU, Bob is like a round peg trying to fit in a square hole. Does that mean I hate him? NO.

I have never understood the theory wthin this profession that if we have disagreement we therfore hate.

This is patently wrong,

Open debate and disagreement is what freedom is founded upon. It is only because of the TWU's founding history and the TWU Structure that we tend to dismiss or try to shut out opposition thinking and verbalization. A perfect example is the name calling I have endured on this bulletin board since voting YES on the T/A and continously presenting the arguement that with the TWU structure and history we will fair no better. That said, one thiing I can assure you of is that I do NOT hate Bob.

I will continue to express my views even if they are in disagreement with Bob Owens, and I fully expect the same from him, you and others here.

Now the line stations hire attorneys...for what? Even after being told in court once that the dictatorship of the TWU is authorized in the Constitution, we are going to once again run to the judicial system for more lessons. OK Good luck with that. How many times must one be given the facts before they either accept them or make the change needed to avoid them? Eventually we will stop blaming, look in the mirror and see that we have placed ourselves in these situations by not removing ourselves from the problem. They should just call ALL AA AMT's professional battered wife syndrome examples, because that is what we are.
Recalculating. Forwarding to Paul1.

First I'm not a bob owens hater. I'm thankful that over the years he has come on this board, let us know what is going on. If you look at any of are bulletin boards or website you would have never know we are in BK. Since my local seem to not want to put any info out there

I have also stated alot of guys complained that the intl. was going to ram a contract down our throats because they own it.Well that never happened and from what I see never was close to happening.

Yes some of the info that Bob puts out I don't totaly agree with,but so be it. Some of I think is completely wrong esp. the losing of 500 guys a year. Yes I'm worried about what the intl. is planning to give up to keep the OH bases comepletely in tact. We are all going to be giving up alot already. Just the the cost of lossing retire medical, what is the cost value of that . Ontop of what we gave up in 2003.So AA could pay leases on thingswe never used any more.

Hopefully what jim has said about the last t/a's being the base for moving forward in BK is correct

One would think "supply & demand" would rule, not in this industry. Unless of course, you happen to work for UP, FX or WN(all healthy profitable carriers)=good contracts.

I can see it now, "nobody wanted to do the work anyway...therefore we offshored it".
Complete the sentence!!....." we couldn't find enough mechanics to do the maintenance for the wages we offered, therefore we had to move it offshore..."
I have also stated alot of guys complained that the intl. was going to ram a contract down our throats because they own it.Well that never happened and from what I see never was close to happening.
If you mean that the internAAtional has never bypassed the memberships approval on a new t/a through a ballot initiative you are correct but some would consider ballot stuffers and officer campaigns as coming real close. BTW, I still contend that Little was in charge since the t/a's failure and if there ever should have been a sense of urgency to bring another t/a before the membership, it would have been well before 15 months transpired. The compAAny dropped SMA's, expanded weekend coverage on bases, and their dock personnel shuffling agenda. I believe the t/a would have passed last summer regardless of the "no vote" coalition. This was my opinion long before the BK filing.
And there is not enough interest to vote the TWU out or someone else would have already been in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is where you are wrong, their is a very high interest, it is the fear that gets in the way.

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