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TWU negotiations.........what?

Thank you for the very kind invitation, however I have worn out my welcome there and have no reason to attend. I wait in anticipation for the local communication via the internet. They are quite informative, thanks Mr. Ball. Besides our politics kinda clash. The TWU uses my dues for purposes I deem unfit, but that is another story.

Sorry to hear you feel that way about your personal presence at our meetings but at least you show interest due to your eagerness to receive local communication via the internet. Perhaps you'll have a change of heart in the future and attend a few meetings...
How many times in this short announcment does the term "TWU" get seperated from the Local or the Membership.
This makes it clear, there are three seperate institutions on the property. The "TWU", the "TWU Locals" and the "TWU Members"
I especially like the "TWU has and will expend considerable resources protecting the interests of our members." Hmm, wonder who provided those resources to the TWU?
The "stand up critic" has spoken....lol

I am the TWU and don't need a shirt to prove it, just as any member who has taken the membership pledge, they too are the TWU and I actually agree with the entire topic. Perhaps this is the politically correct version of the TWU (again that would be me) telling the rogue stand up critics to "sit in the truck" :lol:

I see you have been trained well.
Anyone in this Union that has any opinion other than the TWU is the greatest and everything is perfect is out of order or told to sit in the truck.

I will gladly sit in the truck before I will ever become a blindly led stooge in denial of complete failure even when it hits you in the face.

And even though you are still working under an 8 year plus concession agreement that was signed "without further ratification" you profess to be the TWU.

Name Calling and Humor will never change the truth no matter how many times you use the same punch line.

TWU wants the TWU locals at American and American Eagle to have a role in this process, to assist TWU as assigned by the International in accord with the TWU Constitution;

Greatest sentence ever written right there.

From the Truck.... No Kool-Aid Allowed
TWU will not, however, provide assistance to locals who wish to spend more money to hire their own additional bankruptcy counsel. TWU is already providing such counsel for all of its members. Though TWU will not stand in the way of a local hiring its own counsel for advice and commentary on the process--so long as it does so in compliance with its local by-laws, and so long as the financial expense does not raise questions of fiduciary responsibility--we believe it wasteful and confusing and urge locals not to be involved in such extravagant efforts.
So what they are saying is that if you do right by your members you will be threatened under the fiduciary responsibility part, because they consider it wasteful. Is this real, or some fake stuff put out by AMP? Anyone have a copy of this, because these guys here are going to be seriously POed from this.
So what they are saying is that if you do right by your members you will be threatened under the fiduciary responsibility part, because they consider it wasteful. Is this real, or some fake stuff put out by AMP? Anyone have a copy of this, because these guys here are going to be seriously POed from this.

its on 514 website

So what they are saying is that if you do right by your members you will be threatened under the fiduciary responsibility part, because they consider it wasteful. Is this real, or some fake stuff put out by AMP? Anyone have a copy of this, because these guys here are going to be seriously POed from this.


Locals doing this do so because they don't trust the international. And why should they? Look at Local 562 out of NY. Bob Owens and Chuck Schalk were both ELECTED officers in that Local but they did the unthinkable of all unthinkable actions... they informed their membership! This pissed off the international and a Kangaroo Court was formed and these true union men were removed from office by the international. They were barred from running for office for 5 years. % years went by and they were re-elected into office by the membership.

AMP is not putting out any fake stuff because that is not how AMP is formed/created. AMP will hold itself accountable. Not like the twu international. Just look at Bobby Gless fearing to answer a simple question from a member of Local 562. Rather sad for a guy making three times what we make. What is even sadder is that we don't even get an opportunity to vote for this guy!
So what they are saying is that if you do right by your members you will be threatened under the fiduciary responsibility part, because they consider it wasteful. Is this real, or some fake stuff put out by AMP? Anyone have a copy of this, because these guys here are going to be seriously POed from this.
TWU informer, on 08 December 2011 - 04:31 PM, said:

How many times in this short announcment does the term "TWU" get seperated from the Local or the Membership.
This makes it clear, there are three seperate institutions on the property. The "TWU", the "TWU Locals" and the "TWU Members"

I especially like the "TWU has and will expend considerable resources protecting the interests of our members." Hmm, wonder who provided those resources to the TWU?

Why bring AMP into this? If you have any questions go to your locals web site. If they are not putting out info, then you can try the TWU International or as a last resort TWU Local 514.

One other thing, the considerable resources belong in the category of "your money".
Why bring AMP into this? If you have any questions go to your locals web site. If they are not putting out info, then you can try the TWU International or as a last resort TWU Local 514.

One other thing, the considerable resources belong in the category of "your money".

No disrespect to AMP, and fake may not have been a good word to use. Just couldn't believe the TWU would write what they think of the locals and send it out to the masses.
et us tackle the difficult months that now face us in unity and solidarity and, when the ordeal is over, perhaps this experience of working together will have opened the way to a newly vitalized and strengthened union. In solidarity
This idiot talks about unity and working together. That is real easy when the people you represent earn a third of what you do. Id love to see this whole place go tits up just to put a dent in the ATD collection process. Reality what a concept
No disrespect to AMP, and fake may not have been a good word to use. Just couldn't believe the TWU would write what they think of the locals and send it out to the masses.
I understand.

The TWU has had what they think written for a long time in the view of the membership, it is just that the membership is no longer interested in doing anything to counter. Those that do want to see change are scared to death and when there is nothing you can do about it you lash out, but are automatically slapped down by the very entity that you pay to represent you. One thing I am sure of that I have learned from the TWU is that Industrialized Unionism rules and Craft and Class is their enemy. I guess it could be referred to Socialism.

I am not exactly sure why, but one member had enough of whatever it is that was bothering him today in Tulsa and resign or retired, not sure yet, but he did not go quietly. We will just have to wait for the facts as to why he too it out on his Supervisor and got arrested. I hope it was not related to the Bankruptcy or going so long living in the limbo of negotiations, but fuses are becoming short and the bankruptcy has just started, but the negotiations continue. What is it Bob, 1000+ days and counting?
Thanks and Wow

Here is the full text of the letter...

AA/AE Bankruptcy, TWU has and will expend considerable resources protecting the interests of our members.
December 8, 2011
Some questions apparently have arisen regarding your representations by TWU in American Airlines/American Eagle bankruptcy proceedings. I wish to respond and make our Union’s position very clear: as your collective bargaining representative under the Railway Labor Act, TWU is the sole representative in Bankruptcy Court for representing the interests of TWU members and protecting, as best as possible, their collectively bargained rights and rates of pay benefits and working conditions.

TWU wants the TWU locals at American and American Eagle to have a role in this process, to assist TWU as assigned by the International in accord with the TWU Constitution; however, we will lend no comfort or assistance to any effort to undermine the need for TWU to speak with a single, united voice in court. To effectively deal with the extraordinary demands of the AA/AE bankruptcy situation, TWU has assembled an expert professional team, including experienced bankruptcy counsel who has represented unions in major airline bankruptcies. In order to best represent TWU members’ interests in the process, TWU will view each issue from a variety of different perspectives including those provided by our locals, and by the professionals who have different areas of experience and expertise. Once we take a position on a given issue, though, it is vital that TWU speak with one voice to the Bankruptcy Court. To proceed differently would be to significantly diminish effectiveness of our union voice.

TWU has and will expend considerable resources protecting the interests of our members. TWU will not, however, provide assistance to locals who wish to spend more money to hire their own additional bankruptcy counsel. TWU is already providing such counsel for all of its members. Though TWU will not stand in the way of a local hiring its own counsel for advice and commentary on the process– so long as it does so in compliance with its local by-laws, and so long as the financial expense does not raise questions of fiduciary responsibility–we believe it wasteful and confusing and urge locals not to be involved in such extravagant efforts.

The bankruptcy process that we are all about to undergo is too critical to each and every TWU member who works for American Airlines or American Eagle to allow it to become the play-thing of politics as usual. We must not allow internal union politics to undermine our ability to address the issues that we will be facing in Bankruptcy Court over the next months. Let us tackle the difficult months that now face us in unity and solidarity and, when the ordeal is over, perhaps this experience of working together will have opened the way to a newly vitalized and strengthened union. In solidarity,

James C. Little, International President
Harry Lombardo, Int’l Exec. Vice President
Joseph C. Gordon, Int’l Secretary-Treasurer
Gary E. Maslanka Int’l Administrative VP
Jeffrey L. Brooks, Sr. Int’l Administrative VP

Locals doing this do so because they don't trust the international. And why should they? Look at Local 562 out of NY. Bob Owens and Chuck Schalk were both ELECTED officers in that Local but they did the unthinkable of all unthinkable actions... they informed their membership! This pissed off the international and a Kangaroo Court was formed and these true union men were removed from office by the international. They were barred from running for office for 5 years. % years went by and they were re-elected into office by the membership.

AMP is not putting out any fake stuff because that is not how AMP is formed/created. AMP will hold itself accountable. Not like the twu international. Just look at Bobby Gless fearing to answer a simple question from a member of Local 562. Rather sad for a guy making three times what we make. What is even sadder is that we don't even get an opportunity to vote for this guy!
AMP is not putting anything out because they are defunked. Like I said in a early post the TWU is still here, because there is not enough interest in getting rid of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!Like some posted, its stats quo in tulsa and pretty much the same on the line , But I'm sure that is going to change any day now. Are locals had a chance , but all they wanted to do was get released so AA would buckle in the 11th hour or was it the 24th hour. Gald we turned down the contract to save retiring medical ( with changes in health care laws who knows how that would play out) and I won't bother to mention the other sticking points.

The Intl. let us play it out

And now what measure is the TWU going through to save all ther due paying members. Whats it going to cost the guys that are left (if any)

An who are we going to blame next, in maint. we blamed fleet for years cann't blame then anymore, now start blaming the support shops then start blaming the bases . then the guys that work the terminal can blame the hangar guys.
For now...wait till you guys are dropped down to market rates for the area and your beloved TWU can't do anything about it!!
what are market rates for mro's. On the line if united votes in there t/a on the 29th are base pay will be the lowest with only USair behind us.

Rogallo who do you work for? AA

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