If both presidents want to impose a fee or tax on a deregulated industry, is that not a regulatory move?
Sure, heavy taxes may appear to be a form of regulation, but I don't want to see a return of CAB-style regulation. I've read other posts of yours where you advocate a return of some form of regulation. IMO, no government employee should ever have power over an airline to control where they fly, how much (or little) they can charge, etc. Competition creates winners and losers. Great for the winners and yes, it sucks to be on the losing team.
My diatribe about both Presidents and Congress was to illustrate the ignorance among many who believe that excise taxes (like the various taxes imposed on airline tickets) are merely passed on by the airlines to the customers and don't impair the airlines' ability to make money. I've long believed that these taxes are essentially imposed on the airlines, hindering their ability to make money. Passengers are willing to spend $X amount of money on their ticket and it matters not whether 10% of the total price goes to various government agencies or whether 90% of their ticket price is handed over to government agencies. All that matters when someone decides to travel is the all-in price. And the higher those taxes and fees have become, the worse off airline employees have become. There may not be absolute causation, but even the blind can see the correlation.