In the first paragraph you say switching to a Defined Contribution plan cost more in the short term.
Then in the last sentence you say just the opposite, that they are going after the DB for short term benefit of their pockets.
Which is it? I am having trouble following you again. I understand the scam and stealing part in the middle of your post. But the beginning and end contradict each other badly.
Its Both. The costs would go up but the liability goes down. Shedding Retiree Medical is in that summation as well, should have been clearer. Although they would have to lay out more cash now with a DB pension the fact that they would no longer have to prefund would save them a couple of million a year plus the $57 million windfall from confiscating the matching fund (M&R) along with being able to eliminate the liability for Retiree Medical off their books, the liability for the pension would shrink once workers start going on to the DC pension plan and older workers retire. AA said they were interested in an Early out offer, well once workers retire the liability is off AAs books, that would help their numbers as well.