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TWU negotiations.........what?

Just wondering, Does AA add all money spent in the unlimited overtime in their "highest labor cost" in the industry?
Is any non-union employees also part of the equation (schedulers, low level management, etc...)?
If I was told the truth some time ago, Arpey and down on the food chain is included in "labor cost".

That may or may not be correct.
Tim you are right. However your post made me blow a snot bubble with "keep the union as accountable as you can". I`m guessing you don`t know about the TWU. "Accountable" is not in their vocabulary!!!
The TWU is going to be packaging something up. Mark my words. They will sell the garbage as a "Take this now to keep it out of the hands of a bankruptcy Judge". I'm hear to tell you that that will be BULLCRAP! Every station needs to have some breakroom warriors informing the membership that concessions 'prior to bankruptcy' has ONLY meant further concessions in bankruptcy. You are going to go bankrupt so let the pilots give and give more if they want to play games. The blue collar folks need to keep on to what little they already have. The day with a Judge is coming anyways, and even then, DON"T fall for the WALL STREET Scam that the unions, Judges, and punk CEO's try to shove at you that you have no choice. I've seen the wages and benefits of the AMR blue collar folks and they are among the cheapest in the industry and can probably even qualify as 'cheap labor'. Hold on to your salaries and benefits and OCCUPY AMR.

We have to change the way these punk unions do business [insert IAM, TWU, IBT here]. All of them have been occupied by white collar folks.

While I was the Director of Organizing for the IAM 141, we organized 17,000 workers over the only two campaigns I was responsible for. Now, we are focused on getting rid of the bum leaders at the District and INTL. I recommend that the TWU folks at AMR tie in with some of the bus drivers and do likewise because your labor representative and my labor representative are pimping out the union [insert the masses here] to Mr Man.


Tim Nelson
The IAM was NOT worth a dime in the TWA merger with AA. I saw TIM with the AirTran folks and then after they voted in IAM they got dropped like a HOT POTATOE. IAM SUX!!!!!
Fleet and AA are meeting today (with the mediator) to hammer out a deal. A deal has already been reached and will be presented to the membership for a vote. It will be offered as the final offer and bankruptcy if rejected. The offer will be worse than any offered so far and will have so many concessions that the company and TWU will seem as though they are the bankruptcy judge. But, it will pass and the bitching and divided membership will last another four years. Take it to the bank!!
The IAM was NOT worth a dime in the TWA merger with AA. I saw TIM with the AirTran folks and then after they voted in IAM they got dropped like a HOT POTATOE. IAM SUX!!!!!
Gizmo, reread my post, I was not advocating the IAM over any union on this post, simply making a statement that all the unions need to be made more accountable. Certainly, it makes absolutely no sense for the TWU to give concessions now since those concessions won't keep the blue collar folks from bankruptcy and then giving more based on a lower bar.


Fleet and AA are meeting today (with the mediator) to hammer out a deal. A deal has already been reached and will be presented to the membership for a vote. It will be offered as the final offer and bankruptcy if rejected. The offer will be worse than any offered so far and will have so many concessions that the company and TWU will seem as though they are the bankruptcy judge. But, it will pass and the bitching and divided membership will last another four years. Take it to the bank!!
I certainly hope that isn't the case. Fleet isn't the reason for bankruptcy in any case. Hopefully, fleet won't be the first group to cave in before bankruptcy, only to give more in bankruptcy. I do agree that the TWU sounds like the company mouthpiece. The IAM also speaks like management also btw.


Tim Nelson
Fleet and AA are meeting today (with the mediator) to hammer out a deal. A deal has already been reached and will be presented to the membership for a vote. It will be offered as the final offer and bankruptcy if rejected. The offer will be worse than any offered so far and will have so many concessions that the company and TWU will seem as though they are the bankruptcy judge. But, it will pass and the bitching and divided membership will last another four years. Take it to the bank!!

I don't see this on any TWU Negotiations Updates available. Where did you get this information?
I don't see this on any TWU Negotiations Updates available. Where did you get this information?

Just check your local paper today informer. I wouldn't lie! 🙄

If you can't wait:

"Brothers and Sisters,

A Tentative Agreement has been reached by TWU Title III and American Airlines. Details will be released in the near future." 😀


TWU Local 513 Officers, Executive Board and Representatives
They got the ASM cap, retiree medical, Fueling, Dayline Cabin and some other items.

Supposedly it's 6% over 4 years with a $2,500.00 lump sum payment.

Funny how they hammered this out in one eight hour session after dinking around for the past few years.

"Final Proposal" is how the company presented it.

Looks like the company got everything they wanted.
I don't see this on any TWU Negotiations Updates available. Where did you get this information?
It's pretty sad when a herd of docile sheeple invest 2 base hours of pay a month for not so much as a courtesy update on negotiations and then accept being told to be patient and stay informed in the same breath.
I don't see this on any TWU Negotiations Updates available. Where did you get this information?
nothing on TWU WEBSITE they suck, from dallasnews.com

American Airlines and the Transport Workers Union reached a tentative agreement late Tuesday covering fleet service clerks.

"Tonight, the Fleet & Ground Service Committee met in DFW with the Company's negotiating team & Federal Mediator Terri Brown. After passing contract proposals, the Company presented their Final Proposal. After careful review and considering all factors the Fleet Negotiating Committee voted to bring back the Final Proposal in a Tentative Agreement. More detail on the T/A will soon follow," TWU Local 568 out of Miami told its members.

"A Tentative Agreement Was Reached at 2230 DFW time for Title III and Title IV Work Groups. Details will be forthcoming," Local 501 out of New York told its members.

"Tentative Agreement (TA) was reached at 2230 DFW time between the TWU and AA management for the Fleet/Fueler group. Details will be forthcoming. Also, the committee update will post how each representative from the committee voted. Once the information becomes available, it will be posted," Local 564 out of California told its members.

We'll post American's response when it is ready.

TWU and American signed a tentative agreement in late May 2010, but the TWU negotiating committee didn't recommend it and the international leadership subsequently "suspended" the TA. Members never voted on it.
They got the ASM cap, retiree medical, Fueling, Dayline Cabin and some other items.

Supposedly it's 6% over 4 years with a $2,500.00 lump sum payment.

Funny how they hammered this out in one eight hour session after dinking around for the past few years.

"Final Proposal" is how the company presented it.

Looks like the company got everything they wanted.
what is there asm cap?
Fleet and AA are meeting today (with the mediator) to hammer out a deal. A deal has already been reached and will be presented to the membership for a vote. It will be offered as the final offer and bankruptcy if rejected. The offer will be worse than any offered so far and will have so many concessions that the company and TWU will seem as though they are the bankruptcy judge. But, it will pass and the bitching and divided membership will last another four years. Take it to the bank!!
They got the ASM cap, retiree medical, Fueling, Dayline Cabin and some other items.

Supposedly it's 6% over 4 years with a $2,500.00 lump sum payment.

Funny how they hammered this out in one eight hour session after dinking around for the past few years.

"Final Proposal" is how the company presented it.

Looks like the company got everything they wanted.
Well, they will have to do MUCH better than that for the AMT group. All the guys I know and speak with would not even consider something like that. Either way any AMT T/A is DOA if it is not retro to May 2008.
Well, they will have to do MUCH better than that for the AMT group. All the guys I know and speak with would not even consider something like that. Either way any AMT T/A is DOA if it is not retro to May 2008.
As happened last year with the AMTs, a T/A being "reached" does not mean a thing other than the sucks in the room agreed on something. Unfortunately for the company and its "union" the Title IIIs might not care for the "deal" - rather similar to the nearly 75% rejection of the AMT T/A.

Poor babies. The company is itching to spend some money and won't because of the appearance of doing so - life's a ######, ain't it?

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