I don't see this on any TWU Negotiations Updates available. Where did you get this information?
nothing on TWU WEBSITE they suck, from dallasnews.com
American Airlines and the Transport Workers Union reached a tentative agreement late Tuesday covering fleet service clerks.
"Tonight, the Fleet & Ground Service Committee met in DFW with the Company's negotiating team & Federal Mediator Terri Brown. After passing contract proposals, the Company presented their Final Proposal. After careful review and considering all factors the Fleet Negotiating Committee voted to bring back the Final Proposal in a Tentative Agreement. More detail on the T/A will soon follow," TWU Local 568 out of Miami told its members.
"A Tentative Agreement Was Reached at 2230 DFW time for Title III and Title IV Work Groups. Details will be forthcoming," Local 501 out of New York told its members.
"Tentative Agreement (TA) was reached at 2230 DFW time between the TWU and AA management for the Fleet/Fueler group. Details will be forthcoming. Also, the committee update will post how each representative from the committee voted. Once the information becomes available, it will be posted," Local 564 out of California told its members.
We'll post American's response when it is ready.
TWU and American signed a tentative agreement in late May 2010, but the TWU negotiating committee didn't recommend it and the international leadership subsequently "suspended" the TA. Members never voted on it.