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TWU negotiations.........what?

Here's what President Darin Pierce told his members today at their membership meetings. Keep in mind that President Darin Pierce was the clinching "YES" vote for this new definition of "concessions."
** 4 Year contract
** 6% lump sum sign on bonus
** 3% structural date of signing for the first year
** 2% structural for each year following (years 2, 3, 4).
** Loss of retiree medical
** Loss of cabin service, fueling, bus drivers
** Eagle seat miles will increase 100% from 6% current to 12% agreed to in TA
** 10 holidays @ double time
** 3 more sick days
** Medical premiums will freeze for first 3 years
** 1968 jobs lost

President Pierce told his membership that he will support them if they vote NO, AND.... he will support them if they vote YES. He also stated that he brought this TA back for a vote because he supports it. ???? what????

Congratulations To the presidents of MIA, BNA, DFW, LAX for redefining the word "concessions."
President Pierce is just a typical stooge of the TWU. supports if you vote yes and supports if you vote no, but HE supports it. Is that like press 1 for yes and 2 for yes?? The fleet negotiators have failed the membership, again.....not any different than M&E. Time will only tell what our so called "negotiators" come back with in November???? 1968 poor souls are used as pawns in order to give more concessions, and NO RETRO!! It's absolutely laughable that you guys went 41 months of negotiations for this S^%T! good luck to you!

Just a word of warning to Bob Owens and the boys at the TWU......do not attempt to bring a bag of SH&T in November....just to bring something back. The AMP card drive will be in full swing if that happens....I guarantee it!!! that's a promise!! And, WE WILL EXPOSE THE CHERADES AT THE TWU!
I still want blood ... and a lot of it.

We may well get screwed over in a BK filing but at least the execs will get to share in the festivities. Giving the bastards what they want without benefit of the court system only guarantees more of what we've had since 2003.

All will take a hit in a BK filing but at least it won't be the workers alone.

Share the pain, boys.

You can bet execs wont' get "screwed" over in BK filing.
Link will show you Which president's voted YES and which president's voted No. Also their membership size. http://aa.twu.org
Link will show you Which president's voted YES and which president's voted No. Also their membership size. http://aa.twu.org
So once again no language on retro, or penalty for stalled negotiations in the future, so Fleet's 4 year deal is really a 6 or 7 year contract.

PostFrank Szabo, on 26 October 2011 - 10:43 AM, said:
I still want blood ... and a lot of it.

We may well get screwed over in a BK filing but at least the execs will get to share in the festivities. Giving the bastards what they want without benefit of the court system only guarantees more of what we've had since 2003.

All will take a hit in a BK filing but at least it won't be the workers alone.

Share the pain, boys.You can bet execs wont' get "screwed" over in BK filing.

Even though I share your frustration with this fiasco,I have to say that believing management will share the pain in BK is simply delusional.
The only management people that might feel the pain will be lower rank supervisors and the like ,who are just peons like us in this travesty.
The big guys will laugh all the way to the bank.
Even though I share your frustration with this fiasco,I have to say that believing management will share the pain in BK is simply delusional.
The only management people that might feel the pain will be lower rank supervisors and the like ,who are just peons like us in this travesty.
The big guys will laugh all the way to the bank.

Just to make sure, that is what I said as well. 😉
So once again no language on retro, or penalty for stalled negotiations in the future, so Fleet's 4 year deal is really a 6 or 7 year contract.


How about 1993-2011

Eight years with a 3 percent raise.
What a joke.

While some believe Retiree Medical is not very important and willing to give AA another huge concession...I don't agree and since the FSC negotiating committee believes they got their people a good deal, I'll show you why the TWU and AA are screwing the employees, again.

This is a huge concession people....wake up to the facts. Read before giving away the farm!

Here's the difference.....

If you were hired on or before 12/31/89, like I was, and when you reached age 30 with at least one year of service AA offered you a great deal regarding pre-funded retiree medical. If enrolled, you paid the incumbent rates of $12.96 at the time...I believe I pay $15 right now. This $12-15 dollars per month were matched by AA and placed in a trust fund to use when YOU retire. Coverage is the same as active employees and as long as you paid $15 per month for the last 10 years prior to retirement...you get this coverage. AA pays 100% of eligible expenses up to the first $5000, 80% for the second 5K, 100% for any remaining charges. If you retire and you die, the coverage continues for your spouse, and should she die, the remaining draw down contributions go to her estate. If you retire and then die, and you're not married, this goes to your beneficieries. That's a pretty good deal.

Even if you paid the Age Based rates.....those contributions along with the interest earned and the company match is YOUR money to use at retirement!

Now, what AA & the TWU want you to accept in exchange for a good deal.....

The company will reimburse your contributions and any fund interest your contributions earned, but will not reimburse AA contibution portions and any investment earnings on their portion. They are basically cheating YOU out of contributions that our current agreement guarantees YOU if they terminate the plan right now. Right now, if AA terminates the plan, YOU are entitled to your contributions, interest earned and the company's portion is used to get you similar coverage down the road. It's your money! That was the deal when you first enrolled.

In addition, with the new plan You will pay the Value Plan rate for employee only which is $92 per month per person. So, when you retire, let's say at age 60, you and your spouse will pay $184 per month for coverage that pays 80% and 60%. That means you will pay much more out of pocket plus the $184 per month. That's huge!

Now, why on earth would you want to give up something that is extremely cheap and guaranteed with something that is extremely expensive on both ends. It's your money people! Along with the other concessions and NO retro.....is a big fat NO!!!!

Even though I share your frustration with this fiasco,I have to say that believing management will share the pain in BK is simply delusional.
The only management people that might feel the pain will be lower rank supervisors and the like ,who are just peons like us in this travesty.
The big guys will laugh all the way to the bank.
Any particular reason you altered my 1143 post for your quote?
I can see it now...

"We had a gun to our heads." (Brother)

"This was the best we're gonna be able to do." (Brother)

"If you don't vote yes, the next offer might be worse." (Brother)

"At least this gets a little cash in the membership's pockets."(Brother)

"We live to fight another day." (Brother)

🙄 🙄 🙄
Had to change/add to your post
What's up with the VC language, does everyone get a week back?

It reads like they are giving you a 3 month window to retain full prefunding retiree benefits, they should get the money for the pay increases through more attrition, any thoughts?

A quick summary of major and noteworthy events since the start of negotiations

View 2010 Updates | View 2009 Updates | View 2008 Updates | View 2007 Updates

October 26, 2011
American Airlines and the Transport Workers Union have reached a tentative agreement in principle for the Fleet Service and Ground Service employees.

This tentative agreement provides our Fleet Service and Ground Service employees with increased compensation and enhancements to other contract items such as vacation, sick time and holidays.

The tentative agreement also gives American additional productivity and better aligns our work rules with all other airlines through outsourcing the dayline cabin cleaning and fueling work. The employees currently performing these jobs will be reassigned to other duties. The productivity improvements and savings provided through the outsourcing helps fund the structural increases and the other economic enhancements, while ensuring that we remain competitive.

The parties worked collaboratively throughout the negotiations process. This is the second tentative agreement reached for this workgroup. After the first TA was not put out for a vote, the parties worked within the structure of the first agreement and continued to identify creative solutions to address the key interests of both our TWU-represented employees and the company.

This agreement is a significant step in our efforts to achieve the competitive costs that are critical to our future success.

American Airlines has more than 50,000 employees represented by unions, including approximately 10,350 under this tentative agreement.

Key highlights of the agreement are below.


Signing bonus of 6% lump sum on date of signing.
3% structural increase effective date of signing.
2% structural increase effective 12 months after date of signing.
2% structural increase effective 24 months after date of signing.
2% structural increase effective 36 months after date of signing.
Increase Crew Chief override premium from $1.50 to $1.75 per hour.
Profit Sharing

Replace the current financial component of the AIP plan with an uncapped annual profit sharing plan that rewards employees at the first dollar of pre-tax earnings, excluding special, unusual and non-recurring items.
This matches the richest plan in the industry.

Outsource fueling (includes Title III and IV) at the following stations: BNA, BOS, DTW, ELP, LAX, LGA, ORD, PHX, SAN, SFO, TULE. Title IV employees will be assigned to Title III work.
Outsource dayline cabin cleaning at the following stations: BOS, DFW, JFK, LAX, LGA, MIA, ORD and SFO. American commits to not furlough at these stations until 1,276 Fleet Service employees have separated from the company.
Outsource bus drivers at LAX and ORD.

Increase the total number of holidays from 5 to 10 days in 2012 by adding the following:
Good Friday
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Memorial Day
Columbus Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Increase holiday work rate of pay from 1.5x to 2.0x on date of signing.

Double the vacation time for employees with less than 5 years of service from a minimum of 5 days vacation to a minimum of 10 days vacation.
Sick Leave

Increase the sick leave accrual rate from 5 to 8 days per year, effective January 1, 2012.
Retirement Benefits

Provide a defined contribution 401(k) plan for new hires, better aligning American with what is standard in the industry.
After one year of eligible service, new hires will receive an automatic 2.5% company contribution to the $uper $aver Plus 401(k) plan, based on qualified pensionable earnings with no employee contribution required.
After one year of eligible service, the company will also give a 100% match for employee contributions up to a maximum of 3%, for a total maximum company contribution of 5.5%.
Current employees will have a one-time option to change from the defined benefit pension plan to the $uper $aver Plus 401(k) plan. Current employees' pension credited service and pay growth would be frozen.
Active Medical

Replace the current $150 Contractual Standard medical option with the Value medical option, which is currently offered today and is the same as what is offered to managers and the Agents, Reps and Planners. This change would not go into effect until 2013, as open enrollment for 2012 has already closed. Contribution rates for the Value medical option will remain at the 2012 rates for three years (2013-2015). In 2016, American will evaluate the current contributions versus inflation to determine if any adjustments are needed.
The Value Plus option will remain a voluntary medical option.
$150 Contractual Standard Medical Option (Current)
Value Medical Option (Proposed)*

Employee Only
Standard Option 1: $90.75

Employee + 1 Dependent
Standard Option 1: 181.21

Employee + 2 or more Dependents
Standard Option 1: $238.62

* Costs for the Value Medical Option vary because there are three network/claims administrators used, depending on the state you live in.
Retiree Medical

The tentative agreement guarantees access to retiree medical coverage, regardless of employee health status - both before and after age 65 - but modifies the funding of those programs to better align American with the industry and corporate America.
Current Retirees: No changes to plans for current retirees.
Current Employees: Prefunding will end and prefunding balances will be refunded. The average refund is $5,000.
Employees Retiring Within Three Months of Ratification: Retain current retiree medical benefits.
Employees Retiring After Three Months of Ratification, Pre-65 Coverage: Retirees will pay a monthly premium for coverage in the Standard retiree medical option, paying the same per person monthly rate as active employees pay for coverage in the Value medical option for Employee Only Coverage.
The Retiree Medical plan coverage will be the same plan design as offered to the TWU retirees today except in-network benefits will be paid at 80% by the company after the deductible and out-of-network benefits will be paid at 60% by the company after the deductible.
Current Employees Retiring After Three Months of Ratification, Over-65 Coverage: The company will provide access to guaranteed issue Medicare supplement plans.
New Hires, Pre-65 and Post-65 Coverage: The company will provide access to guaranteed issue coverage and the new hire will pay the full contribution.
Eagle ASM Cap

The current Eagle ASM Letter restricts American’s ability to compete with other legacy carriers and their regional partners because it limits the number of American Eagle/American Connection available seat miles (ASMs) those carriers can fly relative to the American Airlines ASMs across the network.
The tentative agreement gives us the flexibility to modify the cap from 6% to 12% with the current counting methodology.
Upon modification or elimination of this letter in each of the other 6 AA/TWU labor agreements, Article 42: Job Security will be amended to provide a new system job protection date of 6/26/2000 for Title III employees. This affects approximately 1,000 employees.
Duration of Agreement

Establish the duration of agreement as 48 months from the date of signing, with an option for either party to open the agreement six months prior to the amendable date.
What's up with the VC language, does everyone get a week back?
No just those people under 5 years. Since we all lost a week, those people went from 2 to 1...

Just another reason to reject this POS!

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