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TWU negotiations.........what?


Actually, I have all of my paperwork signed off for my experience for both Airframe and Power Plant.
I can take my test at anytime, just have not felt the need to join the likes of you of late.

I am very proud of who I am and what I do.
My biggest fear is to be required to become one of you that believes a dream of personal worth beyond replacement.

But go get your seperate contracts, spin off overhaul, and $45 per hour and you will see many of me becoming you real quick and seniority will count.

I wouldn't have to go to one day of school.

But of course you can continue to bury your head in sand and live the pipe dream without compassion and humility.
I will set back and play my cards as needed.

I have no desire to engage in an emotional arguement with fools.
I will let the facts speak for themselves.
I have said nothing more then wanting to have separate contracts from OH. I never said they should spin off OH nor have I said OH should take less so I get more.
I have said line should get market rates for our pay, and that line should not take less pay so OH can maintain their lifestyle.

So until you get your A&P and became a licensed AMT, which you seem to have a lot of animosity toward. You don't have the option to bump any A&P line mech.

If you do get your A&P I will happy to show you how to change a tire or troubleshoot a pneumatic problem on Christmas morning. The truth of the matter I don't think you guys will leave TUL. try selling your house with 3000 other guys then trying to buy a house at a line station, moving your family, don't think that you can commute either, how many flights to TUL, and don't forget the fly crews that already commute from TUL, then the other TUL mechs trying to commute.
We recently had a co-worker killed while working on a piece of ground equipment, which should be a Title II (automotive) function.
And all you can think of is how damn important you and your job is.

Wake up and pay attention!

Go tell that man's family how everyone else is inferior to you, and how damn important your job is compared to everyone else.
Everyone at this Airline has an important function to contribute. Everyone has risk involved in their jobs. And everyone could face the same fate and not retrun home safely and/or alive on a daily basis. Some could be contaminated by toxic chemicals and their fate is already sealed in the future, and they don't even know it yet.

And yet, many are not walking around whining every damn day about how great they are themselves and down grading the importance of others.

You make me sick, and embarrased to be called "Union Men".
You actually sound like the most anti-union person I know of...period.
Why don't you go enroll in Organized Labor for Dummies and get a clue?

Take a crack at Humility and Compassion in your life and see how that works for you!

What is wrong with you, Strikeforce hasn't denigraded anyone here. You are attacking a man who just wants to make what the market says he can make.

I'm sick of you "I got mine" guys......"If you don't like it move to TUL".......real union men....sacrifice, so my life doesn't change!!!!!

If you don't think a man can use his skills to get the pay the market is calling for, then I consider you a socialist. I don't think a flight attendant should make as much as a pilot, an HQ secratary shouldn't make as much as a FSC, nor do I think an OH mech should expect a line mech to sacrifice pay so OH can keep their lifestyle, if OH wants to sacrifice pay or work rules to keep their weekends off or work rules, that's fine. That is why I want seperate contracts. Take a crack at Humility and Compassion, and work weekends so we ALL can get a raise!

If you can't stay on the subject, don't respond.
What is wrong with you, Strikeforce hasn't denigraded anyone here. You are attacking a man who just wants to make what the market says he can make.

I'm sick of you "I got mine" guys......"If you don't like it move to TUL".......real union men....sacrifice, so my life doesn't change!!!!!

If you don't think a man can use his skills to get the pay the market is calling for, then I consider you a socialist. I don't think a flight attendant should make as much as a pilot, an HQ secratary shouldn't make as much as a FSC, nor do I think an OH mech should expect a line mech to sacrifice pay so OH can keep their lifestyle, if OH wants to sacrifice pay or work rules to keep their weekends off or work rules, that's fine. That is why I want seperate contracts. Take a crack at Humility and Compassion, and work weekends so we ALL can get a raise!

If you can't stay on the subject, don't respond.
Why is it that when you expand your ( Line Maintenance) discussion you always bring up your working conditions. Why don't you just take your stand based on the market rate. Put the crack pipe down because OH does not care when you work and you are driving off those who have the compassion for you to have the chance at market rate.
Why is it that when you expand your ( Line Maintenance) discussion you always bring up your working conditions. Why don't you just take your stand based on the market rate. Put the crack pipe down because OH does not care when you work and you are driving off those who have the compassion for you to have the chance at market rate.

You are correct, thank you for pointing out my error.

Our schedule doesn't matter for this discussion, just letting the informer know what's waiting for him when he flex's his seniority muscle to bump line mechs. which he likes to brag about.
What is wrong with you, Strikeforce hasn't denigraded anyone here. You are attacking a man who just wants to make what the market says he can make.

I'm sick of you "I got mine" guys......"If you don't like it move to TUL".......real union men....sacrifice, so my life doesn't change!!!!!

If you don't think a man can use his skills to get the pay the market is calling for, then I consider you a socialist. I don't think a flight attendant should make as much as a pilot, an HQ secratary shouldn't make as much as a FSC, nor do I think an OH mech should expect a line mech to sacrifice pay so OH can keep their lifestyle, if OH wants to sacrifice pay or work rules to keep their weekends off or work rules, that's fine. That is why I want seperate contracts. Take a crack at Humility and Compassion, and work weekends so we ALL can get a raise!

If you can't stay on the subject, don't respond.

How do you and Strikeforce define what the market rate is for an A&P line mechanic. Do you base it from comparing yourselves to peers from ATL the busiest airport in the US, or do you base it off of the location of a single station with the largest numbers of line mechanics working for AA like DFW? I see within the TWU article#4 proposal for Market Rate they used the ACCRA cost of living index but what you and Strikeforce indicate is that you want it based off of the market rate for a Licensed A&P Mechanic....What would be the market rate and how do we calculate it?
How do you and Strikeforce define what the market rate is for an A&P line mechanic. Do you base it from comparing yourselves to peers from ATL the busiest airport in the US, or do you base it off of the location of a single station with the largest numbers of line mechanics working for AA like DFW? I see within the TWU article#4 proposal for Market Rate they used the ACCRA cost of living index but what you and Strikeforce indicate is that you want it based off of the market rate for a Licensed A&P Mechanic....What would be the market rate and how do we calculate it?

I base it on the type of work, and what our peers make at SWA, UPS, and Fedex that perform the same line maint. I don't think location, airport size, or the schedule matters. If we never have seperate contracts between OH and line, I believe a geo pay would be about the fairest that could be done.
I base it on the type of work, and what our peers make at SWA, UPS, and Fedex that perform the same line maint. I don't think location, airport size, or the schedule matters. If we never have seperate contracts between OH and line, I believe a geo pay would be about the fairest that could be done.

Well I figured that would be your reply for market rate. SWA, UPS, and Fedex as your "ace in the hole". So with that said, back to my questions. How do you calculate your worth as an A&P line mechanic? Do you base it from the average of the carriers with line maintenance needs that serve ATL the busiest airport in the US? Or do you calculate from the total average of line mechanics serving all carriers that fly in and out of DFW, since this is the station with the single largest numbers of line mechanics for AA?

Again, how is A&P line maintenance market rate defined?
Well I figured that would be your reply for market rate. SWA, UPS, and Fedex as your "ace in the hole". So with that said, back to my questions. How do you calculate your worth as an A&P line mechanic? Do you base it from the average of the carriers with line maintenance needs that serve ATL the busiest airport in the US? Or do you calculate from the total average of line mechanics serving all carriers that fly in and out of DFW, since this is the station with the single largest numbers of line mechanics for AA?

Again, how is A&P line maintenance market rate defined?

That is my answer.
I wonder when the last time some people changed a tire here? guess I will go pass out and dream about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I figured that would be your reply for market rate. SWA, UPS, and Fedex as your "ace in the hole". So with that said, back to my questions. How do you calculate your worth as an A&P line mechanic? Do you base it from the average of the carriers with line maintenance needs that serve ATL the busiest airport in the US? Or do you calculate from the total average of line mechanics serving all carriers that fly in and out of DFW, since this is the station with the single largest numbers of line mechanics for AA?

Again, how is A&P line maintenance market rate defined?
<_< ------ High speed, Still trying to "divide and conquer"?------- Line maintenance is line maintenance, no matter if it's in ATL, ORD, JFK, LAX, or yes, even DFW!------ By the way, how do you calculate your worth High speed??? :huh:
Well I figured that would be your reply for market rate. SWA, UPS, and Fedex as your "ace in the hole". So with that said, back to my questions. How do you calculate your worth as an A&P line mechanic? Do you base it from the average of the carriers with line maintenance needs that serve ATL the busiest airport in the US? Or do you calculate from the total average of line mechanics serving all carriers that fly in and out of DFW, since this is the station with the single largest numbers of line mechanics for AA?

Again, how is A&P line maintenance market rate defined?

Well FedEx is giving the AMT's .86 cents a license Jan 1st..That raises the FedEx license premium from $ 7.20 to 8.06 per License. Not bad in fact highest license premium in the industry. So FedEx mechanics will be making over 46 an hr in Jan and leads will be making close to 50 an hr. Don't know what to say about that but I can see why the line guys want to kick the OH to the curb. The highest payers out there farm out most overhaul and keep Line and pay well.
What part of "WN/FEDEX/UPS consistently makes profits" do all you line guys not understand????
How do you and Strikeforce define what the market rate is for an A&P line mechanic. Do you base it from comparing yourselves to peers from ATL the busiest airport in the US, or do you base it off of the location of a single station with the largest numbers of line mechanics working for AA like DFW? I see within the TWU article#4 proposal for Market Rate they used the ACCRA cost of living index but what you and Strikeforce indicate is that you want it based off of the market rate for a Licensed A&P Mechanic....What would be the market rate and how do we calculate it?

What difference does that make? Since when do workers set their rates of pay based on the performance of the executives?

We've done our part, we have increased our productivity and we have to demand we get our share of the increased revenue because if we dont they will spend it all somewhere else.

If Management chooses to blow our increased productivity it should not deter us from asking for a share of what we helped generate. The fact is we bring in nearly double the revenue per worker yet our wages are lower than they were nine years ago. We cant stop them from spending all the money on pajamas for first class, tops for the baggage carts, new terminals, new aircraft, executive bonuses etc etc so why should we accept lower rates of pay due to their indescretions?

Didnt we learn anything from 1995? Lets say we settle for a crappy deal going forward to 2014 based on what the company is posting as far as profits today, then all of a sudden, once the ink is dry on all the contracts, now that they've finished buying all the new office furniture, completed the Mods on the aircraft , and start dumping all the high maintenance aircraft their costs plummett, and they start showing profits, do you think that the company will open the deal? Do you think that the profit sharing will make up for what we gave up?

We know that the company will see labor savings going forward due to all the new aircraft coming in, not only will we see less demand for checks but also mod work. So the maintenence labor force will shrink after 2015, maybe sooner with the contracting out of heavy checks. The company is also looking to send even more A-checks overseas, which would reduce headcount as well. While attrition will likely provide enough heads so there would not be any layoffs the total number of mechanics will likely decline, generating even more savings for the company.

The company claims that in 2012 they will be making enough profits that they would distribute $5million in profit sharing to M&R. That comes out to a mere $450 each, not even enough to pay for the incraese we saw in Medical since negotiations started. So if they say that they will be making profits why should we base our wage demands going forward based on current losses?
What part of "WN/FEDEX/UPS consistently makes profits" do all you line guys not understand????

What difference does that make? Since when do workers set their rates of pay based on the performance of the executives?

We've done our part, we have increased our productivity and we have to demand we get our share of the increased revenue because if we dont they will spend it all somewhere else.

If Management chooses to blow our increased productivity it should not deter us from asking for a share of what we helped generate. The fact is we bring in nearly double the revenue per worker yet our wages are lower than they were nine years ago. We cant stop them from spending all the money on pajamas for first class, tops for the baggage carts, new terminals, new aircraft, executive bonuses etc etc so why should we accept lower rates of pay due to their indescretions?

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