Just be truthful Duck, with a coward like you it's never a good time for any type of fight. There is no strike issue for you, and never will be. You have shown over and over here that you just want your pay raise because your on the line, but you won't fight for it for any reason. We saw your type during the NWA strike in 2005, I can't strike because _________. (Fill in excuse here) Now NOBODY is hoping that will happen, not by a long shot, but sometimes it must because there is no other choice. You will not agree, because you only care about yourself, your job, and just you, and no one else. I am just calling like a I see it, and it's easy to see through you, your paper thin. What will you do if the fight comes? Run across that line...... you know it.
Your resent that OH has weekends off (like most MRO's do) why don't you move like many others including myself, have? I have worked the line and overhaul, moved several times. You want to cry about others, but rather than grab the ring and do something about it, you sit and whine about it.
What I'm talking about, this exchange with Bob Owens on 11-21-1010 "I went to the meeting that Dell had at ORD for AMFA right after we voted in the concessions. Dell said "I would never take a concession without a snap back". Then UAL took concession no snap back with AMFA as their union. What I'm getting at, is that Dell was full of rhetoric at the meeting, and I believe you are full of rhetoric. If we ever sign a contract I doubt it will be any better then what was voted down. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
No reason to be insulting because I have a different point of view then you, insults will not convince me to be believe your rhetoric, actions will, all you ex-AMFA guys talk tough, but I have yet to see any results. Remember we all lose in a strike. When the FA's went on stike their union called for a 10 strike.They new how long they were going to be out, plus they were a lot younger then.
Thanks for the clarification on the SMA's."
Everyone is full of rhetoric, no one wins in strike, I want my pay raise, I want separate contracts, and then I want my binky....and my glass of warm milk and cookies.
Just vote YES again for more concessions Duck, let out some boo-hoo's, and then shut the F up.