The candidates do support labor however they also balance that with the fact they are part of a bigger machine called politics. All officers dabble in their "local" sand boxes such as you in 562. You tell people what they want to hear so you wil get elected and complain when you can't deliver that it's the other guy's fault.
And people like you hide behind aliases and tell us what the company wants you to tell us while you try and portray yourself as a union man.
Funny how now that there's an election all of a sudden i do what i do you just to get re-elected, even though its been what i've been doing since i first got on line at well over ten years ago. The internationals plan didn't work last time, send in Steve Luis and a few of Don's other disciples the week the ballots go out to tell the guys they at a critical point in negotiations and they didn't want any new faces at negotiations, Luis pledged that he supported Geo pay, that he was from New Jersey and understood the need for it and they needed to keep the team intact. They fooled quite a few guys, six months later Luis broke his word, but according to you I was out of line revealing that.
One of the guys on the committee reported a discussion that he heard during our last election between Don V. And my predecessor. It went like this;
Don V " Don't worry John, Owens won't be a problem for you ( in the election).
John; if he wins, he wont be my problem, he will be your problem!
Shortly afterwards, the week the ballots went out, JFK had their first visit ever by the President of Tulsa, Chicago, Detroit and an officer from AFW telling the guys that they were at a critical point in the contract and did not want to see any new faces at the table.
So is this part of the Internationals plan to get me out? Claim that I made promises that I didn't and that I say what I do just to get re- elected?