Just an interesting side note regarding aircraft mechanic wages.
Flight Simulator technicians represented by the TWU make more money than AMT's. I just find it interesting that mechanics that fix "fake" airplanes make more money than ones that fix the "real" thing??? What's wrong with that picture????
I'm not bashing the flight sims....just making a point about our wages.
Flight sims make $34.86 per hour......AMT's around $33 with license premiums. Go to jetnet and see for yourself.
Wasn't that long ago, that AMT's made about $5.00 more per hour than Sim Techs. Sim Techs seem to be slipping by us and heading towards those $45.00 per hour, 12 week course - Flight Dispatchers. Same local anyway. It all started when Little started moving up the ladder at the international. Just an observation.