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TWU negotiations.........what?

We? Don't you mean YOU? What is posted by the negotiating committee conflicts with what you post here Bob....

Do you have any idea "WHAT REALLY" happened? I agree that there is conflicting information.
Would not be possible if there wasn't a "SECRECY" shield preventing us from knowing the truth. Don't you agree?

The secrecy is suppose to be in place to "bolster" our bargaining strategy. Number one I don't see any bolstering taking place, and number two the secrecy is being used to keep the membership in the dark and protect those on the committee from having their positions exposed to the membership.

Do you agree that the vote results should be kept from you and me as dues payers?
If yes, why?

And if it were true the mediator communicated that there wouldn't be a release, then why not everyone vote yes to ask, then ask and be told no?
Instead a vote was taken not to ask, and you are being kept from the details of the vote and who voted how. Those that voted not to ask are hiding.
Why is that, if there would be a NO if asked? Does not compute when simple logic is applied.

Simnple logic says someone is not being honest here. And from what I can see from Bob's position, he has nothing to hide or lie about.
But the Committtee Communications, now that's a different story, don't you think? You are once again defending that which is undefendable.
Didn't the local presidents vote not to get released. I know everyone wants to blame the mediator for walking away from doing his job, but the NMB can also point out that the union voted NOT to be released. The union leadership spoke loud and clear.....You don't want release....so please stop talking about what a release would do for US.

Bob, in all fairness, why doesn't the union leadership just be honest with the membership about this charade WE all call negotiations. 39 months into this thing and our local presidents aren't even on the same page. This whole thing is just getting old, and the actions of the presidents are not helping the membership.

You ALL need to get your act together, or ELSE...........the membership's action by signing green cards will do it for you!

The Negotiating Committee consists of Local Presidents who represent Title I and II and others, some may be Section Chairmen, VPs etc. The NMB can point out that we have not requested to be released but requests usually are submitted when one side feels that insufficient progress is being made during mediation, however I dont see anything that says a request must be made to be released after the NMB ceases mediating. Per the chart they are obliged to offer binding Arbitration and if denied we get released, then, if they determine there would be a significant impact on commerce they turn it over to the President.

I want a release, lets take this to the next step whether its PEB, Self help or simply real negotiations where both sides face consequences should we not reach an agreement, right now only the membership suffers.
Wow, that explains allot and answered what I've questioned over the past few months. No wonder they have you on ice, do they provide you with crayons and coloring books too?

You may not agree with Bob or his positions, but personal attacks are not warranted. Bob and all the other Presidents are working on our behalf.
You may not agree with Bob or his positions, but personal attacks are not warranted. Bob and all the other Presidents are working on our behalf.

Whatever Duke...

Sure don't see any other President posting here in conflict of what the whole committee supports.... <_<
The Negotiating Committee consists of Local Presidents who represent Title I and II and others, some may be Section Chairmen, VPs etc. The NMB can point out that we have not requested to be released but requests usually are submitted when one side feels that insufficient progress is being made during mediation, however I dont see anything that says a request must be made to be released after the NMB ceases mediating. Per the chart they are obliged to offer binding Arbitration and if denied we get released, then, if they determine there would be a significant impact on commerce they turn it over to the President.

I want a release, lets take this to the next step whether its PEB, Self help or simply real negotiations where both sides face consequences should we not reach an agreement, right now only the membership suffers.
The presidents are doing the membership a dis-service by not being on the same page. The membership has been extremely patient and tolerable of the shanangins by the INTL, and now WE find ourselves without clear guidence by our own local presidents. Who do you recommend the membership ask for guidence regarding the negotiations because You and the others are no help!
Wow, that explains allot and answered what I've questioned over the past few months. No wonder they have you on ice, do they provide you with crayons and coloring books too?
You made a claim that what I said conflicts with what was released by the committee, I dont see it so tell me how what I wrote conflicts with what the committee put out. Nowhere in the release is anything even mentioned as far as a release.

As a side note, whether we get released or not is not up to the Mediators, they shot their load, they walked away, getting released is up to the panel. The company would have to send in all their reasons why we should not be released then it would be up to Hoglander and his crew.

What reason would the company say there is for not releasing us? Because they need the money to buy 460 more new AAirplanes? So they can give out Pajamas to people in First Class? Could they cite how far they have moved toward the union since 2008 when in fact they have removed hundreds of millions of dollars since then? Case law under the RLA has cited that workers are not supposed to bear the responsibility of mismanagement.

What reason could Harry Hoglander cite for not releasing us? That we havent been in the process long enough?

Nowhere in the RLA have I seen where it cites that our contracts and negotiations are subject to the economic or political cycle, only that we should make every effort to come to an agreement and avoid interupting commerce, and we have, cant say the same about the company. It does not say that we need to move towards the company all the time, or that the needs and wants of the company assume a higher priority than ours, only that we both should consider the needs of the public before acting in our own best interests, besides moving towards the company is pointless especially when you consider that nearly every time we have moved toward them they have moved further away.

The Mediators can share any opinions they like with us but once they decide that no further progress can be made then they are done. Then it goes to the panel. He isnt God, he is a mediator, they have even less authority than an Arbitrator.
Good thing the TWU political support of Obama bin Biden resulted in a labor friendly mediation board and mediator.

Without those millions from our paychecks going to support Obama bin Biden we would really be screwed.
Good thing the TWU political support of Obama bin Biden resulted in a labor friendly mediation board and mediator.
Without those millions from our paychecks going to support Obama bin Biden we would really be screwed.

Well when (if) we ask to be released we will find out, I'm told Larry Gibbons, ex President of Aircon, who came in last month was appointed by the Republicans. Only they would appoint a guy who ran a Union busting organization and worked for a non-union carrier to be in charge of mediation between carriers and unions. Is it any wonder why there are currently over 50 contracts in the airline industry in mediation? I mean come on,,did the Democrats put a former Union President as head of the Department of Commerce? At the very least they could have found a manager from a carrier that had unions who had experience in dealings between unions and carriers.
Well when we ask to be released we will find out, Larry Gibbons, ex President of Aircon, who came in last month was appointed by the Republicans. Only they would appoint a guy who ran a Union busting organization and worked for a non-union carrier to be in charge of mediation between carriers and unions. Is it any wonder why there are currently over 50 contracts in the airline industry in mediation?

I agree Bob. The difference is the Republicans never promise a labor friendly result or stance. It is the TWU and the Democrats that claim our political involvement leads to better outcomes for working stiffs, and time after time it is proven to be a false claim and a complete waste of time and money. Funny, the TWU seemed to have enough NMB Political influence to keep you and me from having a ballot to choose the representation of our choice, but not enough political influence to get you and me a decent labor agreement.
Whatever Duke...

Sure don't see any other President posting here in conflict of what the whole committee supports.... <_<
Dont see any that do either, unless of course they are using an alias(you are making a big assumption when you use the word whole, maybe majority, but certainly not whole). I've been doing this since before I got elected, never said I would stop and nobody from my Local has requested that I do.

One thing thats a fact is that info nearly always leaked out, long before I got there. The only difference is I put out more and I put my name to it.
I agree Bob. The difference is the Republicans never promise a labor friendly result or stance. It is the TWU and the Democrats that claim our political involvement leads to better outcomes for working stiffs, and time after time it is proven to be a false claim and a complete waste of time and money.

Like I said, we have to ask. To me its like a shy kid at a school dance, if he sees a beautiful girl alone across the room he may just assume she would say NO, his buddies may all say she will say "NO", but he really wont know for sure until he asks. I say "lets ask". They can say NO, which puts us right where we are now and you will be proven right, maybe the company would be insulted and no longer agree to meet informally, or they could say "Yes" and really get the ball rolling towards a resolution.
While I don't condone personal attacks, The negotiation committee should speak as one voice without any dissension, that includes this forum. That is the only way the committee will have creditability amongst the membership. Contradiction amongst our presidents in public is nothing but toxic. If the Presidents do not represent the membership correctly, they will be voted out of office, if the union doesn't represent the membership correctly, the union will be replaced, but personal attacks are not acceptable.

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