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TWU negotiations.........what?

So what you are saying is the "fight" is against the Company, the TWU, The NMB, and some on the Negotiating Committee.

Exactly what is the plan to take all of them on and win? I missed the memo on that one.
when is the TWU meeting with AA again?

And where are these rumors coming for bankruptcy?
when is the TWU meeting with AA again?

And where are these rumors coming for bankruptcy?
A small select TWU group will sit idly with mouths agape as the compAAny makes another gloom and doom presentation on the 7th and 8th. On the 9th the small select group will make the compAAny's position known to the whole committee and we'll get a bullet point synopsis later that evening. Any questions?
A small select TWU group will sit idly with mouths agape as the compAAny makes another gloom and doom presentation on the 7th and 8th. On the 9th the small select group will make the compAAny's position known to the whole committee and we'll get a bullet point synopsis later that evening. Any questions?
Or........The 7th and 8th the Intl. makes another sellout T/A with the company and on the 9th they have their boys vote it in before the makeup of the committee changes. Do not be surprised.
Or........The 7th and 8th the Intl. makes another sellout T/A with the company and on the 9th they have their boys vote it in before the makeup of the committee changes. Do not be surprised.

Gee, they're dedicating 2 whole days to this effort?
Congratulations to Robert Gless for earning the prestigious Genius of the Week award !
We knew you could do it ! http://representationnow.com/

Robert Gless 9/2/11Paid $182,886.00
Another profile in courage by the TWU leadership. One Labor's greatest moments was when the TWU's Mike Quill told a judge to "drop dead." Now we have the unelected/unaccountable Bob Gless basically telling the membership to drop dead; ". . . urgent matter that may seriously affect the ability of both your Local and your International Union to effectively represent you." I think Gless is trying to get votes for the worst TWU-ATD officer ever.
This is the letter from Robert Gless to the membership to get himself off the liability hook:

"Dear TWU Members Who Are American Airlines Fleet Service Employees:
We are writing to you about an urgent matter that may seriously affect the ability of both your Local and your International Union to effectively represent you in collective bargaining with American Airlines. In the last day or so, it has been brought to our attention that certain individuals at certain TWU Locals have been circulating a message that TWU members working in American Fleet Service should refuse overtime and D1, and that they should work strictly "to book."
Please be informed that any such campaign is directly contrary to TWU directives. TWU and the Locals affected have instructed TWU-represented Fleet Service employees that they should continue to work in accord with routine, and that there should be no action to disrupt American operations. Through this writing, we are providing this same directive to all American Fleet Service employees.
As a TWU member, you should recognize that a job action such as what appears to be sought in the referenced campaign may well be found to violate both our contract and the Railway Labor Act, and could subject your Local and the International to court injunctions and--in the event those orders are not appropriately obeyed--serious financial penalties. This would seriously weakening the ability of the union to make the gains that you are hoping for at the bargaining table: the union's energies and resources would be diverted into court actions and fighting against possible financial penalties, rather than being focused on making collective bargaining gains.
Remember: anyone who participates in a job action would more likely be playing the role of someone who weakens TWU rather than supports it. DO NOT participate in any job action; instead participate in supporting your union. We strongly urge you to continue to work in your usual way and not to engage in any refusal to work overtime or D1 or any slowdown.
This message on the eve of Labor Day weekend is aimed at assuring that we strengthen our union, not through job actions that will merely result in court actions, but through appropriate unifying actions to obtain the best agreement we can.

Robert Gless
Deputy Director
AA System Coordinator"
"Weaken the union abilities to make gains", what gains are those Bobby? We are going backwards!!!
Bobby Gless is simply a Tool of the international. There is a little bird that drives a bus to Long Island where Bobby "you AMTs need to lower your expectations in negotiations" Gless lives (while he enjoys a salary THREE TIMES that of an AMT) and delivers a slip of paper with what to say when he opens his mouth.

Hey, Booby! I like the way your letter instantly assumes that our Rampers are doing anything illegal while still locked in negotiations. I guess it would be too far of a stretch for you to write a letter stating that there is NOTHING wrong by following the contract which the international "helps" negotiate. But hey, why should you care if what you speak/write makes you look like a donkey's exhaust or a true union leader? After all, it's not like you have to worry about not being re-elected by the membership. THAT'S one of the great things of being APPOINTED! All you have to do is repeat what is placed in front of you and that nice salary with perks keeps coming your way.

I feel sorry for our Rampers because they too also have the twu fighting for them. At least AMTs have an opportunity to leave the twu and join AMP.
Bobby Gless is simply a Tool of the international. There is a little bird that drives a bus to Long Island where Bobby "you AMTs need to lower your expectations in negotiations" Gless lives (while he enjoys a salary THREE TIMES that of an AMT) and delivers a slip of paper with what to say when he opens his mouth.

Hey, Booby! I like the way your letter instantly assumes that our Rampers are doing anything illegal while still locked in negotiations. I guess it would be too far of a stretch for you to write a letter stating that there is NOTHING wrong by following the contract which the international "helps" negotiate. But hey, why should you care if what you speak/write makes you look like a donkey's exhaust or a true union leader? After all, it's not like you have to worry about not being re-elected by the membership. THAT'S one of the great things of being APPOINTED! All you have to do is repeat what is placed in front of you and that nice salary with perks keeps coming your way.

I feel sorry for our Rampers because they too also have the twu fighting for them. At least AMTs have an opportunity to leave the twu and join AMP.


Don't underestimate the power of the rampers. They at least have the nads of sticking together.The AMT's HAD the opprotunity to go AMFA, and now AMP, and we blew it. Not much you can do when grown men and women are content with the staus quo and won't sign a card. You can't blame the appointed TWU INTL leadership for that.

Don't underestimate the power of the rampers. They at least have the nads of sticking together.The AMT's HAD the opprotunity to go AMFA, and now AMP, and we blew it. Not much you can do when grown men and women are content with the staus quo and won't sign a card. You can't blame the appointed TWU INTL leadership for that.
I'm kinda dissapointed that the international didn't write the mechanics a letter, maybe we don't pose the same threat as fleet service.

Don't underestimate the power of the rampers. They at least have the nads of sticking together.The AMT's HAD the opprotunity to go AMFA, and now AMP, and we blew it. Not much you can do when grown men and women are content with the staus quo and won't sign a card. You can't blame the appointed TWU INTL leadership for that.

I never underestimated the power of our Rampers... or our AMTs. I know the Rampers will stick together and that scares the twu. As for AMFA that is for another thread but we would be AMFA if not for a corrupt NMB, company and twu.

Status quo fits for some people while many more are willing to fight. The only thing I blame the appointed 'leadership" of the twu is not being democratic or accountable. You can throw in secret negotiations as well.

I'm kinda dissapointed that the international didn't write the mechanics a letter, maybe we don't pose the same threat as fleet service.
"Don't work by the book", regardless of the source, has the same overtones. The mechs are supposed to take the letter as being aimed at them also since it came from our so-called "representative body".

The company knows very well it can't say that so they got their wholly owned subsidiary to say it for them and take the heat should anything be said by the FFA. The company's dealings with them got their fines reduced in exchange for additional training, the "verbatim" lesson being one of the many.

Don't underestimate the power of the rampers. They at least have the nads of sticking together.The AMT's HAD the opprotunity to go AMFA, and now AMP, and we blew it. Not much you can do when grown men and women are content with the staus quo and won't sign a card. You can't blame the appointed TWU INTL leadership for that.

Good point Strike.
Letter from AA System Coordinator 09/01/11
• By: Alan
• On: 09/01/2011 15:25:00
• In: Fleet Committee Updates
Dear TWU Members Who Are American Airlines Fleet Service Employees:
We are writing to you about an urgent matter that may seriously affect the ability of both your Local and your International Union to effectively represent you in collective bargaining with American Airlines. In the last day or so, it has been brought to our attention that certain individuals at certain TWU Locals have been circulating a message that TWU members working in American Fleet Service should refuse overtime and D1, and that they should work strictly “to book.”
Please be informed that any such campaign is directly contrary to TWU directives. TWU and the Locals affected have instructed TWU-represented Fleet Service employees that they should continue to work in accord with routine, and that there should be no action to disrupt American operations. Through this writing, we are providing this same directive to all American Fleet Service employees.
As a TWU member, you should recognize that a job action such as what appears to be sought in the referenced campaign may well be found to violate both our contract and the Railway Labor Act, and could subject your Local and the International to court injunctions and—in the event those orders are not appropriately obeyed—serious financial penalties. This would seriously weakening the ability of the union to make the gains that you are hoping for at the bargaining table: the union’s energies and resources would be diverted into court actions and fighting against possible financial penalties, rather than being focused on making collective bargaining gains.
Remember: anyone who participates in a job action would more likely be playing the role of someone who weakens TWU rather than supports it. DO NOT participate in any job action; instead participate in supporting your union. We strongly urge you to continue to work in your usual way and not to engage in any refusal to work overtime or D1 or any slowdown.
This message on the eve of Labor Day weekend is aimed at assuring that we strengthen our union, not through job actions that will merely result in court actions, but through appropriate unifying actions to obtain the best agreement we can.

Robert Gless
Deputy Director
AA System Coordinator

I guess they are worried about the twu treasury. They might have to share in the pain as the treasury gets depleted through the court system. Boo Hoo Hoo
A bankrupt twu is probably the only way to get rid of these bums 😀
According to the twu negotiations website their is nothing scheduled this week as far as talks with the company. Tex or Bird posted a letter from Phat Don about a week ago stating we would be in negotiations this week, where can I find that letter and who was it sent to?
According to the twu negotiations website their is nothing scheduled this week as far as talks with the company. Tex or Bird posted a letter from Phat Don about a week ago stating we would be in negotiations this week, where can I find that letter and who was it sent to?

According to the aanegotiations.com website they are meeting tomorrow and thursday..but it says location TBD...
But my local vp did say they are scheduled.

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