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TWU negotiations.........what?

A PEB, as said, would lead to recommendations. Said recs. may well suggest we get more than our "union" or company is willing to let settle for - then again, perhaps not but if not, why the irrational fear of release?

Has anyone ever considered why the mediator supposedly called the two sides "pricks"? Could it be that the mediator, in his priveledged position, sees the sham?

I've no doubt the "union" and company BOTH laughed at this comment, if true. I also believe, if true, the union boys quickly decided to portray their reactions as a chorus of "HARUMPHS" rather than the supposed indignation for the benefit of the peons and old folks back home.

Things might not always be EXACTLY as they are related to the rabble.

Why "stay informed" when that seems to mean only "listen carefully to the bull#### and believe" - from either company or union?
Another rumor floating around the rock is, Don Videitich stated, "I don't want to influence the vote, BUT, right now is not a good time to strike." He said this right before the vote was taken on whether or not to be released.
Who know's, could be bullshit, but from the source, I doubt it.
Regardless if the presidents voted or not, and how the vote went doesn't matter, right now the TWU doesn't have a plan B to bring AA to the table and bargain in good faith. That, in itself, is an absolute travesty and failure to represent the membership properly. Forget about gearing up the AMP card drive, what the membership needs to do is seek legal representation to bring charges against the TWU. The ballot for the rejected T/A instructed the TWU to do whatever it takes, including self-help to reach an agreement with AA. Therefore, the TWU should be doing everything in their power to get released from the NMB, including court action. Instead they want US to do their job for them by writing and calling the NMB.

I say WE ALL stop paying union dues until the TWU gains wage & benefit increases for the membership?
Regardless if the presidents voted or not, and how the vote went doesn't matter, right now the TWU doesn't have a plan B to bring AA to the table and bargain in good faith. That, in itself, is an absolute travesty and failure to represent the membership properly. Forget about gearing up the AMP card drive, what the membership needs to do is seek legal representation to bring charges against the TWU. The ballot for the rejected T/A instructed the TWU to do whatever it takes, including self-help to reach an agreement with AA. Therefore, the TWU should be doing everything in their power to get released from the NMB, including court action. Instead they want US to do their job for them by writing and calling the NMB.

I say WE ALL stop paying union dues until the TWU gains wage & benefit increases for the membership?

You still don't get it. They never had a plan B because they never had any intention of making the company bargain in good faith. They are in it together. Phatt Don gets a percentage of the total cost out of the contract. AA pays phatt don and therfore it never shows up on the LM2 and shows up on his w-2 which is private. That is why he was trying to get the contract passed as fast as he can. Legal charges sure like that is going to happen. Remember the int owns the contract. Look at the front of your contract book,it says that this a contract between the twu and aa. Not the members of the twu and aa. The only way you are going to hold the twu accountable is to kick their asses off the property. So stop bitching on these forums and start collecting cards in ORD.
Well at least there is movement in the direction of actually placing blame in the right place, instead of more in-fighting.
I would have bet this would never happen. Wrong again and proud of it.
. Forget about gearing up the AMP card drive, what the membership needs to do is seek legal representation to bring charges against the TWU. The ballot for the rejected T/A instructed the TWU to do whatever it takes, including self-help to reach an agreement with AA. Therefore, the TWU should be doing everything in their power to get released from the NMB, including court action. Instead they want US to do their job for them by writing and calling the NMB.

I say WE ALL stop paying union dues until the TWU gains wage & benefit increases for the membership?
Really Carmen, the solution is to remove the problem, and it shouldn't be that difficult. I don't understand why your all over the map on this issue, its time to get with the program or bend over and enjoy getting cornholed the rest of your career.
Really Carmen, the solution is to remove the problem, and it shouldn't be that difficult. I don't understand why your all over the map on this issue, its time to get with the program or bend over and enjoy getting cornholed the rest of your career.
I've never wavered from getting rid of the TWU. However, if it was that easy AMP would've had a vote by now, right? Look, I get it....Tulsa is the problem for AMP, and as long as the TWU & AA appeases the majority, AMP will have a difficult time getting enough cards to throw them off the property. Don't you think Little and Videtich know that??? I don't believe they're blind to what's happening with AMP, or any other movement to get rid of them. But, let's face it, there are many facets to AMP's problems.....lots of TWU members that are compassionate to their elected officials; guys that really don't want change, but will sign a card to go along with their co-workers, and then the true-blue TWU die-hards.
It's also pretty obvious to me that AMP has a credibility issue with the Tulsa boys, and specifically the steering committee members association with Tulsa. May be Tulsa doesn't trust the people at the top of AMP, for whatever reasons. They know Don better than I do.

Steve, in the mean time I'm not going to let the TWU off the hook by not representing US. I think it's in our best interest to make sure WE keep the TWU accountable to the membership. This is not easy! But, WE can't continue with the status quo of waiting month after month and hearing the same BS.
You still don't get it. They never had a plan B because they never had any intention of making the company bargain in good faith. They are in it together. Phatt Don gets a percentage of the total cost out of the contract. AA pays phatt don and therfore it never shows up on the LM2 and shows up on his w-2 which is private. That is why he was trying to get the contract passed as fast as he can. Legal charges sure like that is going to happen. Remember the int owns the contract. Look at the front of your contract book,it says that this a contract between the twu and aa. Not the members of the twu and aa. The only way you are going to hold the twu accountable is to kick their asses off the property. So stop bitching on these forums and start collecting cards in ORD.

I'll stop bitching when AMP brings on the vote!
Personal opinion... I have no skin in the game, but do believe AMP should rethink their aversion to publishing card counts for two reasons...

First, assuming some of the statements made here are even close to truthful, seeing that support for AMP runs more than just 25% of the title group will make some of those apathetic fence sitters re-think their position and perhaps take AMP a little more seriously than they currently appear to be taken.

Second, it would be a wake up call to the TWU on just how much they are at risk of being removed.
Personal opinion... I have no skin in the game, but do believe AMP should rethink their aversion to publishing card counts for two reasons...

First, assuming some of the statements made here are even close to truthful, seeing that support for AMP runs more than just 25% of the title group will make some of those apathetic fence sitters re-think their position and perhaps take AMP a little more seriously than they currently appear to be taken.

Second, it would be a wake up call to the TWU on just how much they are at risk of being removed.
The company will do whatever it takes to keep the TWU in their pocket. Whatever it takes..........
I'm not so sure, Buck. I think they'd take the chances on a representation election, on the hope that enough people are pissed off to tick "none of the above".

And if AMP were to prevail, it would be another de-facto extension of the 2003 RPA, because it would likely reset the clock (benefitting the company, no?). Certainly, the makeup of the negotiating committee would change enough that negotiations would essentially be starting over, and that would eliminate any serious risk of an impasse being declared.
I've never wavered from getting rid of the TWU. However, if it was that easy AMP would've had a vote by now, right? Look, I get it....Tulsa is the problem for AMP, and as long as the TWU & AA appeases the majority, AMP will have a difficult time getting enough cards to throw them off the property. Don't you think Little and Videtich know that??? I don't believe they're blind to what's happening with AMP, or any other movement to get rid of them. But, let's face it, there are many facets to AMP's problems.....lots of TWU members that are compassionate to their elected officials; guys that really don't want change, but will sign a card to go along with their co-workers, and then the true-blue TWU die-hards.
It's also pretty obvious to me that AMP has a credibility issue with the Tulsa boys, and specifically the steering committee members association with Tulsa. May be Tulsa doesn't trust the people at the top of AMP, for whatever reasons. They know Don better than I do.

Steve, in the mean time I'm not going to let the TWU off the hook by not representing US. I think it's in our best interest to make sure WE keep the TWU accountable to the membership. This is not easy! But, WE can't continue with the status quo of waiting month after month and hearing the same BS.

The bottom line is stop pointing fingers and blaming someone else. Until you and I get 100% cards signed at our station,we have no reason to point the finger at another station. Yes Tulsa has their problems the same as any other station. Look in the mirror and start holding yourself accountable. As for your other post about bitching and AMP bringing on a vote. Remember you are AMP and so am I along with every other member. So if we don't get a vote look in the mirror and #### at yourself.
Bob Owens

How are you guys preparing for your big blow job on Sunday, and did you feel the eathquake the other day?
I'm not so sure, Buck. I think they'd take the chances on a representation election, on the hope that enough people are pissed off to tick "none of the above".

And if AMP were to prevail, it would be another de-facto extension of the 2003 RPA, because it would likely reset the clock (benefitting the company, no?). Certainly, the makeup of the negotiating committee would change enough that negotiations would essentially be starting over, and that would eliminate any serious risk of an impasse being declared.


When AMP prevails and the new negotiating committee is face to face with the company time will certainly pass by BUT there will be elected people who answer to the membership and information will be made transparent. This something we do not have right now. "Starting over" with a democratic structure is something I will wait on. It will make our retro check bigger.

When AMP prevails and the new negotiating committee is face to face with the company time will certainly pass by BUT there will be elected people who answer to the membership and information will be made transparent. This something we do not have right now. "Starting over" with a democratic structure is something I will wait on. It will make our retro check bigger.

And how refreshing would that be!?

I can hear it now at orientation..."and if any of the AMP organizers-who represnt absolutely no one- approach you-wanting to talk to you about signing a card, tell them to get lost!" Just like the IAM did at NWA years(decades)ago..
Except it's too late for the TWU boys...been around way too long now. Already made my AMP/TULE contact.
I am still amazed at how long this is taking you guys....unbelievable.
And how refreshing would that be!?

I can hear it now at orientation..."and if any of the AMP organizers-who represnt absolutely no one- approach you-wanting to talk to you about signing a card, tell them to get lost!" Just like the IAM did at NWA years(decades)ago..
Except it's too late for the TWU boys...been around way too long now. Already made my AMP/TULE contact.
I am still amazed at how long this is taking you guys....unbelievable.

Don't be surprised, but understand.

AMFA gave "alternative" representation a helluva bad name in Tulsa by the actions of a few "over-zealous" SOBs earlier in the century. Fears re: keeping one's job and how one will be treated should AMP be installed are still being fed by the twu loyalists while eying their path to the International or trying to keep their cushy jobs at the union hall we didn't want built.

AMP has a lot of damage to undo, thanks to these two groups of buffoons.

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