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TWU negotiations.........what?

The union pushes that getting qualified be made available to all and that you have to have your A&P to work the line. These qualifications are set up by the company, as far as the Union is concerned you are an A&P and you are qualified to do whatever your A&P allows you to do. These qualifications are things that management determines. The company under management rights determines how many and where the qualifications are needed.

Do you want the Union to manage the company or management?
From you're earlier statements it gives me the impression that the company uses qualifications against us. Lots of times you hear the guys complain that they're "not confortable" doing certain jobs, such as taxi aircraft. Has the company complained in negotiations about mechanics that use excuses just to get out of doing work? If so, wouldn't it be prudent for the union to push mechanics to get qualified, and also tell mechanics to stop using excuses and just do your job?

To answer your question, I think it's the union's job to manage the membership with minimum expectations. It's beneficial to the mechanics and it prevents the company from sitting across the table and complain about what our guys do and don't do.
<_< ------- Let me trough this out at you!-------Taxeing Aircraft is "not" part of the FAA discription of an A&P. Therefore those who are qualified to do so, should be compensated, up and above, that of "normal "wages, for excepting the added liablity!!!!----- Just one more thing that should be, but is not, being addressed in these Contract negotiations!!! 😉
<_< ------- Let me trough this out at you!-------Taxeing Aircraft is "not" part of the FAA discription of an A&P. Therefore those who are qualified to do so, should be compensated, up and above, that of "normal "wages, for excepting the added liablity!!!!----- Just one more thing that should be, but is not, being addressed in these Contract negotiations!!! 😉
I agree!!!!!!!
Thanks 562 for the notice to reject the compAAny's recognition of AMT day. Many in Tulsa decided to reject the "free lunch" but many decided it was a lost cause to take a stand. There was a word of mouth suggestion from the local to reject the meal but nothing on paper that we saw. Thanks again for your leadership.
Thanks 562 for the notice to reject the compAAny's recognition of AMT day. Many in Tulsa decided to reject the "free lunch" but many decided it was a lost cause to take a stand. There was a word of mouth suggestion from the local to reject the meal but nothing on paper that we saw. Thanks again for your leadership.
That's a big ditto for AFW, several of us AMP guys decided to walk past the CHICKEN line, and go out to lunch. Our local leadership missed another oportunity to make a stand, how ironic, serving chicken to chickens.
That's a big ditto for AFW, several of us AMP guys decided to walk past the CHICKEN line, and go out to lunch. Our local leadership missed another oportunity to make a stand, how ironic, serving chicken to chickens.

It's extremely unfortunate that our amt colleagues find allegiance with the company just because AA decides to offer food. Isn't it just typical of management to offer food instead of restoring our wages and benefits. All the AMT's eating AA's lunch should be ashamed of themselves! They're a disgrace to the profession! We will never progress & prosper as a craft & class!

The TWU leadership has missed numerous opprotunities to defend the AMT profession. It's absolutely pathetic.

That's a big ditto for AFW, several of us AMP guys decided to walk past the CHICKEN line, and go out to lunch. Our local leadership missed another oportunity to make a stand, how ironic, serving chicken to chickens.

Too bad. Babe's is good stuff. Wish they knew how to cook like that up north...

Eating company provided food and agreeing with the company are mutually exclusive. Its not like they made you sit thru a presentation on the company's positions... If nothing else, it just helps you keep a few bucks in your pocket.
Too bad. Babe's is good stuff. Wish they knew how to cook like that up north...

Eating company provided food and agreeing with the company are mutually exclusive. Its not like they made you sit thru a presentation on the company's positions... If nothing else, it just helps you keep a few bucks in your pocket.
I have no animosity toward those that ate the free lunch. Mine was just a personal decision based partly on the admonition of Local 562 and the fact that a coworker brought in leftover BBQ ribs from a weekend outing.
I have no animosity toward those that ate the free lunch. Mine was just a personal decision based partly on the admonition of Local 562 and the fact that a coworker brought in leftover BBQ ribs from a weekend outing.
I agree, this is the first year that I have not eaten what the company provided on AMT day, and I feel good about it! I finally woke up and realized, that we the members of this weak ass union, have to take matters into our own hands, because local leadership in most stations and maintenance bases does not exist.
Too bad. Babe's is good stuff. Wish they knew how to cook like that up north...

Eating company provided food and agreeing with the company are mutually exclusive. Its not like they made you sit thru a presentation on the company's positions... If nothing else, it just helps you keep a few bucks in your pocket.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Babes Chicken is equivalent to White Castle, satisfying at the time, but one hell of a colon blow the next day.
Portillo's beef, Geno's deep dish, and Carson's ribs, I'll trade Babe's any day.
Odie, I'll give you Portillos and Carsons, but Lou M, Giordiano, and Paisano beat Gino's East (in that order) where deep dish pizza is concerned; for thin, it's a toss up between Rosati or Tortorice (all pun intended)...

Never had any cause for concern with Babe's in the ten years we ate there, and neither did my wife, who has "issues" just looking at a White Castle...

When the other side is buying, never turn down free food unless you know it comes with a sales pitch... Even there, you'd be surprised how much real negotiating can be done over decent food instead of PowerPoint and sugar free hotel candies...
You guys need to get a grip, we didn't have to listen to a sales pitch, we didn't have to sign anything, all we had to do is listen the manager say

"thanks for the hard work"

Have faith in your negotiating team, I think Bob Owens is looking out for our best interests.
Have faith in your negotiating team, I think Bob Owens is looking out for our best interests.
Oh I have faith in Bob Owens and Co..............

However, these negotiations are going to go on and on like the Energizer bunny.

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