Maybe and just maybe having no union would be alright IF we had management that you could TRUST. Which WE DON'T.
Dunno. There will always be people like Bob's DL contacts who would rather have the union, just like there are people in the TWU today who would rather have another union, and a few who see no value in it whatsoever.
My guess, and it's only a guess.... If the TWU were to be decertified, AA would probably do whatever it takes to keep the workforce from wanting to bring in another union.
People act the way they do based on the company they keep, and that goes for how management deals with their unions and even their vendors.
I've done a lot of work with different companies, including AA, and it's quite rare to find where one side is entirely at fault when there's a dysfunctional relationship.
That said, sometimes all it takes is changing out one vendor rep, account manager, or union president, and a company's attitude & way of dealing with them can and will change overnight.
If you take out or change the intermediaries, you might find a totally different environment than what you're used to today. The pessimist in me says it couldn't be much worse than it already is, so what is there to lose?