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TWU negotiations.........what?

Your making a very good case against paying a lame labor organization 2 base hours of pay a month. Perhaps Delta mechanics should be contacted and asked how the non-union thing is working out.

It is what it is but having a union gives us the ability to change those things and have our cases brought before an Arbitrator. The Delta mechanics that we do have contact with do say they would want a Union.
Your making a very good case against paying a lame labor organization 2 base hours of pay a month. Perhaps Delta mechanics should be contacted and asked how the non-union thing is working out.
Maybe and just maybe having no union would be alright IF we had management that you could TRUST. Which WE DON'T.
The first step in getting the companies attention would be putting away our technological baby sitters of Television and laptops! If we as a whole are unwilling to accomplish a simple task like that, then we will show how selfish we are and no unity will be a clear sign of weakness and that is what is driving everyone to walk over us! No one is afraid of the TWU and their members because we do not demonstrate unity in any shape of form. We can only blame ourselves for it and the only ones who can change it. it is time to put up or shut up! We have no time for excuses anymore.

your either part of the solution or part of the problem
Maybe and just maybe having no union would be alright IF we had management that you could TRUST. Which WE DON'T.

Dunno. There will always be people like Bob's DL contacts who would rather have the union, just like there are people in the TWU today who would rather have another union, and a few who see no value in it whatsoever.

My guess, and it's only a guess.... If the TWU were to be decertified, AA would probably do whatever it takes to keep the workforce from wanting to bring in another union.

People act the way they do based on the company they keep, and that goes for how management deals with their unions and even their vendors.

I've done a lot of work with different companies, including AA, and it's quite rare to find where one side is entirely at fault when there's a dysfunctional relationship.

That said, sometimes all it takes is changing out one vendor rep, account manager, or union president, and a company's attitude & way of dealing with them can and will change overnight.

If you take out or change the intermediaries, you might find a totally different environment than what you're used to today. The pessimist in me says it couldn't be much worse than it already is, so what is there to lose?
You really think that is a solution? Never happen. The easy solution is bid shift/days off. The problem in OH is we will not have the requiered support on weekends. Sure we can run the docks but there will be no engineering or shop support. Heck we barely get that support now.
Well now everyone at the base would need to go to it. Not just one group, commom sence! Ooop forgot there no commom with anything around this place.
The Delta mechanics that we do have contact with do say they would want a Union.
For Delta, it only takes 35% of the craft and class to call for a vote. It doesn't seem like it would take much effort if there was enough interest.

Maybe and just maybe having no union would be alright IF we had management that you could TRUST. Which WE DON'T.
There are good and bad as I'm sure even the Delta mechanics could attest to.

My guess, and it's only a guess.... If the TWU were to be decertified, AA would probably do whatever it takes to keep the workforce from wanting to bring in another union.
I know one thing for sure. If the TWU was decertified, they would never again be brought back on the property.
The first step in getting the companies attention would be putting away our technological baby sitters of Television and laptops! If we as a whole are unwilling to accomplish a simple task like that, then we will show how selfish we are and no unity will be a clear sign of weakness and that is what is driving everyone to walk over us! No one is afraid of the TWU and their members because we do not demonstrate unity in any shape of form. We can only blame ourselves for it and the only ones who can change it. it is time to put up or shut up! We have no time
your either part of the solution or part of the problem

Also how about putting ourselves on the DO NOT CALL LIST? Also turn down OT? They want us to do everything by the book.
Also how about putting ourselves on the DO NOT CALL LIST? Also turn down OT? They want us to do everything by the book.
I heard that too on the conferance call, we will see next Friday if we have any balls.
Where's Waldo? Not only does he have the funny red hat and the plaid shirt, he has the big fat wallet that draws attention to his tight ass., and by tight ass I mean cheap, not willing to pay his labor that saved the airline.

Top-paid CEOs of Tarrant County-based public companies

The latest proposal from the company is a insult to say at least. The TWU had plenty of time to get the negotiations moving at a positive pace. Instead they play the wait and see game. The International always gets theirs and we get ours but only in different ways. Time to fire the TWU!!! Enough is enough!!

SIGN AN AMP CARD so we can represent our interest not the TWU International's interest.
The latest proposal from the company is a insult to say at least. The TWU had plenty of time to get the negotiations moving at a positive pace. Instead they play the wait and see game. The International always gets theirs and we get ours but only in different ways. Time to fire the TWU!!! Enough is enough!!

SIGN AN AMP CARD so we can represent our interest not the TWU International's interest.

This counter proposal is disrespectful and insulting to our members who have greatly sacrificed over the last 8 years and beyond of concessions and does not address our core issues.
We overwhelmingly voted this current proposal down previously. The company is banking on us being desperate enough to take it the second time around.
If the company’s proposal was unacceptable then, it is unacceptable now.
We must vote “NO” and not give in to intimidation.
Let the NMB release us and then we can legally apply our own pressure towards a contract that our members and their families can live with.
Imagine that..history repeating itself.
AA throws us an even worse counter proposal than their last.
Maybe they have caught on that there will never be unity amongst us all (OH vs Line vs all titles) therfore we will never strike.
I'm kinda gettin used to the AA/TWU kool-aid...better yet I love reading all the drama queens take on all this 😱
Imagine that..history repeating itself.
AA throws us an even worse counter proposal than their last.
Maybe they have caught on that there will never be unity amongst us all (OH vs Line vs all titles) therfore we will never strike.
I'm kinda gettin used to the AA/TWU kool-aid...better yet I love reading all the drama queens take on all this 😱
AA plays the TWU like a grand piano.....always has and always will. With or without Owens!

Shame on US for allowing this BS to continue.

It's getting old........and I don't care!!!!

I would like to hear our Fearful leader Bob Owens explain this one. No Creds Bob! Did AA approve your 401K strike fund, yet?

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