TWU negotiations.........what?

Motion to accept American Airlines management proposal to the TWU:

Local 501 (JFK) Vinnie Argentina NO

Local 505 (SFO) Robert Todd YES

Local 510 (DCA) Brian McMahon NO

Local 512 (ORD) Mike Rubel YES

Local 513 (DFW) Frank Pecoraro YES

Local 514 (TUL) Steve Luis YES

Local 514 (TUL) Dale Lantz NO

Local 521 (DTW) John Mizwa YES

Local 529 (STL) Charlie Meyer YES

Local 530 (MCI) Gordon Clark YES

Local 530 (MCI) Ron Harp YES

Local 561 (MIA) Todd Woodward YES

Local 561 (MIA) Tony Bernal YES

Local 562 (JFK) Bob Owens NO

Local 563 (ORD) Steve Gilboy YES

Local 564 (LAX) John Ruiz NO

Local 564 (LAX) Bill Houseman NOT PRESENT (SKLOA)

Local 565 (DFW) Bob Zimmerman YES

Local 567 (AFW) Larry Pike NO

Local 567 (AFW) Johnny Griffith NO

Local 569 (RDU) Glenn Jeanes NOT PRESENT

Local 590 (BNA) Howard Blaydes NOT PRESENT
It truly blows my mind that the YES voters did not take full advantage of the unique and unprecedented position they were in. The beginning of the high travel season, an upturn in year to year passenger load factors, and the compAAny's movement off of high center. We have lost overwhelming tactical advantage considering the contract vote will not be counted till the end of the summer travel season. I, like many of you, believe that this was a sinister act choreographed by the international. Here we have the greatest communication tools in history at our disposal and we cannot inform enough members of the truth to make a difference, as many are choosing to not even vote in the local 514 officer election. My hat is off to the JFK guys for their efforts.
I asked to remove this language back in 2003 and I was told we were not in the position to ask for anything now in 2010 we still have this language in the contract. Why? Doesn't anybody think this language can and will be bad for us at a future date? Then they will say "you voted for the contract" "they can do that" and blame the members!

Re: Part-Time Utilization
During the recent negotiations, the TWU expressed a desire to prohibit the expansion of part-time employees under the Mechanic and Related Agreement. The Company recognizes that it has not utilized part-time employees historically in several classifications and very few in others. In an effort to resolve the matter, the Company does not intend to change its historical application, but at the same time must protect its contractual right in the event the operation requires its application. Therefore, the Company commits to the following:
During the life of this agreement, if the Company was to add part-time positions at locations where they do not exist today, the Company will notify and discuss the plans with the International TWU prior to the implementation of the part-time positions.
(Signed original on file)
I asked to remove this language back in 2003 and I was told we were not in the position to ask for anything now in 2010 we still have this language in the contract. Why? Doesn't anybody think this language can and will be bad for us at a future date? Then they will say "you voted for the contract" "they can do that" and blame the members!

Re: Part-Time Utilization
During the recent negotiations, the TWU expressed a desire to prohibit the expansion of part-time employees under the Mechanic and Related Agreement. The Company recognizes that it has not utilized part-time employees historically in several classifications and very few in others. In an effort to resolve the matter, the Company does not intend to change its historical application, but at the same time must protect its contractual right in the event the operation requires its application. Therefore, the Company commits to the following:
During the life of this agreement, if the Company was to add part-time positions at locations where they do not exist today, the Company will notify and discuss the plans with the International TWU prior to the implementation of the part-time positions.
(Signed original on file)
In the last round the International told the committee that they could not ask for anything, this time they told us we cant ask for much, I guess thats an improvement?! :blink: :blink:

From when I got there in January of 09 until we had nothing left but economic issues Don kept pushing the committee to give the company everything they wanted with the idea, supposedly, that we would get a dollar value for all the language concessions and use that to get what we were asking for on the economic side, well we ended up not asking for anything on the economic side and simply voted on what the company threw in front of us with Dons stern warning to remember "That this could be our last opportunity " (to reach an agreement), "After this it could be out of our hands".(Strike, Strike, you could lose everything, be afraid, be afraid, AA may file BK)

I'm sure we will have International guys running around trying to spread the fear and jam this through. Count on a media bitz as well.

IMO this whole thing was a set up crafted by our own International in concert with the company. Why would they go and try and rewrite the whole contract instead of just going to book on everything that wasnt gutted in 2003 and going straight to the economic issues? By rewriting the whole thing it helped drag out negotiations, making the membership and the Locals (financially)more desperate. The company got to rewrite all the language in their favor, supposedly part of the give and take, we were supposedly going to hold firm on our "credible" table position which literally dissapeared once Don told us not to even discuss or think about counter offers. Just vote on it how it is and remember "This could be our last chance".

In reality there was no difference between these negotiations and the one in 2003. The company got everything they wanted and we didnt get anything that we had in our proposal. The only difference is that this time the company didnt even have to threaten bankruptcy.
It truly blows my mind that the YES voters did not take full advantage of the unique and unprecedented position they were in. The beginning of the high travel season, an upturn in year to year passenger load factors, and the compAAny's movement off of high center. We have lost overwhelming tactical advantage considering the contract vote will not be counted till the end of the summer travel season. I, like many of you, believe that this was a sinister act choreographed by the international. Here we have the greatest communication tools in history at our disposal and we cannot inform enough members of the truth to make a difference, as many are choosing to not even vote in the local 514 officer election. My hat is off to the JFK guys for their efforts.
Obviously, JFK has some great leadership. Although the INTL no doubt participates in choreographs, I'm shocked at the Local leaders who drink the Kool Aid.
Why would i vote no history has shown the company gets what it wants and I cant find a job around here making close to what we make. So sorry NY but your best bet is removing yourselves from okla and texas because this is a pretty good wage around here.
Why would i vote no history has shown the company gets what it wants and I cant find a job around here making close to what we make. So sorry NY but your best bet is removing yourselves from okla and texas because this is a pretty good wage around here.

Maybe your next screen name instead of iluvaa should be Iluvmyself.
Why would i vote no history has shown the company gets what it wants and I cant find a job around here making close to what we make. So sorry NY but your best bet is removing yourselves from okla and texas because this is a pretty good wage around here.

All I can tell you is "be careful what you wish for, you may get it"
Maybe your next screen name instead of iluvaa should be Iluvmyself.

Did anyone really think they were getting a "NO" vote out of a guy with a forum handle like that.

All I can tell you is "be careful what you wish for, you may get it

Chuck, please don't get my hopes up. I hope it applies to every TWU work group.
All I can tell you is "be careful what you wish for, you may get it"
Yes I have heard the threat for yrs now there going to shut Tulsa down blah blah, Blow smoke up some other arse. I was sugesting a way to have 2 differnt contracts a line and base, and if you dont like the I got mine attitude I dont care this is the only union I have ever belonged to so wonder were I learned it.
How many line presidents voted to remove regional pay Chuckie
Yes I have heard the threat for yrs now there going to shut Tulsa down blah blah, Blow smoke up some other arse. I was sugesting a way to have 2 differnt contracts a line and base, and if you dont like the I got mine attitude I dont care this is the only union I have ever belonged to so wonder were I learned it.
How many line presidents voted to remove regional pay Chuckie
Two separate contracts, indeed - divide our numbers into smaller groups yet - make certain no group has enough clout to deal with the company and their wholly-owned dues collection agency - then post more here about not understanding why things don't work out the way we want them to.

This, coming from mechs with A&P certificates, a group of people that are supposed to be a cut above the rest, that ain't too bright of an idea, but it certainly would make it easier for the company to do an even more thorough job of thrashing you and your kind.

I take it, then, you are actually pro-company, wanting easier-to-deal-with sects in order to get that fleeting moment of feeling "special".

Small numbers in different factions are why this so-called "union" "represents" us in the manner it doesn't and the company loves it, helping them out to our detriment at every turn - small groups are relatively easy to tell where to get off for both the company and TWU.

You'll not get your GEO pay unless ALL union members show a united front to the TWU and retake control of it, nullifying what's there now. No more dumb-ass divisions and separate negotiations and other things designed to keep everyone apart and easier for the company and union to deal with.

While I didn't vote for Sam, I do hope he can unify the different sects and get rid of the infighting that brought us to where we are today - you'll be able to tell if he's succeeding if Little tries to remove him from office as he did Shalk and Owens in New York.
im just sick of listening to the blame tulsa crowd. and point out this is a good wage here
Why would i vote no history has shown the company gets what it wants and I cant find a job around here making close to what we make. So sorry NY but your best bet is removing yourselves from okla and texas because this is a pretty good wage around here.

So instead of Voting NO and keeping the good wage you have you are going to Vote Yes and agree to more concessions. You are as sharp as the leading edge of a bowling ball. keep up the good work.

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