Twu Member-member Debate


Aug 20, 2002
Why were retirees asked to attend a representational debate?

Why would Art Luby come all the way to TUL to make a speech about what might of happened had AA filed bankruptcy?

Is this what the membership wants to discuss?
I heard they had less than 130 people at the noon meeting including lots of the retired guys as well. Maybe this time they didn't pay UB. Oh, well better luck next time. Now why would the TWU bother the retired guys? Could it be they needed to fill more seats and try to make it look good for them?

We all know what United is trying to do to the retired folks and I think we need to fight hard to prevent such a travesty from ever happening at AA. First we need to get rid of the TWU so they do not advocate concession for them also.
Rusty said:
I heard they had less than 130 people at the noon meeting including lots of the retired guys as well. Maybe this time they didn't pay UB. Oh, well better luck next time. Now why would the TWU bother the retired guys? Could it be they needed to fill more seats and try to make it look good for them?

We all know what United is trying to do to the retired folks and I think we need to fight hard to prevent such a travesty from ever happening at AA. First we need to get rid of the TWU so they do not advocate concession for them also.
Boys, boys, boys. . .WHERE WERE YOU????????????? I'm afraid your numbers are a little low Rusty. I would say at both meetings combined we probably had close to 700-800. . . and that's guessing in the low numbers. We were strong boys! Too bad you weren't brave enough to attend. There were a few AMFA fellows who were brave enough to appear. As for your so-called chairmen here in Tulsa, they chose to stay in the lobby holding up counters (Dave mostly did that). That's how much they care about the members. We heard some undisputable facts today. Some I didnt' even know. AMFA is more sorry than I originally thought.

(Rusty)-including lots of the retired guys
(Buck)-Why were retirees asked to attend a representational debate?

And about those "retired" guys you speak of. . .I wouldn't expect you to have any respect for someone who paved the way so that you could even have a job. That's just one more plus for the TWU. Everyone was welcome to our debate. The members now see who was really scared to face them!!!
From what I am hearing about the TWU debate from someone I trust is that there were 150 people at each meeting for a total of 300 to 350 that is more than I thought would be there for sure, but alot less than 600 or 700 that you say were there and many were retirees who won't even have a vote in the election also many were from other Airlines don't really know why they were there ? now we will have to see how many will show up for the AMFA vs TWU debate on Saturday, I betting there will be about 1000 :lol: :lol:
TWUer, why would I want to go to a TWU rally. I already know what the TWU is all about and it's a sickining picture.

I am willing to fight for the retired people against the AA/TWU consession bus. I am sure if left unchecked you would suck them into your cult and bend them over just like you people advocated doing to the rest of the membership. Have a nice day!!!
Rusty said:
TWUer, why would I want to go to a TWU rally. I already know what the TWU is all about and it's a sickining picture.

I am willing to fight for the retired people against the AA/TWU consession bus. I am sure if left unchecked you would suck them into your cult and bend them over just like you people advocated doing to the rest of the membership. Have a nice day!!!
TWUer, why would I want to go to a TWU rally.

That's just it Rusty. It wasn't scheduled to be a rally. It was suppose to be a debate between AMFA and the TWU. You guys cried for a debate, we challenged, you failed to show. YOU LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I just want to know why the retirees were there?

This debate was to be about who would represent the mechanic craft and class at American Airlines. The retirees did not receive concessions.

So why bolster the debate attendance with retired members who have not been effected by the last round of concessions, unless those concessions forced or scared them into retirement.

As for the number in attendance, I was not there, however could you comment on the maximum attendance in the theater style seating of 250 that the hotel itself reported?

As for standing room only, the television news clips show it to be a little different....
I have no idea how many were there total. I never even looked into the room to see how many it seated. I would say that both sides appear to be guessing and twisting the number in their favor.

I did notice and observe something very interesting.

Whatever the number was, at least 75% of them will NOT be receiving a ballot from the National Mediation Board.

There were, stock clerks, fleet service clerks, from other locals, retired personel, including Ed Wilson and Earl Tillery. These folks will not be voting in the election and there is nothing worry about.

I was called chicken, coward, and host other names by those calling themselves professionals. We stuck to the plan the organizer have laid out and voted to accomplish.

It is sad that the TWU Local 514 is 7,000 plus member union and the turnout, whatever the number, was nothing to be proud of and given such a high percentage that was in attendance will not be voting, I think the TWU is already beat, we just have to be patient and finish them off.

TWU informer said:
There were, stock clerks, fleet service clerks, from other locals, retired personel, including Ed Wilson and Earl Tillery. These folks will not be voting in the election and there is nothing worry about.
Funny how the TWU had stock clerks, fleet service and retirees at the union meeting. These folks can not fill out a card, they are not even in our title group that will be represented by AMFA and the retired folks are just that, retired.

Do these guys think that stock clerks and fleet service are part of our class and craft? Oh Boy, what a bunch of misinformed individuals. You got to love this stuff, it just gets more comical by the day or maybe desparate is more like it. I think it is in the best interest for the TWU leadership to go to the meeting on Saturday and get informed. You will have all the answers to your questions.

:up: :up: :up:
twuer said:
That's just it Rusty. It wasn't scheduled to be a rally. It was suppose to be a debate between AMFA and the TWU.
A debate between the TWU and AMFA where AMFA was not allowed to participate? Is it not a fact that your offer only said that TWU members who want AMFA could represent AMFA?

That would be like saying there would be a debate between Republicans and Democrats but only Republicans can participate.

Saturdays meeting would be the only true attempt at a real debate. It is open to both active TWU and AMFA leaders as well as members. A debate where those who make the decisions can be called to account for them. Is it unreasonable for members to want to see and hear their leaders defend their leadership decisions?

I read the Dallas article that said that those who tried to speak in AMFAs behalf were shouted down. I recall the story about the threats to Owasso High School. Its pathetic how the TWU will try to be a tough union when it comes to a challenge from another union but cowers like a lamb before the company.

AMFA and the AGW NOW! Airline Unions for Airline Workers.
Bob Owens ; I read the Dallas article that said that those who tried to speak in AMFAs behalf were shouted down. I recall the story about the threats to Owasso High School. Its pathetic how the TWU will try to be a tough union when it comes to a challenge from another union but cowers like a lamb before the company.

Yes Bob thats pretty much the way it went as stated in my earlier post I was present for the noon meeting which had about 125 folks in attendance.. The twu can spin it any which way, but once they shouted down the AMFA questions they proceeded with back to back statements and testimonials of the greatness of the twu interspersed with personal attacks against AMFA and the evil David Stewart..

Needless to say this type of program appeals to the lowest common denominator I.E. cowards that would hide behind make believe names instead of posting here as a man ABLE TO BACK UP WORDS WITH ACCOUNTABILITY AND A NAME.. To the cartoon cowboys afraid to be a man with a name, come to a real debate Sat. and grow a set of nuts, I dare you. ;-)

Jim Anderson dock 4D Tulsa

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