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Twu Takes The Challenge, Sets Place & Time

Calvin the fact is the only reason the TWU got in at AA back in 1946 was because the company did not want to treat their employee's as they should and allow the people who make the company what it is to share in the benefits, that is why all Union exist, Unions are formed out of adversity, so you see Calvin the Mechanics are fighting to change Unions for the exact same reason that they fought to get the TWU in 57 years ago, if the company treated their employee's fairly then there would be absolutly no need for a Union and the same goes for the TWU if the TWU was doing what we hired them to do 57 years ago then there would be no reason to change Unions, but over 53% of us believe that the TWU is not doing what we pay them to do, and we also think that are Leaders are cowards afraid of the membership and Delle, that is why there must be a change now just as there was a change 57 years ago.
Now did you get that or is it over your head.
sheep often have a hard time thinking for themselves. :lol: :lol:

also Calvin if we are fighting for our livelyhood it won't be won or lost by Mechanics from the same Union debating each other, also most of us are not associate members of AMFA just supporters.
Calvin said:
I disagree Mr. Owens. The TWU, in my opinion, is not liable to pay self admitted AMFA associate members in a debate. You are assisting AMFA in a takeover attempt of the TWU at AA. Why do you feel the union you so openly despise should donate to your personal wage. You seem to be in a fight for your livlihood, is this not worth a day's pay?

Whose money is it? The TWUs or the members?

Well the TWU is liable to treat members equitably.

If they are holding a "debate between members" then "members" should be treated equitably. T

The TWU has made the call that they want a debate"between members" to take place regardless of the topic of the debate. Since the TWU is not FORCED to have such a debate, if they are going to have their own "debate"-which since it is for members only is essentially a union meeting, then all participants should be afforded the same opportunities, including UB to participate in a panel, that those promoting the view of the Local or Union get. There can be no doubt that many of the issues are things that the TWU could change, but it chooses not to and that is the primary reason why many are choosing to leave the TWU. Since AMFA is not really going to be there, only those that support AMFA for the reasons stated, this is really an internal "debate". Its not that different than if the Local had a motion before the members and paid those who were in favor of the locals position on the motion to come and speak while not paying those who opposed the local leadership.

As far as how much is it worth I believe that AMFA supporters have clearly demonstrated their willingness to sacrifice both time and money and the TWUs selection of a time has more to do with strategy during the upcoming election than to discuss issues. Why pick a time when most members can not participate? What is wrong with doing it on the weekend or after normal working hours?
I really like your last post Bob you are hot today keep um coming, you brought up an angle that I did not think of.

Good Job :up:
Calvin said:
It may be true a lot of members have signed cards, but I personally know of quite few that will not vote for AMFA even though they signed a card. I can't speak for the TWU but I have known of AMFA for over 10 years and find them more of a hassle to my union than a benefit to me.

Do you think AMFA would prevail at any workplace if times proved profittable for all? I do not, but that's just my opinion, thank you.
How have you "known" AMFA?

Who is it?

The idea has not even been tried yet, Calvin. :angry:

The idea is to get ALL MECHANICS into ONE UNION. Has that been treid and failed in the ten years you have known of AMFA? NO 🙁

SO how can you pass judgement on an idea that is yet to be tried? You got a crystal ball? B)
Mr. Informer, I am not the enemy here. Nor am I really debating. You ask what I have known of AMFA, I know the only time I have seen them here at MCIE is either contract time, such as we had with the IAM, or since we became the TWU and wrestled with the concessions. The same core of mechanics at MCIE are recruiting as did prior, minus one or two. They are good men and mechanics , I just do not believe they are the route I want to take.

I read quite a bit at work, the TWU and AMFA have both put out enough material to keep a person reading. You have to sift between the animosity of both unions. I have heard Mr. Haines speak and I believe he means well, but enough is enough. I look at NWA and others represented by AMFA, I see proud mechanics, furloughed, changing careers, unemployed, and waiting to return to a base that was closed. Not a good scenerio for my family, nor are the concessions a good and viable scenerio, but I am returning to work January 2cnd.

At one of our first meetings in regards to elections held locally as TWU it was asked by two ex-AMFA supporters why they were now pro TWU. Answer was " We have found everything in the TWU we desired different from the IAM". These two individuals command a lot of respect from our floor, they are satified with the TWU and would be the first ones to say otherwise. They were a definate asset to the AMFA drive but evidently they have both had second thoughts on AMFA. Now if only one had gone whole hearted TWU I would second guess him, but not both.

Also, someone please straighten me out on this asscoiate member title. What does it entitle the bearer to? Is there a cost? Is there a benefit? Thank you.
Bob your theory does not hold water since Sept. 9 is a Tuesday and Sept. 12 is a Friday. Amfa is the one who set both of these dates.

Bob is Amfa going to let AA go by the wayside? That is what is going to happen if they do not step up to the plate and support the organizers to debate the TWU and have professionals available to answer specific Questions January 15th.

One of the most frequent responses in Tulsa we hear is " I signed a card because I was upset at the TWU! But, I will never vote for amfa, my job is important. Amfa Outsources Heavy Maintenance"
hmmm, thats funny cio, because what I always hear most often is:

I will vote for AMFA but I will not sign a card because I will get hastled!!!