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Team Twu "we Just Came To Debate"

Rusty said:
twuer said:
Rusty my BOY,

Were you even in the building? Ask any of your AMFA buddies. They will tell you that Brian DID NOT go in alone. The whole purpose of being there was to get Delle to debate the ones we had chosen!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brian was an extra, just to see if Delle would bite. Kevin Hammack, whom the TWU supporters chose, also went in (WITH BRIAN) and challenged Delle. Why on earth would we send in a laid off AMFA member all by himself??? Now that just doesn't make any sense. Go ahead, ask Dave, Gary, Dan, Ken or Raptor who came in, they'll tell you. In fact I think it has already been established on these boards who came in. Look back at the posts.

So you my friend are wrong again. And believe it or not that IS what we came for. We all crowded around by the door waiting for Delle's response, Kevin and Brian came back out and told us he said NO so we left. Man how many times do I have to tell this story before you get it through your thick skulls?? We came, we were turned down, we left. End of story.

Hey, I have an idea, since Delle is so accessible why don't you call or email him and ask him who approached him and while your at it you can ask him why he didn't take us up on our offer. Oh, and ask him why he couldn't answer his own member's questions. Please let me know, I sure would like to know the answers.
TWUer, yes I was there but, again you elude truth with deception. Where was Sonny Hall or a National representative of the TWU??? Where did I say Brian Connors came in alone???? He came in as a mouth piece for the TWU wanting to debate Delle when he was an officer from the IAM. I did say anyone from the TWU and I should have been clearer and said any officer/leader from even local 514 of the TWU. I asked why the TWU would send in an IAM officer for the TWU. Your response was "Brian was an extra just to see if Delle would bite" Well, at least you are admitting to your TeamTWU deceptions.

I again agree with you on one of your points you came you demonstrated (with a coffin on a trailor) you played one of your little TeamTWU games and you left. End of Story!!!
I have to hand it to you Rusty, you can spin with the best of them!! Brian came in as a laid off AMFA member. Laid off under Delle's watch. Why shouldn't he be there to ask questions? Your flyer said everyone is invited did it not???????? And he DIDN'T come in as a mouthpiece for the TWU. Dang what part of this are you not getting. It is really not that hard to understand. How are we deceiving anyone by bringing him in to talk with Delle. He wanted to come in. He wanted some questions answered. Maybe if we had snuck him in the back door or something I would see where you were coming from. He had every right to be there. He actually had more of a right than anyone else in there!!

Stick with the issues and quit trying to blow everything you read or hear out of porportion. Dave and Bob are already doing such a fine job at that!

Have you contacted Delle yet? I'll be waiting anxiously to hear what he has to say.
😛h34r: As a member to this Forum. I have sat back and watched the Three ring circus.But now I feel it is time to add my own thoughts.I work In T-town and have seen first hand what happens to people who voice a opinion other then that of the "union" I have seen people intimidated,Harassed, and Yes out and out threaten If they do not "Tow the Line". I feel at this point and I really pray that other locals are not run as ours I'am a union man and have listened to the both sides.What happen last Saturday was a disgrace.What ever side of the issue The Coffin and just sick and twisted attitude of "Team" was not only embassing but I feel to all see this post Those people there DO NOT represent local and a vast amount of the opinion of the people in Tulsa.The only thing I can say is that the people that showed up with thier Flags,and tombstones and coffins also show up to other meetings at another "Club" where they wear white sheets on their heads and burn crosses. Please call for a vote--------Help us out of bondage
1lastsane1 said:
😛h34r: As a member to this Forum. I have sat back and watched the Three ring circus.But now I feel it is time to add my own thoughts.I work In T-town and have seen first hand what happens to people who voice a opinion other then that of the "union" I have seen people intimidated,Harassed, and Yes out and out threaten If they do not "Tow the Line". I feel at this point and I really pray that other locals are not run as ours I'am a union man and have listened to the both sides.What happen last Saturday was a disgrace.What ever side of the issue The Coffin and just sick and twisted attitude of "Team" was not only embassing but I feel to all see this post Those people there DO NOT represent local and a vast amount of the opinion of the people in Tulsa.The only thing I can say is that the people that showed up with thier Flags,and tombstones and coffins also show up to other meetings at another "Club" where they wear white sheets on their heads and burn crosses. Please call for a vote--------Help us out of bondage

Welcome to the forum lastsane1,

I appreciate your comments on this public forum but I have to ask, were you there Saturday? Did you actually witness the event first-hand or are you going on what you have been told or by the pictures that have been circulating around the base? A lot of lies and deceptions start by word of mouth. I was there and never felt more proud to be called a union man. We had overseers if you will who made sure everything we did was by the book. A prayer to start and union solidarity to end it. We came out there to debate the issues with Delle and when he refused to debate us we left.

The only thing I can say is that the people that showed up with thier Flags,and tombstones and coffins also show up to other meetings at another "Club" where they wear white sheets on their heads and burn crosses.

I will say this to you sir or madame. You are stepping way over the line with this comment. The TWU has been bombarded with names and accusations, such as yours, by AMFA supporters for quite sometime now. But to this day they see nothing wrong with it. In fact it has become one of the AMFA tactics, a rule that should be followed by all who "play". The only thing I can think of to say about this is that I would bet that you are one of these people who wants everyone else to do your dirty work. You are probably NOT involved in your union and could care less who runs it. Before you start throwing accusations around I would encourage you to get the facts. You have offended quite a few I'm sure with your comments but it will not deter us from continuing to fight for our union.

Have a nice day!! 🙂
4 or 5 different unions at 1 base, what are you talking about.

Buck................AHhhhhhhh didnt realize this? Well lets say, AMFA would win election, AMTs would be represented at the same base as stores, Stores would be represented by TWU, Fleet by Lets use Teamsters here, and cant forget the Ramp they would be represented by, THis is for you Bob, AGW
Lets count, I see 4 unions? And cant forget in the future, Plant Maintenace might have to be represented by another, if We still have Plant Maintenace, and then we have the AUto Mechanics, Lets give them......UAW

Have you been employed anywhere with so many different unions at 1 place? I have and Let me tell you, it wont work. All you succeeded in doing is splitting the workforce, greed takes over, jealousy, and YES RATTING

Oh you are right Buck, You will have different pay scales also, there wont be any title groups any more

What sounds selfish is your lack of democracy?

Buck, You claim to be democratic and I claim to be democratic, I feel we both are, but in different views. I have read your posts where you claim another for his beleifs is communist, That is where you and I differ BUck, You see, I will never claim another AMERICAN is communistic, by his views or his actions, for speaking his opinion, or his views, to me, a person doing this is exercising his GOD GIVEN right to FREEDOM of SPEECH, and in doing so, he or she is not communist.
I feel what your concerned with, is inside your local and if it is, YOU can take control and reestablish your local, its called MAJORITY, just as the case with the concessions, THE MAJORITY VOTED and it passed, if there was ILLEGAL activities, I have faith in the judicial system, we would have had a re vote, I can hear it now, But I have spoken mybeleifs
4 or 5 different unions at 1 base, what are you talking about.

Buck................AHhhhhhhh didnt realize this? Well lets say, AMFA would win election, AMTs would be represented at the same base as stores, Stores would be represented by TWU, Fleet by Lets use Teamsters here, and cant forget the Ramp they would be represented by, THis is for you Bob, AGW
Lets count, I see 4 unions? And cant forget in the future, Plant Maintenace might have to be represented by another, if We still have Plant Maintenace, and then we have the AUto Mechanics, Lets give them......UAW

Have you been employed anywhere with so many different unions at 1 place? I have and Let me tell you, it wont work. All you succeeded in doing is splitting the workforce, greed takes over, jealousy, and YES RATTING

Oh you are right Buck, You will have different pay scales also, there wont be any title groups any more

What sounds selfish is your lack of democracy?

Buck, You claim to be democratic and I claim to be democratic, I feel we both are, but in different views. I have read your posts where you claim another for his beleifs is communist, That is where you and I differ BUck, You see, I will never claim another AMERICAN is communistic, by his views or his actions, for speaking his opinion, or his views, to me, a person doing this is exercising his GOD GIVEN right to FREEDOM of SPEECH, and in doing so, he or she is not communist.
I feel what your concerned with, is inside your local and if it is, YOU can take control and reestablish your local, its called MAJORITY, just as the case with the concessions, THE MAJORITY VOTED and it passed, if there was ILLEGAL activities, I have faith in the judicial system, we would have had a re vote, I can hear it now, But I have spoken mybeleifs
Your defenition of 4 unions is yours alone. It would not bother me if all the other work groups were in one union. So lets say two unions on the property.

You must be from Local 530 of MCI? All you require is some time under the TWU to see where your majority goes. You may have local majority, but your local will someday be put in it's place by the ATD or International. So enjoy the solidarity of your local, I believe it will be brief.

No one is denying your freedom of speech. And yes it could be that your local does not send any dues money to the international to support issues that not all agree with politically. But I believe the members dues are spent on political issues that have nothing to do with labor or airline industry issues. When I refer to someone as comunistic or socialistic, it mainly refers to the distribution of contractual gains or concessions across the board and the structure that dictates the policies of from the top down representation.
Just Remember the post from Buck comes from someone who has not participated or contributed in a constructive way.


Please explain?

Give me your definition of how I did not receive the wage and benefit concessions, as did everyone else.
Buck said:
No one is denying your freedom of speech. And yes it could be that your local does not send any dues money to the international to support issues that not all agree with politically. But I believe the members dues are spent on political issues that have nothing to do with labor or airline industry issues

Buck, If not for political invilvement, How would any union be able to lobby to stop using tax payers money to send work overseas?
With AMFA not being involved in politics, How would Delle be able to talk to congress? or the senate? Why would or should they care to help when AMFA does not want to help them?
I do beleive our DUES money spent on political issues does have alot to dowith labor and the airline industry
No one is denying your freedom of speech. And yes it could be that your local does not send any dues money to the international to support issues that not all agree with politically. But I believe the members dues are spent on political issues that have nothing to do with labor or airline industry issues

Buck, If not for political invilvement, How would any union be able to lobby to stop using tax payers money to send work overseas?
With AMFA not being involved in politics, How would Delle be able to talk to congress? or the senate? Why would or should they care to help when AMFA does not want to help them?
I do beleive our DUES money spent on political issues does have alot to dowith labor and the airline industry
Gun Control And The AFL-CIO

The National Rifle Association of America is a single-issue organization that represents firearms owners and works to defend and protect their rights as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. In its 132-year history as the nation`s oldest civil rights organization, the NRA has never adopted any policy or practice regarding unions, organized labor, labor management or labor relations issues of any kind.

On the other hand, the American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) have continually stepped outside the purview of labor relations and adopted decidedly anti-gun positions that infringe upon the rights of law-abiding firearms owners.

The national leadership of the AFL-CIO has supported restrictive "gun control" legislation for nearly a quarter of a century.

1971: The Executive Council of the AFL-CIO adopted a resolution stating, "the AFL-CIO strongly urges Congress to enact strong handgun control legislation."

1976: The AFL-CIO announced it`s support for legislation which would ban "weapons such as the so-called `Saturday Night Special` from the public domain."

1987: The AFL-CIO`s Executive Council issued a resolution in support of a national seven-day waiting period on the purchase of all handguns.

1989: The AFL-CIO came out strongly in support of the Brady Bill and its national waiting period on the purchase of handguns by law-abiding gun owners. AFL-CIO leadership also resolved to support U.S. Sen. Dennis DeConcini`s S.747, a bill to ban the importation, domestic manufacture and sale of certain semi-automatic firearms.

1994: Most recently, the AFL-CIO`s leadership supported the Clinton Crime Bill and its ban on certain semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns and large-capacity magazines.
Along with the above non-airline issue, are you unaware of the true political course of the AFL-CIO? Do you truely believe that all dues money contributed by the membership goes for airline related political needs? I would think that you would know the membership better than it appears. The members may continue to pay dues for other than airline politics, but the only reason is because they are unaware of where these monies actually go. So again thru LIFT, Lies Intimidation Fear and Threat, the TWU controls the membership.
Along with the above non-airline issue, are you unaware of the true political course of the AFL-CIO? Do you truely believe that all dues money contributed by the membership goes for airline related political needs? I would think that you would know the membership better than it appears. The members may continue to pay dues for other than airline politics, but the only reason is because they are unaware of where these monies actually go. So again thru LIFT, Lies Intimidation Fear and Threat, the TWU controls the membership.

Goes for airline related needs? So the fact the AFL-CIO fights for rights of other non-airline members that makes it unworthy? As if to state issues that go on around us everyday, e.g. Overtime, is not worth our monies and support? The AFL-CIO is our watchdog, and ya best thank them for being here.

Another "For ME" quote from amfa supporters..what else is new mah bruddahs.
Buck said:
Along with the above non-airline issue, are you unaware of the true political course of the AFL-CIO? Do you truely believe that all dues money contributed by the membership goes for airline related political needs? I would think that you would know the membership better than it appears. The members may continue to pay dues for other than airline politics, but the only reason is because they are unaware of where these monies actually go. So again thru LIFT, Lies Intimidation Fear and Threat, the TWU controls the membership.
Buck, Did you sign the petition your steward brought to you to stop Bush venture to derail overtime? That is to help all workers, not only TWU workforce, but also will aid the non union workforce........... Once again, a show of what AFL-CIO has done for the entire workforce thru out the years, not just the last 5 or even 10 years, Its a sad day when we hear faithful union members speak out against the advantages of AFL-CIO
I have my father, His father, and his father before him to THANK for what I have today, and Yes, I WANT TO THANK YOUR FATHER AND YOUR FATHERS FATHER ALSO
Buck, Did you sign the petition your steward brought to you to stop Bush venture to derail overtime? That is to help all workers, not only TWU workforce, but also will aid the non union workforce........... Once again, a show of what AFL-CIO has done for the entire workforce thru out the years, not just the last 5 or even 10 years, Its a sad day when we hear faithful union members speak out against the advantages of AFL-CIO
I have my father, His father, and his father before him to THANK for what I have today, and Yes, I WANT TO THANK YOUR FATHER AND YOUR FATHERS FATHER ALSO
I am not allowed to participate in the TWU political arena, this is by choice. Although I do pay dues for collective bargaining and contract administration. These items are also withheld from me. As for this petition, not one shop steward approached myself or my coworkers on my shift to sign any petition. Could it be that my shift does not have a shop steward? I have no problem with helping other unions, what I have problem with is the TWU promoting this issue and then granting overtime concessions in my contract. As for the AFL-CIO, if they would stick to labor issues I might consider them to be labor friendly. It is their deviation from labor issues into the far left agenda that I have issue with. I also have a problem with the actions of so called union men and women who attack fellow union members seeking information for democratic change.

Our fathers etc... Our Labor Fathers... would be appalled at the concessions that the TWU has granted over the last twenty years. Everything that they fought for is being destroyed by the TWU.

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