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Team Twu "we Just Came To Debate"

Stock Clerks and Fleet Service can keep the TWU. The TWU appears to have done a fine job for them.

Careful Buck..you are showing amfa's true colors without camo....tell me Buckboy....why are amt's better than fleet and stock clerks?
PDiddyQuill said:
Stock Clerks and Fleet Service can keep the TWU. The TWU appears to have done a fine job for them.

Careful Buck..you are showing amfa's true colors without camo....tell me Buckboy....why are amt's better than fleet and stock clerks?
We are not better Drippy; we are in a separate Craft and Class. The NMB decides who is in what Craft and Class not us. I know you know this Drippy, why do you ask again??? It surely would not be because you are chit stirir (company plant possibly) would it??? Let me ask you a question Drippy. Why do you think being aligned along industrial lines is better than Craft and Class lines?
Ahhhh Rusty ole boy...you'll never be a craft and class..does that impede your ability to multilpy?...Now..go hug a welder....HAHAHAHA
PDiddyQuill said:
Careful Buck..you are showing amfa's true colors without camo....tell me Buckboy....why are amt's better than fleet and stock clerks?
Why are you better than a welder?
twuer said:
We have every right to speak for ourselves. We run the locals. That was the reason of coming out to the Brady. We, the members of the TWU "challenged" (and yes that was the word used) Delle to debate us and he REFUSED!!! He wouldn't stand up to the men who we chose to debate him. We had that much confidence in our members to stand up to the AMFA leaders. I think if he had agreed it would have been a productive meeting for everyone. We came as a group and left as a group. Do you know what he told a laid off United worker? He told him to go back to his local for information. He didn't even have the guts to answer a question from one of his own AMFA members. What do you think about that. One of his own and he turns him away!!!
TWUer, I agree that you have the right to speak for yourself and that yes un-recallable officers do run the local-514. What I do not agree with is that any of the TWU leadership of for that matter any TWU member challenged Delle to debate period. Instead the TWU local514 leadeship sent an IAM officer (Brian Connors) (recording secretary) posing as a rank and file laid off member from Unirtes Airlines to challenge Delle in the place of anyone from the TWU. Now that is the most cowardice thing I have seen in a very long time but, again that is also in your rights to be cowards.

Another point we agree on is that you left as a group but, what I will never agree on is that any of you ever had any intensions of coming into the building as a group or any part of you as a group to debate. The person that did come up and ask Delle if he would debate him was from the IAM and as all of you knew Delle was not going to debate someone from another airline at a AA/TWU AMFA debate. Why would Delle debate someone from another airline at an AA/TWU AMFA debate??? As much as you would like to spin that into something other than the plain facts and truth it cannot happen except maybe to those very few that are totally blind to your sleazy ways.

PDiddyQuill said:
Excellent question Davey boy....Buck?
Since you believe this to be an excellent question, I do not believe AMT's are better than Welders. I believe Welders as well as machinists to be my equal. It is you that cannot conceive what Craft and Class is. The Stocks are doing just fine, as well as the Fleet Service Clerks and are equal to me also. What is needed for the mechanic craft and class to stop holding back these two groups. Without the mechanics, the Stock Clerks and Fleet Service would no longer be hindered. It is my opinion that the TWU has provided fine representation for the members other than that of the mechanic craft and class.
Buck said:
Since you believe this to be an excellent question, I do not believe AMT's are better than Welders. I believe Welders as well as machinists to be my equal. It is you that cannot conceive what Craft and Class is. The Stocks are doing just fine, as well as the Fleet Service Clerks and are equal to me also. What is needed for the mechanic craft and class to stop holding back these two groups. Without the mechanics, the Stock Clerks and Fleet Service would no longer be hindered. It is my opinion that the TWU has provided fine representation for the members other than that of the mechanic craft and class.

Buck, Lets take a vote,No not a vote for AMFA or TWU, lets a take a vote thats more important. Right here, we can vote, All those in favor of.........Mmm say 4, maybe 5 different unions at 1 base.........all those in favor? against? The against have it.
Yoiu know why Buck? Can you predict the hindrance it will be to all, not just your craft and profession, but a hindrance to the stores true craft and profession also.
How many here have been employed in a workplace that had numerous representatives?
Lets see.........You could ahve the paper union representing stores, the teamsters representing fleet, oh ok, to be fair, AGW representing Ramp, and of course, We all know this wont happen but to be fair, lets surmise AMFA would win.......who would be the winner here?
Wouldnt and isnt it better if all work groups are represented by 1 Union, and be broken down into titles? What could be more fair?
Im not saying you think your better than anyone else, but listen to yourself and others here, about wanting to promote their TRUE CRAFT and PROFESSION, you have to admit it does sound selfish?
Rusty said:
twuer said:
We have every right to speak for ourselves. We run the locals. That was the reason of coming out to the Brady. We, the members of the TWU "challenged" (and yes that was the word used) Delle to debate us and he REFUSED!!! He wouldn't stand up to the men who we chose to debate him. We had that much confidence in our members to stand up to the AMFA leaders. I think if he had agreed it would have been a productive meeting for everyone. We came as a group and left as a group. Do you know what he told a laid off United worker? He told him to go back to his local for information. He didn't even have the guts to answer a question from one of his own AMFA members. What do you think about that. One of his own and he turns him away!!!
TWUer, I agree that you have the right to speak for yourself and that yes un-recallable officers do run the local-514. What I do not agree with is that any of the TWU leadership of for that matter any TWU member challenged Delle to debate period. Instead the TWU local514 leadeship sent an IAM officer (Brian Connors) (recording secretary) posing as a rank and file laid off member from Unirtes Airlines to challenge Delle in the place of anyone from the TWU. Now that is the most cowardice thing I have seen in a very long time but, again that is also in your rights to be cowards.

Another point we agree on is that you left as a group but, what I will never agree on is that any of you ever had any intensions of coming into the building as a group or any part of you as a group to debate. The person that did come up and ask Delle if he would debate him was from the IAM and as all of you knew Delle was not going to debate someone from another airline at a AA/TWU AMFA debate. Why would Delle debate someone from another airline at an AA/TWU AMFA debate??? As much as you would like to spin that into something other than the plain facts and truth it cannot happen except maybe to those very few that are totally blind to your sleazy ways.

Rusty my BOY,

Were you even in the building? Ask any of your AMFA buddies. They will tell you that Brian DID NOT go in alone. The whole purpose of being there was to get Delle to debate the ones we had chosen!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brian was an extra, just to see if Delle would bite. Kevin Hammack, whom the TWU supporters chose, also went in (WITH BRIAN) and challenged Delle. Why on earth would we send in a laid off AMFA member all by himself??? Now that just doesn't make any sense. Go ahead, ask Dave, Gary, Dan, Ken or Raptor who came in, they'll tell you. In fact I think it has already been established on these boards who came in. Look back at the posts.

So you my friend are wrong again. And believe it or not that IS what we came for. We all crowded around by the door waiting for Delle's response, Kevin and Brian came back out and told us he said NO so we left. Man how many times do I have to tell this story before you get it through your thick skulls?? We came, we were turned down, we left. End of story.

Hey, I have an idea, since Delle is so accessible why don't you call or email him and ask him who approached him and while your at it you can ask him why he didn't take us up on our offer. Oh, and ask him why he couldn't answer his own member's questions. Please let me know, I sure would like to know the answers.
TWU informer said:
As team twu tries hard to spin their way out of the coffin and flag embarrassment, they also claim they simply came to offer debate terms, not intimidate at the Brady Theater.

This video shows what team twu was really there to do. They must have thought we were crossing a picket line instead of conducting an informational meeting since Sonny and/or Little failed to show. "SCAB, SCAB, SCAB" sounds like picket line material, not a debate offer.

Interesting and worthy of note: We have pictures that shows Art Luby was in the parking lot. I guess he was not there to debate, did he drive the coffin into town?

Video - Team TWU peaceful offer to debate at the Brady

Some Officers are now claiming NO association with teAAmTWU. However, look close in the video and photographs. You will see them there, leading the mob.

The Lies, Intimidation, Fear, and Threats of the TWU are taking their toll and AMFA gains more momentum daily.

We could not ask for better opponents, than those that will never tire in assisting the cause of the opposition by carefully thought out conduct, and display.
:lol: What turnip truck did you fall off of. TWU was there to debate but scamfa leader Dell-doe did not want to be up-turned on the facts. The coffin ( for all the idiots) was used to show how many jobs have been lost under amfa's watch. They watch them go out the door and think it is great. I think the only thing scamfa is good at is taking pictures and trying to alter them for a few votes. But then all one had to do was see the small turn out in support of amfa to know the truth. Those poor souls were lost. And to try and throw mud at the TeamTWU ( who were awesome) is pretty hard to do when you cannot even pull your feet out of all the muck they are mired in to try and find the truth. During a prayer, scamfa guys yelled and cussed and acted just as most scamfa supporters do. A man must first be able to be accountable to himself before he can be accountable and lead others. Clearly, dell-doe has a lot to learn about helping a fellow human being.
Princess Towers said:
TWU informer said:
As team twu tries hard to spin their way out of the coffin and flag embarrassment, they also claim they simply came to offer debate terms, not intimidate at the Brady Theater.

This video shows what team twu was really there to do. They must have thought we were crossing a picket line instead of conducting an informational meeting since Sonny and/or Little failed to show. "SCAB, SCAB, SCAB" sounds like picket line material, not a debate offer.

Interesting and worthy of note: We have pictures that shows Art Luby was in the parking lot. I guess he was not there to debate, did he drive the coffin into town?

Video - Team TWU peaceful offer to debate at the Brady

Some Officers are now claiming NO association with teAAmTWU. However, look close in the video and photographs. You will see them there, leading the mob.

The Lies, Intimidation, Fear, and Threats of the TWU are taking their toll and AMFA gains more momentum daily.

We could not ask for better opponents, than those that will never tire in assisting the cause of the opposition by carefully thought out conduct, and display.
:lol: What turnip truck did you fall off of. TWU was there to debate but scamfa leader Dell-doe did not want to be up-turned on the facts. The coffin ( for all the idiots) was used to show how many jobs have been lost under amfa's watch. They watch them go out the door and think it is great. I think the only thing scamfa is good at is taking pictures and trying to alter them for a few votes. But then all one had to do was see the small turn out in support of amfa to know the truth. Those poor souls were lost. And to try and throw mud at the TeamTWU ( who were awesome) is pretty hard to do when you cannot even pull your feet out of all the muck they are mired in to try and find the truth. During a prayer, scamfa guys yelled and cussed and acted just as most scamfa supporters do. A man must first be able to be accountable to himself before he can be accountable and lead others. Clearly, dell-doe has a lot to learn about helping a fellow human being.

Well considering your attraction to TWU men its understandible why thats on your mind.
Since you believe this to be an excellent question, I do not believe AMT's are better than Welders. I believe Welders as well as machinists to be my equal. It is you that cannot conceive what Craft and Class is. The Stocks are doing just fine, as well as the Fleet Service Clerks and are equal to me also. What is needed for the mechanic craft and class to stop holding back these two groups. Without the mechanics, the Stock Clerks and Fleet Service would no longer be hindered. It is my opinion that the TWU has provided fine representation for the members other than that of the mechanic craft and class.

Buck, Lets take a vote,No not a vote for AMFA or TWU, lets a take a vote thats more important. Right here, we can vote, All those in favor of.........Mmm say 4, maybe 5 different unions at 1 base.........all those in favor? against? The against have it.
Yoiu know why Buck? Can you predict the hindrance it will be to all, not just your craft and profession, but a hindrance to the stores true craft and profession also.
How many here have been employed in a workplace that had numerous representatives?
Lets see.........You could ahve the paper union representing stores, the teamsters representing fleet, oh ok, to be fair, AGW representing Ramp, and of course, We all know this wont happen but to be fair, lets surmise AMFA would win.......who would be the winner here?
Wouldnt and isnt it better if all work groups are represented by 1 Union, and be broken down into titles? What could be more fair?
Im not saying you think your better than anyone else, but listen to yourself and others here, about wanting to promote their TRUE CRAFT and PROFESSION, you have to admit it does sound selfish?
4 or 5 different unions at 1 base, what are you talking about. What I think you mean is 4 or 5 different pay scales for all title groups. I cannot predict anything, but I can see the history of the labor movement since the inception of the B-scale. It was the first step in devastating the industry and the mechanic craft and class as a profession.

How would AMFA or even multiple unions on the property hinder the wages and benefits of the stores or fleet personal?

Selfish?, Why should I take a 17.5% pay cut those junior to me take a 36% pay cut or more, including our first two sick days at half pay and all others take only 16%? Talking about divide and conquer. Whose side are you on anyway the company's? What sounds selfish is your lack of democracy?

Wouldn't it be better to have all work groups represented by one union?

And what has that achieved? We are more divided than ever and it started, at least in 1983.

Just tell me where the TWU has ever in the last twenty years made gains for the membership collectively?
Ahhhh...Princess Towers....how I miss your......smile...HAHAHAHAHA. have ya widnessed how the amfa slugs have gone from an amfa member wanting to face Alf to an ex-IAM membuh fronting Alf...

and they consider Alf $$$$...ah mean Delle-dough to sumptin more than it is...so like the wannbe associates...HAHAHAHA....

They say a welder is their bruddah...as long as he in another union..HAHAHAHA..what a bunch of wannbes...If I was a welder.....and you were mah lady..would ya marry me anyhow...would ya have mah baby?....oops...wrong song wrong time.....

and the colored girlz go..do ta do..ta do ta do ta do ...*buuuurrrrrp*...sawwweeee..accident....Ok ma bruddahs at large..wanna play?..put yo casket bearing, flag waving, yellow rainjacket, Brillcream wearing, face to the monitor..."A little bit closer now baby!"...*Pfooootttttt*.....GOTCHA!!!

Stby..the TWU is at work saving your job...please consult a welder for the dark side of events...HAHAHAHAHA
twuer said:
Rusty my BOY,

Were you even in the building? Ask any of your AMFA buddies. They will tell you that Brian DID NOT go in alone. The whole purpose of being there was to get Delle to debate the ones we had chosen!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brian was an extra, just to see if Delle would bite. Kevin Hammack, whom the TWU supporters chose, also went in (WITH BRIAN) and challenged Delle. Why on earth would we send in a laid off AMFA member all by himself??? Now that just doesn't make any sense. Go ahead, ask Dave, Gary, Dan, Ken or Raptor who came in, they'll tell you. In fact I think it has already been established on these boards who came in. Look back at the posts.

So you my friend are wrong again. And believe it or not that IS what we came for. We all crowded around by the door waiting for Delle's response, Kevin and Brian came back out and told us he said NO so we left. Man how many times do I have to tell this story before you get it through your thick skulls?? We came, we were turned down, we left. End of story.

I will not bother Delle with your dribble but, I would bet my life that he would answer if I asked, on the other hand I would not bet one dollar on getting any kind of answer from the un-recallable Sonny Hall or any of his un-recallable pupets.

Hey, I have an idea, since Delle is so accessible why don't you call or email him and ask him who approached him and while your at it you can ask him why he didn't take us up on our offer. Oh, and ask him why he couldn't answer his own member's questions. Please let me know, I sure would like to know the answers.
TWUer, yes I was there but, again you elude truth with deception. Where was Sonny Hall or a National representative of the TWU??? Where did I say Brian Connors came in alone???? He came in as a mouth piece for the TWU wanting to debate Delle when he was an officer from the IAM. I did say anyone from the TWU and I should have been clearer and said any officer/leader from even local 514 of the TWU. I asked why the TWU would send in an IAM officer for the TWU. Your response was "Brian was an extra, just to see if Delle would bite" Well, at least you are admitting to your TeamTWU deceptions.

I again agree with you on one of your points, you came, you demonstrated (with a coffin on a trailor), you played one of your little TeamTWU games, and then you left. End of Story!!!

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