As team twu tries hard to spin their way out of the coffin and flag embarrassment, they also claim they simply came to offer debate terms, not intimidate at the Brady Theater.
This video shows what team twu was really there to do. They must have thought we were crossing a picket line instead of conducting an informational meeting since Sonny and/or Little failed to show.
"SCAB, SCAB, SCAB" sounds like picket line material, not a debate offer.
Interesting and worthy of note: We have pictures that shows Art Luby was in the parking lot. I guess he was not there to debate, did he drive the coffin into town?
Video - Team TWU peaceful offer to debate at the Brady
Some Officers are now claiming NO association with teAAmTWU. However, look close in the video and photographs. You will see them there, leading the mob.
The Lies, Intimidation, Fear, and Threats of the TWU are taking their toll and AMFA gains more momentum daily.
We could not ask for better opponents, than those that will never tire in assisting the cause of the opposition by carefully thought out conduct, and display.