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TWU/IAM Members: How Long Will Negotiations Take?

How long do you think it will be before the Association presents a contract proposal to any of the w

  • By the first week of 2016 (within about 30 days)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30-60 Days

    Votes: 7 7.0%
  • 60-90 Days

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • 90-120 Days

    Votes: 10 10.0%
  • 4-6 Months

    Votes: 8 8.0%
  • 6-9 Months

    Votes: 8 8.0%
  • 9-12 Months

    Votes: 6 6.0%
  • 12-18 Months

    Votes: 10 10.0%
  • 18-24 Months

    Votes: 10 10.0%
  • 24-48 Months or longer

    Votes: 40 40.0%

  • Total voters
conehead777 said:
there not idiots and I don't appreciate you calling my friends and coworkers idiots. They got up and spoke out. I'm tired of people like you who do nothing but lay down and take it. I wasn't embarrassed I was proud of them
Idiots was inappropriate  I apologize. Actually I only saw 1 person stand up ask the same question that has been answered 20 times before. To me either you're not paying attention or you're ignorant. Some of the other questions were actually good .
Vortilon said:
Idiots?  I saw one person mention it along with other issues they had a question about. Sure, everybody has already heard the management's logic - or lack there of - for not giving us the 4%, it was interesting to see Isom attempt to continue to justify chumping the TWU workers out of 4%.  It's not just about the 4%.  What is embarrassing to me, is being represented by the TWU period - even more so this stupid joint association.
BTW, why would Isom and Co. show up un-announced at 10:00PM at the hanger?   I also heard that local management was deciding who got to ask the questions using the microphone. 
I am not encouraged by Isom's or Wheel's responses.  It sounds more and more like the company is stalling.  They can call it what they want, but at the end of the day - they are not moving, and we are losing money with each passing day without a new contract.  There will be no retro, signing bonus - not gonna happen.  We hear the company come out and talk unicorns and glitter; however, for the Association represented - "hang in there", "we are working real hard", "we appreciate your patience", "look for future updates on our continuing negotiations schedule".   Good luck to our negotiators, from the body language, and responses I saw from Isom and Wheel - we are in for a long negotiation process. 
Just hope all you TWU/IAM represented continue to give 100% to show the company how much you appreciate all that they have done for you over the last 13 years!
You seem like a normal person and should understand the negotiating process if the company gave us 4% or "the money first" as some of you asked for  why   would we be in any hurry to negotiation a joint contract. I can tell you I have friends at LUS that want no part of our healthcare options. The unions could drag this out for years . Think, use your head its driving me nuts that you guys don't get it
Worldport said:
You seem like a normal person and should understand the negotiating process if the company gave us 4% or "the money first" as some of you asked for  why   would we be in any hurry to negotiation a joint contract. I can tell you I have friends at LUS that want no part of our healthcare options. The unions could drag this out for years . Think, use your head its driving me nuts that you guys don't get it
Now maybe you understand where I'm coming from? And you only have 336 posts. And don't forget to throw in all those people on Facebook and in person for good measure.
WeAAsles said:
Now maybe you understand where I'm coming from? And you only have 336 posts. And don't forget to throw in all those people on Facebook and in person for good measure.
Thickheaded people drive me nuts. like you said after the contact is signed I'm out of here. In the mean time I won't forget to take my high blood pressure meds
WeAAsles said:
I have no clue why many of you don't get this? Every little item has an extra added cost to the company if it's an improvement from what was formally in our two separate contracts for both groups. Some items may be a gain for one group and a concession for another but together there's going to be a cost attached to the whole. ALL items have a level of importance to the whole agreement and that "could" affect the biggest economic items we feel are most important to us?

Metal I know a guy here who says he'll vote it down if they change the CS policy on our side and make it into more restricted language. Honestly this guy is a putz. He doesn't commute and just likes to earn lots of extra money working. So I told him that we're going to get about a $1000.00 per month raise from where we are right now and you'll STILL vote no? I had to walk away from the conversation after he answered stupidly.

Do you really believe they are only working on one Article at a time? Cmon man, again I know you're smarter than that.

On your BTW question. I wear the proper footwear, keep my uniform clean and tucked in and have my hair cut above my ears and currently have no beard. If I do grow a beard I keep it well groomed. Does that answer your question what I think about maintaining a professional appearance?
Bulletin boards have a cost attached to it?
Uniforms?  Unless the company wants employees to wear whatever the hell they want, then go for it....
I know perfectly well how negotiations work. My comments are in reference to the ridiculous amount of time they spend on uniforms and bulletin boards. 
BTW, I am sure you dress professionally at work. But my question to you was regarding enforcement...Do you support management disciplining workers who do NOT abide by the uniform policy?
Personally I am embarrassed to see mechanics go out to gate calls with a passengers on board wearing dirty sneakers and jeans. You know the guys who think they are worth $50 an hour.
Worldport said:
You seem like a normal person and should understand the negotiating process if the company gave us 4% or "the money first" as some of you asked for  why   would we be in any hurry to negotiation a joint contract. I can tell you I have friends at LUS that want no part of our healthcare options. The unions could drag this out for years . Think, use your head its driving me nuts that you guys don't get it
Been here 30 years, tired of the deceit from both the company and the union.  I have seen plenty from both, especially in the title I classification.  I think we have been very patient, all things considered.   We see what the company is doing by rubbing our collective noses in it.  "Everybody gets a across the board  4% pay increase - except you guys".  Why?  Well, because it will give your union association more incentive to get a deal done?  Considering the pay increase we are supposedly supposed to get if we get - Delta plus 3% - that 4% wouldn't have killed the company.  It would have been a showing of good will.  Instead, they are balking on returning the retiree healthcare matching funds.  The union screwed up on the wording for who is entitled to the equity money - causing years long court battle, so here we wait on that as well. 
Sounds like you're okay with waiting years for a TA, I am not.  Looking forward to the next AMFA card drive. 
Vortilon said:
Been here 30 years, tired of the deceit from both the company and the union.  I have seen plenty from both, especially in the title I classification.  I think we have been very patient, all things considered.   We see what the company is doing by rubbing our collective noses in it.  "Everybody gets a across the board  4% pay increase - except you guys".  Why?  Well, because it will give your union association more incentive to get a deal done?  Considering the pay increase we are supposedly supposed to get if we get - Delta plus 3% - that 4% wouldn't have killed the company.  It would have been a showing of good will.  Instead, they are balking on returning the retiree healthcare matching funds.  The union screwed up on the wording for who is entitled to the equity money - causing years long court battle, so here we wait on that as well. 
Sounds like you're okay with waiting years for a TA, I am not.  Looking forward to the next AMFA card drive.
I'm sure after 52 years of trying you'll finally be successful with that. Go get em Tiger.

Guaranteed you get at least the same 8 votes on the US side as last time.
MetalMover said:
Bulletin boards have a cost attached to it?
Uniforms?  Unless the company wants employees to wear whatever the hell they want, then go for it....
I know perfectly well how negotiations work. My comments are in reference to the ridiculous amount of time they spend on uniforms and bulletin boards. 
BTW, I am sure you dress professionally at work. But my question to you was regarding enforcement...Do you support management disciplining workers who do NOT abide by the uniform policy?
Personally I am embarrassed to see mechanics go out to gate calls with a passengers on board wearing dirty sneakers and jeans. You know the guys who think they are worth $50 an hour.
20 minutes on Bulletin Boards was ridiculous? I'm guessing if it took them an hour on uniforms you'd be enraged?

As far as the uniform policy being enforced? The company has always had the ability to enforce it to whatever degree they see fit. Nothing in our contract prevents that. I've just never heard them have a Nazi style about it. No I wouldn't support that particularly in the summer months. But anyone who wants to look like a pig, that's how I'm going to think of them. And so do our customers.
WeAAsles said:
20 minutes on Bulletin Boards was ridiculous? I'm guessing if it took them an hour on uniforms you'd be enraged?

As far as the uniform policy being enforced? The company has always had the ability to enforce it to whatever degree they see fit. Nothing in our contract prevents that. I've just never heard them have a Nazi style about it. No I wouldn't support that particularly in the summer months. But anyone who wants to look like a pig, that's how I'm going to think of them. And so do our customers.
Ok, here have them receiving proposals on bulletin boards and uniforms...
 And here they are having reached agreement.... 
These are weekly updates....Two sessions regarding bulletin boards and uniforms....20 MINUTES???
MetalMover said:
Ok, here have them receiving proposals on bulletin boards and uniforms...
 And here they are having reached agreement.... 
These are weekly updates....Two sessions regarding bulletin boards and uniforms....20 MINUTES???
They update at the end of the week in case you didn't realize. That does not mean they spent an entire week on a particular subject. Bulletin Boards in Fleet, yes 20 minutes. 20 minutes to agree in the room and a total of about 1 hour overall for the company to come back and give the nod.

All while working on other Articles at the same time.

You really can't be trying to tell me that you think they're only working on one article or issue each until it's concluded?

Please don't tell me that's what you think?
Vortilon said:
Been here 30 years, tired of the deceit from both the company and the union.  I have seen plenty from both, especially in the title I classification.  I think we have been very patient, all things considered.   We see what the company is doing by rubbing our collective noses in it.  "Everybody gets a across the board  4% pay increase - except you guys".  Why?  Well, because it will give your union association more incentive to get a deal done?  Considering the pay increase we are supposedly supposed to get if we get - Delta plus 3% - that 4% wouldn't have killed the company.  It would have been a showing of good will.  Instead, they are balking on returning the retiree healthcare matching funds.  The union screwed up on the wording for who is entitled to the equity money - causing years long court battle, so here we wait on that as well. 
Sounds like you're okay with waiting years for a TA, I am not.  Looking forward to the next AMFA card drive. 
 I wanted an agreement (the money) yesterday but don't forget we are going to have to live with this contact for the next 5-8 years so they have to get it right and I do agree the B/S between the unions should have been worked out and not have delayed negotiations. Good luck with the card drive but if you get DL +3% I doubt anyone will bother. I personally think all unions are the same. Do you think AMFA would get you a better deal or do you prefer them because you think the dues payers would be more involved with negotiations and you would be better informed?
1AA said:
That's how we see it on our side. Maybe the IAM side does not agree with how we do it at the new AA. My point on the infighting. Maybe it took that long because it was the association not the company that dragged out uniforms and bulletin boards. As long as the two unions continue to disagree on articles the pace will continue slower than we would like. I personally blame the association. Others can form their own opinions. One union, one voice. That's what the pilots and flight attendants did.
i agree with you. Thats what the association said all the delay was for.was to work out there difference.Witch we see now is not the case. I blame the association also as well as trumka he should have kept is nose out of our business.The rest of the unions on property the pilots and fas stayed with the aa Union. But we know trumka was looking out for the iampf. We are as maint and related always getting the shaft.
conehead777 said:
i agree with you. Thats what the association said all the delay was for.was to work out there difference.Witch we see now is not the case. I blame the association also as well as trumka he should have kept is nose out of our business.The rest of the unions on property the pilots and fas stayed with the aa Union. But we know trumka was looking out for the iampf. We are as maint and related always getting the shaft.
Isn't fleet getting the same shaft? 
MetalMover said:
Ok, here have them receiving proposals on bulletin boards and uniforms...
 And here they are having reached agreement.... 
These are weekly updates....Two sessions regarding bulletin boards and uniforms....20 MINUTES???
Weaasles likes to get into debates with you guys, he's smarter than you guys even if he didn't go to 2 years of vocational school like you did.
WeAAsles said:
They update at the end of the week in case you didn't realize. That does not mean they spent an entire week on a particular subject. Bulletin Boards in Fleet, yes 20 minutes. 20 minutes to agree in the room and a total of about 1 hour overall for the company to come back and give the nod.

All while working on other Articles at the same time.

You really can't be trying to tell me that you think they're only working on one article or issue each until it's concluded?

Please don't tell me that's what you think?
I never said they spent an entire week on these two items. But don't tell me only 20 minutes was spent on them.
There should have never been an exchange of proposals for uniforms.......Company requires and supplies uniforms..Employees wear uniforms.....NEXT ARTICLE......

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