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Glading-Chairperson 2000 Negotiating Team/Proof Positive


Dec 30, 2007
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Please read down to the 4th paragraph. So does John Ward, et al want to recant their misinformation in stating that Laura Glading was NOT the Chairperson of the 2000 negotiations committee? History and it's written discourse will always tell the truth!!!


These are excerpts from past APFA Hotline messages to the membership.

Subject: Laura Glading, Chairperson...

Hello, this is Jennifer McCauley, BOS-I Base Chair and APFA Board of Director with a Negotiations update for Friday, January 7, 2000.

By now, you should have received your contract survey in the mail. If you have not received a survey, please call the APFA Membership Department at ext. 8153 with a current mailing address so that we can send one to you immediately. TAKE NOTE: fifty-five cent postage is required to mail your completed survey back to APFA. The due back date is January 21, 2000. Your Negotiators would like to hear from EVERYONE. VOICE YOUR OPINION! Fill out your survey, add the fifty-five cents postage required, and send it back by January 21, 2000.

This week the APFA 2000 Negotiating Committee, Professional Negotiators, and the Special Advisory Committee met in Dallas Ft. Worth. A comprehensive retirement seminar was conducted by IMA flight attendant and former APFA National Officer, Jill Frank. She was joined by retired IDF flight attendant and former union Vice President, Peggy Sutherlin, as well as former benefits sub-committee member, Lynn Heaston. The Negotiating Team was subsequently briefed by the APFA National Coordinators to discuss issues pertinent to their specific areas: scheduling, contract, health, safety, communications, and hotels.

The APFA 2000 Negotiating Team subcommittees also met to cover preliminary proposals prepared during the holiday hiatus. The table committee consists of domestic and international appointed and elected permanent negotiators consisting of: Chairperson, Laura Glading, John Ward, Alexis Boilini, and Dan Richardson. Subcommittees were formed for: Economics, Scheduling, Retirement and Benefits, Flight Service, Corporate Research, Economics and Cost-outs, Administration, Strategic Campaign, and Strike Preparation. You can find a complete listing of the members of each committee on the APFA website at www.apfa.org.
Hello, this is Robert McIntyre, SEA Vice Chairperson, with a negotiations update for Friday, February 18.

On the negotiations front, the APFA Team 2000 core bargaining team met with the Company on February 15 in Dallas to begin the first talks on substantive issues since the TA rejection in September. APFA negotiators proposed a profit-sharing plan to be included in our Contract.

The membership made it clear to us through surveys, polls, and other forms of communication that maintaining profit sharing is a critical issue to our flight attendants. In fact, results of the APFA web survey at www.apfa.org conducted just last week, reinforced your feedback to your Negotiators.

The proposal called for profit sharing to be in the contract rather than outside the contract, as it is currently. This would ensure that the Company could not change the plan without first negotiating with us. The plan calls for a payout on a sliding scale depending on the carrier's performance. Payments would vary dependant upon American's financial situation. The monies paid under the plan would be computed into each flight attendant's pensionable earnings. Payments would be made no later than March 15 for profit sharing based on the prior year's performance.

Laura Glading, Chairperson for Team 2000 said, 'We have helped to make American Airlines what it is today. We are on the front line directly contributing to American's record profits. We deserve to share in our success.' The Company has yet to respond to the Union's profit sharing proposal.

The initial mail survey results were just received from our pollsters, The Kitchens Group. The report discussed the methodology of the survey, outlined key issues, and analyzed the results.
Hello, this is Liz Mallon, ORD Base Chair and APFA Board of Director with a negotiation's update for Friday, January 14.

Your APFA TEAM 2000 Negotiators, in keeping with their pledge to conduct "Flight Attendant Driven Negotiations," has just received the results of a telephone poll. The Kitchens Group, a well-respected Florida-based research firm, conducted the scientific poll.

The survey was conducted over a two-week period. Five hundred active Flight Attendants were randomly sampled and responded to the forty-seven questions. Confidential results were analyzed by the researchers and provided to Team 2000.

Many key themes came out of the poll. First, it is clear that the Flight Attendants want nothing less than a fair contract. Our new contract must address our need for excellent work rules, professional compensation, respectable benefits and retirement. Second, the overwhelming majority of those polled expect the carrier to show us that the company values the Flight Attendant workforce. The survey indicates that we deserve a contract with fair raises, humane scheduling rules, equitable profit sharing and a contract that addresses our many other key concerns.

Specific survey results, of course, are confidential because Team 2000 will be using the polling data received from our flight attendants to create our strategy. Nevertheless, there are some general survey results that we have already been implementing:

For starters, you said Membership Involvement is crucial this time around. Our initial phone survey is just the beginning of "Flight Attendant Driven Negotiations." A full written survey of more than 22,000 Flight Attendants is underway. Please respond by the January 21st deadline, and don't forget to add 55 cents postage. We are truly listening and will be engaged in many activities with our APFA members. In fact, all twelve APFA Negotiators have been in the Dallas Fort Worth Airport this week to meet flight attendants and listen to their concerns regarding negotiations.

You also asked us to carefully analyze the Tentative Agreement. Team 2000 is currently scrutinizing the entire T.A. in conjunction with telephone and written survey results and recommendations.

And you said to Do What It Takes to obtain a fair contract. Your responses have indicated that you are more than ready to fight to "protect our profession."

Today, January 14, the Special Advisory Committee introduced APFA TEAM 2000 in its entirety to company negotiators. This was the first meeting between the full complement of APFA TEAM 2000 Negotiators and American Airlines Negotiators. Sue Oliver, VP of Employee Relations stated that the company has a "commitment to change," and that commitment goes all the way up to Don Carty. Laura Glading, Chairperson of APFA TEAM 2000 Negotiations, emphatically responded to company negotiators , (quote) "Here is your opportunity! We have been in turbulent times too long. We cannot continue on this flight path. It is time to change altitudes and attitudes and show the Flight Attendants the appreciation you claim to have for them." (End quote)

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So she led the 2000 negotiations as chairperson.... but does this mean she also chaired the RPA? Neither side wants to take credit for that one....
This is Leslie Mayo, National Communications Coordinator,
with the APFA Hotline for Sunday, October 7, 2007.
As reported on Thursday, the APFA National Balloting Committee, in conjunction
with Whitley Penn, counted ballots for the six elected negotiators who will join
our six appointed negotiators, and the APFA President as the Chairperson, to
represent our membership in the next round of bargaining. The election was
certified by Whitley Penn and the results are as follows:

So now we have two hotlines each stating different things.... which is it? Both sides are so foul, we may never know.
This is Leslie Mayo, National Communications Coordinator,
with the APFA Hotline for Sunday, October 7, 2007.
As reported on Thursday, the APFA National Balloting Committee, in conjunction
with Whitley Penn, counted ballots for the six elected negotiators who will join
our six appointed negotiators, and the APFA President as the Chairperson, to
represent our membership in the next round of bargaining. The election was
certified by Whitley Penn and the results are as follows:

So now we have two hotlines each stating different things.... which is it? Both sides are so foul, we may never know.

The point being that Ward's campaign flyer stated that Glading had never, ever been chairperson of the negotiating team. Never. Proof positive that Ward, once again, lied. It comes so easily to him and damn the person who confronts him with the truth!!
The Ward campaign is built on lies, misinformation and spreading fear amongst the flight attendant group.
The point being that Ward's campaign flyer stated that Glading had never, ever been chairperson of the negotiating team. Never. Proof positive that Ward, once again, lied. It comes so easily to him and damn the person who confronts him with the truth!!

Gladings website claims, "I chaired the negotiations that led to our industry-leading 2001 Contract and I am determined to restore what we lost by leading the next round of bargaining, as well." and her resume states she was the chair from 99 to 01. The APFA Constitution mandates the President is the chairperson of the committee. So we have two sides stating two different things. And how come neither side is willing to step up and admit they chaired the RPA..... If Laura was the chair of the committee, how could she just sit back and let Ward take over during the RPA. If she really cared about the flight attendants, she should have exerted her authority as committee chairperson. Of course Ward tap dances around the RPA as well.

Seems like each side has written their own story.... I think we call is revisionist history. Too bad we aren't in North Korea. They do that too. Each side is going to bring the same recycled people into office anyway.

And everyone tap dances around answering the questions.... they just try to make the other side look bad.