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Twu - The "members" And The "union"

Father Guido Sarducci said:
Let us pray...
Let us pray for the likes of CIO, twuer, johnny lunchbox, j7915 and the rest of their ilk...For when presented with the truth, they chose to ignore it and remain in TWU darkness...They support a union which has set back the labor movement 50 years, cuts secret deals with management and continuosly conspires with management to destroy the AMT profession...first with the junior mechanic scam, then srp scam and now the osm scam...It is not too late for the twu sheep to repent!...
REPENT I say!...leave your wicked company suck butt, back satabbing, drunkard punk twu ways and come to the light of AMFA!
You offend me with your mockery of my religious beliefs. A rule 32 violation is in your future.
Let us pray

Let us pray for seed, who seems to be a bad seed and the worse twu lackey of them all...the rat...for seed to change his rodent ways we especially pray B)
I see Dan has made the time once again to speak! The truth and the light will prevail!

Learn the Truth and the path you choose will be the TWU!!!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
I see Dan has made the time once again to speak! The truth and the light will prevail!

Learn the Truth and the path you choose will be the TWU!!!!!!!!
More rhetoric and no substance. So typical of the TWU.

We are still waiting for the TWU "truth". Twenty years and counting, in the meantime the dues and the company paid UB keep flowing into the pockets of TWU officials and their treasury and our real wages and benifits continue to decline.
Let us pray...

Let us pray anon for CIO...That he continues to believe that Dan Cunningham is the embodiment of AMFA and dismisses the disdain and contempt the majority of AMTs have for the TWU...for this drunken loser mentallity is what wll ensure an AMFA victory...
For these things we pray...

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