I saw the video too and the thing that sticks out is that Isom and Weel are defining words like "Concession" differently than we do. Isom says in one statement that the company isn't pushing any concessions but in the next statement he tells an AMT the company is not going to give everything back that was taken. So in reality they wish to continue the concessions that we had forced on us years ago. It doesn't matter if you improve the concession a little bit. If it is not what you had before it is still a concession and we cannot let them get away with making deceitful statements like that. If you are at any of these town halls please speak up and notify these thieves that anything less than the benefits we had in 2003 is a concession and nothing else. In other words, if they want to increase sick days from 5 a year to 7 then that is still a concession since we used to get 10. Do not let them get away with the lies. They are pushing concessions and lying about it.