The 5+5 early-out proposal in the 1995 Negotiations was not put forward by Union Negotiators. You should read Case No. [SIZE=11pt]M-1513-96 (your Local President should be able to provide you with a copy). The Company proposed the early-out so they could create Tulsa vacancies to be back-filled by their laid off AMT’s:[/SIZE]
As stated by Arbitrator Eaton: “The 1995 Contract negotiations took place in an environment in the aviation industry that was one of the most difficult in years, and in which employees of other airlines had taken pay cuts, or exchanged contractual benefits for stock in the Company. To complicate matters, there were some 1,000 Mechanics on layoff at the Tulsa base, and the Company was discussing the outsourcing of some functions. The Union therefore agreed that accommodations would have to be made to reduce costs. The Shop Repairperson (SRP) provision was inserted into the agreement with this intention”.
Tulsa & AFW Ovhl shops were at risk for outsourcing and as it was described to me, this was done because even at then healthy carriers like NWA and Delta this type work was being outsourced.
Overhaul members on the committee supported the SRP as an alternative with the following restrictions: no SRP could be hired until all Tulsa & AFW AMTs, were recalled from layoff. Once recalled they were job protected, as well as every AMT replacement at a line station due to the application of this provision. Also, if an AMT subsequently displaced into an SRP position due to a RIF at either base, they would continue to receive their AMT pay and License Premium