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Machinists Union Q&a

It is the truth, go read the NMB's representation manual.

I see you lack maturity, insulting and calling someone names does not validate your point.
If unions care about working people they would quit pissing on each other and work for every one working for a living.
Sorry Dell & 7 not looking good

I hear that Cards are coming In more and more every day.

7 look at the poll
you can quote all the rhetorical stuff you want but like i said before...the AMFA run at U was a bigger issue than IBT......and i don't see near the cards and/or activity i did with AMFA......
IAM will prevail...700 has provided actual factual but you don't want to face the cold hard reality.
i guess when all's said and done and IAM comes out on top we won't hear from you guys anymore. 😉
It is the truth, go read the NMB's representation manual.

I see you lack maturity, insulting and calling someone names does not validate your point.
19.501 Factors Indicating a Single transportation System
The following are some indica of a single transportation system:
• Published combined schedules or combined routes;
• NO Us Airway And America West have not combined schedules at this time they still have two different web site
• Standardized uniforms;
• NO
• Common marketing, markings or insignia;
• NO not all airplanes have be painted
• Integrated essential operations such has scheduling or dispatching;
• NO East US Airways West America West
• Centralized labor and personnel operations;
• NO
• Combined or common management, corporate officers and board of directors;
• NO
• Combined work force;
• NO
• Common or overlapping ownership;
• Unknown

At this point it’s clear that there is NO single Transportion system at AWA/US AIRWAYS. The point at which it becomes a single system (IMO) is when the techs fall under one system (such has who’s MX program will be used). The MX program has not been made has of this date. If US-Airways then the IAM if America West the IBT.
i checked your poll and i feel it doesn't fairly represent the body of mechanics at both carriers.
How many mergers have you been through?

I have been through two all ready before this one.

Just watch, wait and see, the NMB will rule and you will see the IAM will be certified.
At this point it’s clear that there is NO single Transportion system at AWA/US AIRWAYS. The point at which it becomes a single system (IMO) is when the techs fall under one system (such has who’s MX program will be used). The MX program has not been made has of this date. If US-Airways then the IAM if America West the IBT.

Seems to a little problem with your thoughts on it not being a single carrier,first off Dougie says it is,and second all the stuff you posted from the NMB is in progress.
1.The AC are being painted....a new paint scheme..hello,also its only awa AC that need paint the U fleet already carries the name of the new company.
2.I guess you didnt see the pull the paper of the USAIRWAYS sighn down in Tempe on that pretty building hu.
3.Not to mention the announcements on all the flights of the merger.
HELLO,up there....the deal is done...you work for USAIRWAYS LLC now want the new stock symbol to prove it.

The IBT will be the incumbent,union..youll need 35% to get anyones attention.And thats from all mech's and related,not just you desert dwellers.Get out of the sun guys,get a hat,its getting to you.
NMB File No. CR-6886

Eileen M. Hennessey investigator assigned to investigate this case.

In order for the Board to determine the appropriate system for representation purpose, the Carriers must provide responses to the questions set forth below along with affidavits and other documentary evidence, for the application, by October 17, 2005.

1. How and when will the management be integrated?

2. How will labor relations and personnel functions be administered?

3. How will the new entity created from US Airways and America West be held out to the public and marketed?

4. Will routes and schedules be combined? If so, how?

5. Will uniforms, if any, be standardized?

6. Will equipment have conformed markings? If so, when?

7. Will there be a change in corporate insignia and logos to make them uniform? If so, when?

8. Identify and existing or anticipated labor protection agreements arising out ot this transaction.

9. Please provide any other information and documentation which will assist the Board in its investigation.

The Carriers should serve copies of their submissions to the Board and the Organizations. The IAM's, the TWU's and the IBT's response will be due by October 24, 2005. 🙂
Thats alot of people wow.CR-6886 US Airways/America West Airlines IAM 8,800-Fleet Service Employees; 7,350-Mechanics and Related Employees Hennessey

C-6887 America West/US Airways IBT-CWA Passenger Service Employees
[3,715-America West; 7,168-US Airways] Hennessey
The IAM Sets the Record Straight on the US Airways-America West Merger

Is saying there is a danger of loss of union representation a scare tactic?

It’s not a scare tactic at, it is the NMB's rule. If 50% plus 1 of the eligible employees do not participate in an election then there will be no union on US Airways or America West.Frankly, some employees on furlough may not be as inclined to participate in a union election as active employees. They still count, however, in the statistical breakdown of eligible voters.Is the IAM overstating the danger of a loss of representation? It happened with the Stores Clerks on Alleghany and Piedmont. As a result of lack of participation they have no union and no contract.

Hey 700,

How about providing us with the web url, rule number,page, paragraph etc. so we can read it for our selves. Just because you say there is a rule doesn't make it so. The End

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