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TWU-IAM Association thread

Chuck Schalk said:
Any TWU advocate.   tell us all the great accomplishments the TWUATD has made in negotiations since 1983?  
start with #1..............     
I will wait...........
I say we are at this lowest point due to all theTWU  concessions since 1983 and have destroyed the industry prove me wrong
start with #1............
Blah blah blah,

The twu sucks, yes we all know it.

Let's go no union, many on here say that's not the answer, we can't vote on it anyway so it's a non factor,

The USAir guys want the IAM, the AFL-CIO and I'm sure TWU doesn't want a vote, so the iam as our lone Union is a non factor.

Let's vote in AMFA, AMFA said it wasn't going to file, so theyre a non factor.

Until AMFA files we have no choice but to support the association.

So quit your whining, buck up and think how you would handle your teenage daughter if she whined this much.
Chuck Schalk said:
thats the best you can do over 30 years!
We were the highest paid mechs in 2001 before everything changed. its been a tough 12 years for all airline employees. The funny thing is I see guys leaving for southwest but they weren't the guys sitting around bitching all the time. Just mechs who saw a better opportunity at SWA airlines. They hated the TWU, were sick of AA so they moved on, you know, men, not less then men sitting around complaining all the time. That's one of the many great things about this country. We are not slaves.
bigjets said:
Blah blah blah,
The twu sucks, yes we all know it.
Let's go no union, many on here say that's not the answer, we can't vote on it anyway so it's a non factor,
The USAir guys want the IAM, the AFL-CIO and I'm sure TWU doesn't want a vote, so the iam as our lone Union is a non factor.
Let's vote in AMFA, AMFA said it wasn't going to file, so theyre a non factor.
Until AMFA files we have no choice but to support the association.
So quit your whining, buck up and think how you would handle your teenage daughter if she whined this much.
Support the association? Does anyone really know what the association is, going to do, control the membership, administer the contract, handle grievances and so on? The association has no track record, no past experience handling a diverse group of members from two different airlines with two different work ethics and so on. You ask us to support something that we know absolutely nothing about that never existed prior to BK.
bigjets said:
Funny the biggest concentration of mechs live in tulsa and DFW area, the two cheapest stations in the system. I bet geo pay wouldn't pass there as they wouldn't get it.
If they get a decent enough pay bump I think it would? Oh but they certainly will gripe about it I'm sure. Mooring those boats with the attached Jet Ski's on Lake Lewisville can get pretty expensive. Not to mention gas on all those shiny new Ford F-150's.
MetalMover said:
Regarding GEO pay...When it was in our first T/A, it wasn't just shot down by TULE, but MIA and ORD as well. They claimed they were not getting as much as NY and CA were to get. I guess they don't know how GEO pay is supposed to work.
That's why I keep posting that CNN COLA Calculator. I think it should at least shed some light on the disparity in compensation between some of these places that we live? Of course the disparity can't be completely rectified but a slight release valve in that area would absolutely go a long way at bringing peace between the members.

bigjets said:
Tul and DFW the two big IGM stations will not vote in GEO pay sense they won't get it. I'm just talking about geo pay. They would vote in a great contract but not for pay based on cost of living.
They absolutely wouldn't vote it in if it was 100% fair value based on the COL in every area of the US. If that were to happen some areas would have to take a step backwards in comp to make up for places like NYC, ORD, BOS, LAX, SFO, PHL, and MIA.

If at least a modest stipend was introduced and passed it would also go a long way to shutting up the AMFA crowd once and for all. Those people are all mostly out of NYC you know.
bigjets said:
I agreed with oldguy that the 2010 contract is not worth talking about, but out of touch, in 2010 you wanted the 2001 contract plus, while the other legacy shed OH (thousands of jobs) pensions, retired medical and so on. My way we would have $40k etc etc, I'm boring myself too. Your way NOTHING. You And the other big thinkers just see your own view instead of big picture.

Tul and DFW the two big IGM stations will not vote in GEO pay sense they won't get it. I'm just talking about geo pay. They would vote in a great contract but not for pay based on cost of living.
Bigjets, you sound as if you have an ability to see into the future.  You knew better than two thirds of AAs AMTs in 2010; and yet, you don't know the difference between the proper use of the words "since" & "sense".  On the issue of GEO pay, if Doug Parker stays true to his word on the Delta plus 7% along with restoring the rest of the lost benefits - most  AMTs would go along with that.  Having said that, most of us AMTs hold out little hope for that scenario.  We anticipate a protracted, divisive, unproductive negotiating process.
1AA said:
Support the association? Does anyone really know what the association is, going to do, control the membership, administer the contract, handle grievances and so on? The association has no track record, no past experience handling a diverse group of members from two different airlines with two different work ethics and so on. You ask us to support something that we know absolutely nothing about that never existed prior to BK.
Very good points, but all we can do now is hope the ASS. Is successful.

It's really hard to put a polish on that turd.
Vortilon said:
Bigjets, you sound as if you have an ability to see into the future.  You knew better than two thirds of AAs AMTs in 2010; and yet, you don't know the difference between the proper use of the words "since" & "sense".  On the issue of GEO pay, if Doug Parker stays true to his word on the Delta plus 7% along with restoring the rest of the lost benefits - most  AMTs would go along with that.  Having said that, most of us AMTs hold out little hope for that scenario.  We anticipate a protracted, divisive, unproductive negotiating process.
I did see the future and I was right, I even said we should for TA on this forum, that's where English majors like you said I was giving too much to the company. My way $40k in our pocket, your way executives got a little extra bonus, but that's in the past and is a waste of time to talk about like oldguy says.

I think geo pay is a non starter as there will be too much haggling in the union. I think the real fight will be for the manning of TUL, DWH, PIT, and DWH. Who will lose who will gain.
WeAAsles said:
If that were to happen some areas would have to take a step backwards in comp to make up for places like NYC, ORD, BOS, LAX, SFO, PHL, and MIA.
Allowing the company to whipsaw station against station. Lowering the bar at some stations to kept a few at average pay
You know what IAM and United did
john john said:
Allowing the company to whipsaw station against station. Lowering the bar at some stations to kept a few at average pay
You know what IAM and United did

Let me guess. You don't work in one of those high COL areas right? And who said anything about lowering the bar? The bar can still be raised for all with just a little extra going to people who really need it.

Using the difference between TUL and JFK. A member in JFK making $75,000 per year is comparable to making $143,474 in TUL.

At least as far as pay, my sympathies for the financial plight of TUL Mechanics is immeasurable. Oh those poor suffering souls.

WeAAsles said:
Let me guess. You don't work in one of those high COL areas right?
Do you ? and why Not ?
You just answered the question on living and a high cost area
john john said:
Do you ? and why Not ?
You just answered the question on living and a high cost area
I work in MIA and live in Ft Lauderdale area. I'd have ZERO problem with supporting the assistance to those who need it far more than I do. We're a little more expensive ourselves down here but we aren't being crucified. (No City and State Taxes either)
john john said:
IAM and United did
That kind of stuff will happen when you don't have a Union or a CBA for 30 years. (Continental) I walk into a room against the company with a book that has only empty pages that I would like filled.

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