There's so much knowledge in these posts,
Chuck voted against pay raise in 2010, now complains that's tulsas fault.
TUL has voted in bad contract after bad contract and is now suffering the consequences
Jabord blames us for SWA contract difficulties, when SWA mechs are negotiating against their own contract sense they are at the top of the airline pay.
Bob@las has the smartest comment, a lot of what we get paid is based on the economy. We were the lowest for a long time to keep TULSA open and that's just a fact. Now that it's a shell of its former self we should do quite well.
The association is our union like it or not, and it MUST succeed, the TWU has out smarted every attempt to remove it and AMFA hasn't gotten it done.
As oldguy says the past is done, time to prepare the future.
I'm paraphrasing