I dug around and it turns out my contract books only go back to 95 but I will say that since I hired in before Sept. 85 I had a 9 year progression. After Sept. 1 the C scale had a 12 year progression. The contract of 89 shortened my progression to 7 years. The extension of 92 shortened everyone's progression to where if you were hired from 88 and back you topped out in Sept 92. Those are facts. I do not remember getting any double steps nor does anyone else I hired in with. I asked other B and C scalers today what they remember. They remember it the way I do and not what Reality copied and pasted. But either way it has nothing to do with the headcount reduction. I was a B scaler. I had it better than the C scalers and D scalers but nobody had it or will ever have it better than the A scalers had it. Post whatever you want from the past before you were employed here. Those of us who were here know what happened. Why don't you copy/paste stuff from the 68 contract when the union went on strike? That would be something to see. Not how the A scalers screwed everyone that would come after them.