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August Flight Attendant Headcount


Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
Here is the August Flight Attendant headcount by base effective 09/01/2004:

Flight Attendant Systemwide Headcount
August 2004

Base* Total Active* Total Inactive* Total Available* Furloughs

BOS* 410 * 57 * 467

BOS-I* 402 * 26 * 428

DCA* 356 * 60 * 416

DCA-I* 106 * 10 * 116

DFW* 2693 * 256 * 2949

IDF* 1526 * 100 * 1626

LAX* 1293 * 147 * 1440

LAX-I* 634 * 41 * 675

LGA* 1287 * 165 * 1452

JFK* 1931 * 116 * 2047

MIA* 1264 * 105 * 1369

IMA* 1526 * 72 * 1598

ORD* 1606 * 103 * 1709

IOR* 1206 * 57 * 1263

RDUI* 84 * 3 * 87

SFO* 750 * 124 * 874

SFO-I* 186 * 25 * 211

SLT* 328 * 6 * 334

STL* 95 * 24 * 119

TOTAL* 17683 * 1497 * 19180 * *5,527 (Furloughs)*

Monthly Attrition Report through July 2004

Month * Domestic * International * Total Attrition(Includes Retirements) * Total Retirements

January* 40 * 18 * 58 * 18

February* 27 * 18 * 45 * 19

March* 38 * 9 * 47 * 14

April* 29 * 12 * 41 * 15

May* 49 * 21 * 70 * 23

June* 55 * 32 * 87 * 37

July* 168 * 48 * 216 * 41

*Information contained in the Attrition Report comes from the Flight Service Web site*

Report prepared by the APFA Communications Department