On 4/7/2003 5

50 PM Us/Metro wrote:
Anyone know what happens to STL after all the layoffs? Will AA F/A fill in the base or will it close as a crew base?
That question is still open. AA could continue to run STL as a hub but not a base, crewing flights through from other bases. But as with any hub, it''s advantageous to have a base so you have a reserve pool, standbys, ect. The head of STL has said AA would probably bring in AA people from other bases, most of whom would almost certainly be forced transfers of junior people, but I don''t know that the integration agreement even addresses that issue.
I, for one, have my doubts that every one of us will be furloughed immediately on ratification of the concessions. For one thing, there are overlaps in the headcount numbers for each one of the changes, so that the overall hit just happens (coincidence?) to almost exactly equal the number of TWA FA''s left, which will be just over 1800 on May 1. And 863 of the headcount cuts come directly from the reduction in vacation days from 42+2 to just 28, and these cuts cannot even begin to be felt until the vacation days accrued in 2003 are actually taken in 2004-2005. Attrition will probably climb steeply from 62 in Feb to I don''t know what, but let''s hope for big numbers. And the economy might actually begin a slow improvement once the war is over.
I also have my doubts that the company will instantly ground the entire LLC fleet. What would they do with the pilots who have been feathered into the AA seniority system and are not subject to furlough but haven''t yet been trained to the AA certificate? Pay them to sit around? The aircraft integration just began, with the first MD80 entering service on the AA side yesterday, the 6th, and I don''t think the transfer of AC can be sped up. The court cases, even if won, won''t happen quickly enough to save us and the arbitration on the offering of overage leaves might force the company to offer leaves that no one wants anymore, since most of the benefits will be removed.
All in all, there are so many things that can still happen or not happen that it''s difficult to say just where we (TWA FA''s) will be six months or a year from now.