Tulsa Manager Bonuses?

So being a part of it accomplised what?

You supposedly saved 500 million for the company.

What did you get for all that money savings.

Seems you got a BBQ sandwhich and the shop manager gets 38K

That is AWESOME. Keep up the good work and the money saving ideas your check is in the mail
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Seems to me management should be coming up with all the money saving ideas. After all they are the ones reaping the rewards.
But I guess you see it differently.
The rest of us here in MIA will sit back like management does and let you guys do all the work.
We pulled out about a month ago. And you know what the planes still come and go...

Typical 3rd grade line mentality. Criticize and whine while "sticking out hand!" Offer no assistance in progressing position, only lay and wait like a vulture...

Then complain. Because carcass is unfit to eat :down:
Typical 3rd grade line mentality. Criticize and whine while "sticking out hand!" Offer no assistance in progressing position, only lay and wait like a vulture...

Then complain. Because carcass is unfit to eat :down:

This POS company got all the assistance from me by way of massive concessions and yet they still want more. I will whine, criticiize and stick out my hand until I see some shared sacrafice from the very people you simple minded individules keep helpling out.

Not to worry more pulled pork sandwhiches on the way
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Typical 3rd grade line mentality. Criticize and whine while "sticking out hand!" Offer no assistance in progressing position, only lay and wait like a vulture...

Then complain. Because carcass is unfit to eat :down:

Steel, what do you expect us to do? We have a company union that cares more about preserving union dues income rather than getting us a decent contract! They seem to swim in the Kool Aid of the AA's pool of lies that we are lucky to have jobs and that we must keep doing more and more so the executives can get more and more while we are expected to jump for joy with a $50 AIP payout! The company has told us that we are getting SQUAT while they accept their bonuses. Just think, AMR's financial picture would be almost $200 million better if not for "sharing" with management!

You criticize us fro "whining?" What do you expect we do? Beg the TWU to HELP us??????????????????

Are you kidding me? The TWU SUX!

What do you call AA's mentality?

YES, Please explain your thinking further so that I might know my own limits when it comes to taking a stand.

Instead of just attacking with innuendo, I will offer a solution.

Contract Proposal


Now this may sound like 1983 all over again, and it does to me also, but I fear the alternative is not a win,win for all involved. It is obvious to me that the carriers that wnet through BK have a cost advantage over AA. We must find a way to make gains, and reduce those cost at the same time. And we have lived through this type of plan once with sustained growth, we can do it again. Everyone seems to respect Crandall, let's do his previous plan again with a twist on pensions.

Also, it should be noted that I do not have access to the books and exact cost figures, so this is a general proposal. Also, I am no financial wizard so go easy on your response to this. I am simply a middle age worker concerned that our future is a stake in the next negotiations, and having a knock down drag out battle with the corporation is not in our best interest or theirs.

IMO, probably the most intelligent/least emotional post on this board, ever, on the subject of figuring out how to improve the lot of the AA mechanics. Dunno how AA and the mechanics will solve the conundrum, but your seven points appear to offer a basis for discussion/

Certainly seems more useful than the constant barrage of "bend over - we're gonna get it again" or "let's burn the place down come contract time" type of posts that are more commonly written here.
IMO, probably the most intelligent/least emotional post on this board, ever, on the subject of figuring out how to improve the lot of the AA mechanics. Dunno how AA and the mechanics will solve the conundrum, but your seven points appear to offer a basis for discussion/

Certainly seems more useful than the constant barrage of "bend over - we're gonna get it again" or "let's burn the place down come contract time" type of posts that are more commonly written here.

Step six will be implemented soon, irrespective of the others.

"6. To fund cost of the above, create a new classification whereby new hires are no longer offered the defined pension but rather a 401(k) matching fund. And once again lenghten the time to top-scale pay. Through attrition, allow those that already have the defined pension to retire with that plan. Eventually the defined plan will no longer have a liability."

It is already in place for non union employees.

AA will not implement to "fund the cost of the above", but will do it as part of the ongoing benefits reduction program. The TWU officers have their own pension, so it will not be an issue.
<_< ----- aa might even sweeten the defined pension plan, a little, to put the plan over.----- :shock:

I would not expect it, if history is any guide. They did not do so when they converted non union employees to the 401k. They let old guys stay on DB, and gave middle aged guys DB credit for time served and put them on DC from that day forward.
I would not expect it, if history is any guide. They did not do so when they converted non union employees to the 401k. They let old guys stay on DB, and gave middle aged guys DB credit for time served and put them on DC from that day forward.
<_< ----Wrench, you talk as if the membership has no say in it. All I'm saying is that "if" aa wanted to slide something like this through, a little grease would help!
IMO, probably the most intelligent/least emotional post on this board, ever, on the subject of figuring out how to improve the lot of the AA mechanics. Dunno how AA and the mechanics will solve the conundrum, but your seven points appear to offer a basis for discussion.

Certainly seems more useful than the constant barrage of "bend over - we're gonna get it again" or "let's burn the place down come contract time" type of posts that are more commonly written here.

FWAAA, I could hardly believe what I was reading was from the poster known as 'Dave' on the former AA forum on the PB board. I had the same positive thoughts about the post and have been waiting for someone else to pick up on the change of attitude.

I thought it might be 'Eric', the Former ModerAAator (of the PB forum), who I note has regained the name eolesen he used there.
$50 American Express card??????????? We haven't seen anything like that here at DFW....or was I off that day?

Here at JFK " THE BIG MONEY MAKING STATION ", we each received $10. vouchers for dinner. Dinner? in the big apple, that's $ 45.00, w/o the tip, so we settle for the Airport MAC at $7.50, or the Chinese greasy spoon at $7.87.

Keep the change.
FWAA, Upsilon,

Soo much bu!!$hi+e, soo little time: You guys are as pathetic as the current surveys making the rounds of the line maintenance stations seeking the emotional temp of the guys prior to negotiations: you are seeking to manage expectations.

With APA seeking full restitution, and the Flight Attendants growing ever larger appendages, the TWU will have to give up even more at the line and overhaul to save overhaul-read dues money.
I would not expect it, if history is any guide. They did not do so when they converted non union employees to the 401k. They let old guys stay on DB, and gave middle aged guys DB credit for time served and put them on DC from that day forward.

The company can do anything they want with non union employees. The company has to grease the palms of our union officers with more booze and lap dances to get them to agree to bring it to the membership. When it gets to the membership the company/union (one of the same) will threaten to farm out O/H, close down class II stations, and farm out Title II to get just enough votes.
Here at JFK " THE BIG MONEY MAKING STATION ", we each received $10. vouchers for dinner. Dinner? in the big apple, that's $ 45.00, w/o the tip, so we settle for the Airport MAC at $7.50, or the Chinese greasy spoon at $7.87.
Keep the change.
What about the Sky Deli???? I sure do miss those 747 burgers at 4am.....and we haven't got any sort of amex card or gift voucher...i guess it was just TUL for there crowning achivement of $500 mil saved, earned or whatever...$50 bucks ought to fill the ol' bass boat once. gotta get that noodlen trip in.

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