How do you figure I am singing a new tune? It may be that you are just now listening. I still do not support that JLT, PLT, crap. I just don't see the advantage of pulling out as this time. When the time comes, then I will favor pulling out. Like I have said before, working with the company is not a "new" idea. There was a brand new 757 and a brand new 777 purchased with our money saving ideas in the past. If this is a new idea, then what was that Bill? I remember the days each of those Aircraft first landed in Tulsa to celebrate those savings. The only difference is "WE are no longer getting rewards for our ideas". Why don't we settle the matter the real union way? You know send a Local 514 ballot to all members and tabulate a vote for or against the issue. Because the current leadership would not get the answer they want, that is why that will not happen.
Again, the current working together process may be successful for the company, but where is the reward for the employee? I earned well over $125,000.00 by turning in
IdeAAs in Action helping the company buy that 757 and 777 Airplane. Oh and by the way, I have actually heard more members praising Grizz in the last three weeks than I have heard praise for Burchette. You are wrong, I do not know Grizz at all, and your opinion is not my idea of credible either. What do you mean "He'd be out"? Do you mean the International would remove him? Because there is no re-call for the membership to do it. That is an AMFA idea now that you brought it up. Maybe a new group of Officers will follow the instructions of the membership. There is more to the election issues than just the working together BS.
How is an early out a company behalf?
I did not do away with pension plans, it was coverted through attrition.
How is offering an increase in pension benefit formula for the TWA employee a company behalf?
How is wage and benefit increases a company behalf?
How is a Line premium a company behalf?
And for your information, the B-Scale of 1983 gave incumbent employees an early out retirement, and $3 plus over two year raise, and lowered the entry rate, inceased the top pay length, and sold out the new hire. What kind of unionism is that you ask? TWU/AA 1983 is what kind of unionism that is.
Now, would you be so kind Bill, as to lay out your vision or contract proposal? Or are you and Hopeful from the same mold? You know complain like hell but offer no solutions yourself. For starters, tell us how you will keep a defined pension and those cost in place, for even the new hire when every other carrier in the market no longer has to fund that?
I know that contract proposal was hard to swallow. But if you want to keep your pension and your overhaul base, you better come up with some idea besides "you owe us" because we trusted you and worked with you. I bet you could not save both the pension and overhaul going to binding arbitration! Show us your wits and post your proposals.