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Tulsa Manager Bonuses?

I thought that was pretty funny saying how they are saving 1 million dollars a year by sharpening drill bits.

I have asked several ALT, PLT members to peek into the "open books" and report back what the cost of the fuel tank cover plate debacle was to the company and if the PALM or the AO budget took the hit for the problem.

This issues had 33 aircraft on the ground, overtime paid throughout the system removing fuel and checking pressure. One employee nearly cut his leg off using a high pressure water blast to remove the old paint, and for weeks the Tulsa base was working overtime to resurface the parent material.

Guess what? Not one person has brought back accurate data on what the cost was and which department had their budget charged for the problem.

The truth is like scorpian said in an earlier post. This $500 million in savings was mostly pencil whipped BS and most companies would fire the executive and union leader for collectively cooking the books in this manner.

The FAA is coming for a tough audit next month. Seven engines sets of parts have been moved to a temporaary storage trailer. Rumor has it, that this is designed to empty the available repair process parts down so that things look clean and less parts equals less potential for findings. If things are as good as the videos says then why the big fear of the FAA audit?
Winner for best comedy motion picture at the American Comedy Awards....."Clueless" :jerry:
I really can't look at Dennis Burchette and his goons who are on TV and in the papers, and consider that the view of the people in Tulsa. Using that logic, everytime DFW's company-unionists--aka 565 Officers--speak, they are speaking what the members are saying or feeling. In this local it's quite the opposite as I'm sure the same is in Tulsa or any local for that matter.

BTW...the only solution is removing the company union once and for all. :up:

First, the Tulsa folks have to see the TWU for what they really are.

And this whole process and the videos are getting us there faster than anything we could be doing as an organizing effort or committee. Let them change the local officers, let them wait for negotiations, let them feel the bite one more time. Then, and only then will the solution will be upon us.

Just wait until they bungle the negotiations because they are unable to get out in front of a problem and instead sit on their hands and react to Corporate moves. They are so predictable, that anyone with small experience in the game of chess can see what is coming. When AA and the TWU start barking the fear mongering, this time, I suspect it will be like the boy who cried wolf too many times.

By the way, the Stock Clerks in Tulsa are currently distributing TEAMSTER Cards, and from I what I understand, many AMT's are signing up. The problem is, the stock clerks are afraid to boldly stand in front of the card drive. They are sneaking around, but still making progress.

Speaking of the Teamsters, has everyone seen this?

Teamsters show how to prepare for negotiations
How do you figure I am singing a new tune? It may be that you are just now listening. I still do not support that JLT, PLT, crap. I just don't see the advantage of pulling out as this time. When the time comes, then I will favor pulling out. Like I have said before, working with the company is not a "new" idea. There was a brand new 757 and a brand new 777 purchased with our money saving ideas in the past. If this is a new idea, then what was that Bill? I remember the days each of those Aircraft first landed in Tulsa to celebrate those savings. The only difference is "WE are no longer getting rewards for our ideas". Why don't we settle the matter the real union way? You know send a Local 514 ballot to all members and tabulate a vote for or against the issue. Because the current leadership would not get the answer they want, that is why that will not happen.
Again, the current working together process may be successful for the company, but where is the reward for the employee? I earned well over $125,000.00 by turning in
IdeAAs in Action helping the company buy that 757 and 777 Airplane. Oh and by the way, I have actually heard more members praising Grizz in the last three weeks than I have heard praise for Burchette. You are wrong, I do not know Grizz at all, and your opinion is not my idea of credible either. What do you mean "He'd be out"? Do you mean the International would remove him? Because there is no re-call for the membership to do it. That is an AMFA idea now that you brought it up. Maybe a new group of Officers will follow the instructions of the membership. There is more to the election issues than just the working together BS.
How is an early out a company behalf?

I did not do away with pension plans, it was coverted through attrition.

How is offering an increase in pension benefit formula for the TWA employee a company behalf?

How is wage and benefit increases a company behalf?

How is a Line premium a company behalf?

And for your information, the B-Scale of 1983 gave incumbent employees an early out retirement, and $3 plus over two year raise, and lowered the entry rate, inceased the top pay length, and sold out the new hire. What kind of unionism is that you ask? TWU/AA 1983 is what kind of unionism that is.

Now, would you be so kind Bill, as to lay out your vision or contract proposal? Or are you and Hopeful from the same mold? You know complain like hell but offer no solutions yourself. For starters, tell us how you will keep a defined pension and those cost in place, for even the new hire when every other carrier in the market no longer has to fund that?

I know that contract proposal was hard to swallow. But if you want to keep your pension and your overhaul base, you better come up with some idea besides "you owe us" because we trusted you and worked with you. I bet you could not save both the pension and overhaul going to binding arbitration! Show us your wits and post your proposals.

Very well said.
Its time for a reality check.
Let’s go into negotiations with a plan that will benefit the company and labor, not just angry demands.
When the union starts collecting the contract suggestions forms, take a look at what the informer proposed.
Those are some good ideas.
Add your ideas but keep it real.
Very well said.
Its time for a reality check.
Let’s go into negotiations with a plan that will benefit the company and labor, not just angry demands.
When the union starts collecting the contract suggestions forms, take a look at what the informer proposed.
Those are some good ideas.
Add your ideas but keep it real.
There's only one contract suggestion and that's 2001 contract plus the 17.5% plus COLA difference between the 1.5% raises and the actual inflation since 2003, and raises going foward. 2 year deal and then come back for improvements in the language, including regional pay. We're giving them a billion+ a year in non-contractual increased productivity, this contract would only cost $320 million per their numbers. Besides a good faith contract like this, and in place before May 2008 might restore some faith in this manAAgement team and the workers might find another billion to sqeeze out for the 2010 talks. 😉

If not, strike-em...
What will pulling out accomplish??? You have a solution???

Pulling out will stop the further concessions that are made with nothing in return to the membership. When AMTs make sacrifices and find ways to "save" the company money only to have management receive bonuses only makes sense to management stools such as yourself.

"They make it seem that only the TULSA employees are the ones that count and the ones making sacrifices."

The above quote is what "they" (management) want people to believe. "They" (management) would put lipstick on a pig and call it a beauty queen if "they" had to.

The image of Tulsa not caring about the line is partially true. This is due to sell outs like burchette. The membership in Tulsa are intelligent people they simply do not get all the information needed. Wasn't Bob Owens bared from attending a Tulsa union meeting at one time? Why would the Tulsa union officials fear someone from the Line?

Tulsa and the Line CAN & WILL benefit from each other once their is a Local 514 leadership that doesn't talk about having their hands in the company's pockets and starts listening to their members AND talking with Line Locals.

This will happen and just by visiting WWW.CHANGE514.COM you can see people asking questions. Questions current Local 514 officers don't want asked or answered.
What will pulling out accomplish??? You have a solution???

So being a part of it accomplised what?

You supposedly saved 500 million for the company.

What did you get for all that money savings.

Seems you got a BBQ sandwhich and the shop manager gets 38K

That is AWESOME. Keep up the good work and the money saving ideas your check is in the mail
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Seems to me management should be coming up with all the money saving ideas. After all they are the ones reaping the rewards.
But I guess you see it differently.
The rest of us here in MIA will sit back like management does and let you guys do all the work.
We pulled out about a month ago. And you know what the planes still come and go...
Hmmmm.....this seems to be the opinion of many on these boards. Why pick on Hopeful???? Go back and read some of the posts....ones from Owens, Hackman a few others. It's the "ME ME ME" factor.
Not to mention they think Tulsa sucks!!!


What was your bonus for 2006?
By the way, the Stock Clerks in Tulsa are currently distributing TEAMSTER Cards, and from I what I understand, many AMT's are signing up. The problem is, the stock clerks are afraid to boldly stand in front of the card drive. They are sneaking around, but still making progress.
They should read this quote, it's almost twu like.

"It's trying times for newspapers and trying times for the workers," said Teamsters union President Joe Molinero. "We have to do our best to ensure that they stay in business, so we stay in business."


"It was something we had to do," said Mr. Molinero. "We have never, ever paid any portion of our health care. ... It's about time we shared in the cost of that."

The truth is like scorpian said in an earlier post. This $500 million in savings was mostly pencil whipped BS and most companies would fire the executive and union leader for collectively cooking the books in this manner.

Well management isnt claiming that they saved or made $500 million anymore. Instead they have inserted the word "Value", you know like those cheesy commercials from RONCO, "This $200 value is all yours for only 3 payments of $19.99, but wait, if you order right now you also get,,,,".

A $500 million dollar "value" is not the same as $500 million in added revenue.

What will pulling out accomplish??? You have a solution???
Yea start to act like a union and demand things for the members.

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