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Throwing rocks in glass houses.

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Aug 21, 2002
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If I worked for the same "success story" big 3 as many of you contributing to this post, I would be looking very carefully at my own backyard and not picking out every chinque in the armor of my neighboring upstart.
Perhaps that is also a way of burying your head in the sand.
How many times must you hash the same [edited] over and over Mr. AA and UA?
You can BS some but I doubt very seriously that you are as happy working for your company as many of us are at JB. Beyond that it is all just ratcheting your jaws. You can predict and bad mouth, research and quote all you like but by the grace of God, we all may retire without having to go through the rough times that many of us have already endured in this industry working for failed
"good" carriers, buried by the self serving. Many of us are able to still look ourselves in the mirror each day, laugh at things that are irrelevant and continue with dignity. That includes not taking jabs at all whom (obviously from your viewpoint) are viewed as substandard by the uniform we wear.
Grow up....It's just life and not a one of it gets out of it alive nor will anyone care who you worked for when you're pushing up petals.[😉]
If I worked for the same "success story" big 3 as many of you contributing to this post, I would be looking very carefully at my own backyard and not picking out every chinque in the armor of my neighboring upstart.

We know we our [edited] stink. We're just waiting for y'all to admit your own [edited] aren't exactly perfume.

Hey, I like a lot of other folks started out at an upstart, and used to wonder why anyone would want to work for one of the majors, too.

Then I woke up one day and realised my upstart was bought by Frank Lorenzo... That was enough of a reason to go work for a major.

How many times must you hash the same [edited] over and over Mr. AA and UA?

When you have 75+ years of rivalry....

You can BS some but I doubt very seriously that you are as happy working for your company as many of us are at JB.

Knowing I'll have a pension I can live off of with retiree medical coverage when I do retire, and that I've got great medical coverage for my kids right now makes me extremely happy.

Knowing there's a pretty good chance I'll have that same level of comfort 10 years from now at the same company makes me even happier.

Are there good days and bad days? Sure, but show me someone who claims to never have a bad day on the job, and I'll show you a liar. 😉
... eventually you will want a "real" retirement that is not paper stock that is handed out like candy... Give it a few more years... you will see.... stay tuned [😉]
Not necessarily. Many airline employees realize that their futures are inextricably linked to the success of the company they work for due to the inability to laterally transfer seniority. Employees at companies like JB and SWA don't envy you (U?) or (Ual?) in the least, by and large.

We do look at what U (and Ual) hath wrought and choose not to follow in thy foot(mis)steps.

SWA pilots just approved an interim contract offer by 68%, despite the union "leadership's" NO recommendation. Yes, we may work harder, but it's not like we're digging ditches or getting paid exorbitant salaries while our 'younger siblings' are on unemployment.

UAL pilots are supposed to be employee-owners. I don't know anyone who is impressed by your ownership skills.

Q: How much is an "A" fund worth when the PGBC takes it over?

A: $42,000/year max.

That's what my uncle gets from his TWA pension. Oh, forgot the taxes...
"Grow Up"??? Give me a break... I'm sorry if your feelings are getting hurt by reality. Like I said to Jeff... you are happy now... but wait... eventually you will want a "real" retirement that is not paper stock that is handed out like candy... Give it a few more years... you will see.... stay tuned [😉]
EO, who'd you work for before AA? We're you at People's?
"Grow Up"??? Give me a break... I'm sorry if your feelings are getting hurt by reality. Like I said to Jeff... you are happy now... but wait... eventually you will want a "real" retirement that is not paper stock that is handed out like candy... Give it a few more years... you will see.... stay tuned [😉]

It will take a lot more than your endless banter to hurt my feelings. I have already had over 30 in the industry and my retirement isn't based on this line of work. You wait, your security is not as solid as you may think. You are quick to undermine everyone who isn't wearing your colors but your day of reality is closer than you think. It hurts to not be the envy of everyone doesn't it.

Your self assuredness of a real retirement is fleeting at best. I don't care who your Company logo is
if you have been around very long or aren't completely consumed by yourself, you may note that none of us are above vulnerability.
Feelings hurt, nooo way.. I'm enjoying life and only tired of your BS. Why don't you try out your own company site for awhile if you can't say something constructive?
And I will be staying tuned....
Yes, you are definitely a smelly [edited]. Just kidding.... I unlike you, started in the majors and enjoyed many great years there. My Lorenzo history is another story which we shall not go into as well as other corporate assasins. Bitter. No way, I dealt with the blows and went on with my life.

Critical of others for doing what they must to make living...Absolutely not. You are a low life if you feel self righteous enough in this industry to sit on your insurance and retirement haunches and look down at your little guy neighbor. What the hell makes you think that you and your company are above reproach.

Our company is doing very well indeed at this time. Will it in another few years? You or I don't know that and quite frankly life goes on one way or another. I am constantly amazed though by the likes of you who arise each day with a superior attitude "Knowing that you and your family are light years ahead of us poor mindless souls who choose to work for an UPSTART? Imagine the stupidity of someone to want to do this. Never consider that many of us have paid dues to the same unions that are misdirecting your groups now. Never mind that many of us are beyond those years of self served attitudes. Don't even consider that some of us are smart enough to make do with what is given us and make it work exceedingly well for us and yes our families. My chidren, wife and others will never have to worry for food, clothing or insurance and retirement either. Not all of that is due to working for a Named Pension sponsored coporate structure that (believe it or not) isn't looking out for your well being.

Upset? No way, just amused at your attitudes and obvious lack of touch with the reality of the moment. Times are a changing. And yes, you have awakened a sleeping giant. Watch your 6 because it may bite you. And believe me it may surprise you who the giant is. It may wear your own corporate colors.

Have a Wonderful Day.[8)]
JBU320, I really think you need to go get some of those little blue (how appropriate!) tablets which say "Viagra" and relax... For someone who says they're happier than they've ever been, it sure looks like you have a lot of pent up bitterness behind your posting...
EO, I believe the correct pill you are refering JB to is called zoloft! 😉 jk.
Damn JBU, u must of been picked on as a little kid. Let it freakin go. YOU are the one who keeps re-hashing it.
JBU320, I really think you need to go get some of those little blue (how appropriate!) tablets which say "Viagra" and relax... For someone who says they're happier than they've ever been, it sure looks like you have a lot of pent up bitterness behind your posting...

I'll have to take your word for what color they are. I personally have no problems in that area. I only have problems with the same old rhetoric being rehashed in a thousand unconstructive ways. No pent up bitterness. I'm a happy guy. You may need a life though.
I say that only because you take issue with everything and it really gets old. Have you ever considered that this site has a moderator?
If the truth hurts, I'm sorry but you self righteous authorities are a little hard for me to take day in and day out. This is a discussion site not a 'let's ridicule everyone and tell them how much better we are than they' site due to your own self appointed importance.
If it appears that I am bitter, could you please diagnose it for me while you're on a roll.
You seem to have an answer for everything and a conclusion for every story. It must really be tough being such a fart smeller as yourself......
Should we address you as Doctor in the future?[:bigsmile:]
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