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Reality Check Time

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Since I am the number one proponent of change, let me share some of my ideas on how to fix this thing:

1. Establish a working relationship with labor-show them respect, listen to their ideas, and at least thank them repeatedly for their hard work and dedication. Find ways to get them some more money--perhaps workrules, small wage increases, etc. Institute more merit based financial rewards. SIT DOWN AND WORK THE CONTRACTS OUT IN A FAIR WAY--need give on both sides.

2. FIX THE OPERATION. No more excuses and false promises--it's broken. The first step in fixing a problem is admitting you have one. Stop managing by spreadsheet and find out where the roots of the problems are and fix them. THE CUSTOMER MUST BE TAKEN CARE OF AT ALL COSTS. Without customers there is no airline.
Get a reservations system that works
Provide proper and QUALIFIED staffing with scheduling flexibility to handle overloads
Give local managers the leeway to take care of customers and special situations
Change schedules and duty rigs to fit with the physical capabilities of the system
Pay attention to who the competition really is. Focus on beating the legacies not WN

3. Once you reestablish a relatively reliable operation, focus on getting back the FF's you lost. Invest in a COMPETITIVE product--give value for the money. Don't charge legacy prices for LCC product.

3. If unable or unwilling to do any of the above, management should resign and let someone who IS capable do the job.

This is just a start. I have discussed specific ideas with the powers that be and we can all see where that got us.

I just wonder how much longer the BOD and investment community will accept excuses.......
Art, I have to disagree on three of your four points. It just won't work.

1. You say sit down with the unions. you can sit down with them but unless you have the muscle (political and criminal) nobody can tell the union bosses anything.

2. You say fix the operation, can't be done without MX reliability. When you have airbuses in your fleet, well nuff said.

3. You have to charge according to fuel prices, not value.
First of all you have no clue, they are not union bosses, they are elected by the membership.

And if it was not for the unions at US back in 1992 and 2002, 2003 and 2005 there would be no US Airways around anymore.

You are ignorant and narrow minded.

And the unions have identified millions in cost savings over the years and some of it went on deaf ears.

Art- I usually agree with you 100% but this line just won't fly. Not after what we have given so far and seen thrown out the window by mismanagement. I won't give them one more cent. I want major improvements to work rules and won't be falling for the big wage increase but taking steps backwards on other items. It would take very little for me to just stop reading a Tentative Agreement and stamp my vote NO. They need to negotiate fair and everything has a price. First thing I will flip to is the Reserve section. If I don't see a livable system I don't need to read the rest. I hope this group doesn't fall for a wage increase while we still live under this abusive system.
But the rest of your post is spot on. :up:

You may have misunderstood my intent. It needs to be a package-there has to be a wage increase, but there also has to be some flexibility in workrules. I am not saying that you have to give more, but you need to be flexible. Nothing can be cast in stone. I am sure somewhere out there exists a package where both pay and workrules could be compromised to something acceptable to both sides. While I agree that labor has given tremendously, the not one more dime mentality just won't cut it any more--I am not necessarily saying give more, but it is give and take.....

You're right about mismanagement. I also said they have to listen to some of the millions in potential savings proposed by labor--those savings could be moved from waste to wages and go a long way to start to make things better.

Also it doesn't cost the company anything for a manager to say thank you once in a while.

SOC, while I see your points, your thinking is part of the problem. Muscle and intimidation won't work any more. You need to sit down and try to understand the other sides position--it's probably a dream, but it can work.

Regarding mx reliability, it seems like the least reliable aircraft in the fleet right now is the 767 and 757 am I right?

With all due respect, leave the bias at the door and find a way to make it work. There's too much at stake.
Stock price really low, excellent time to take over. We can't do it alone! UA tried in the past and it failed, with the ffocus expertise we might me able to pull it off right this time !
I will be happy to entertain good faith negotiations. There are a few items in our contract that I would consider TRADING IN for better living conditions. But I better get the full value for that trade. I will not get on my soap box about those items as I think everyone knows what they are. But here they sit around like a gaggle of hyenas bickering over if your kidnapped on a CRAF CHARTER and put in an Afganistan cave, should you get Pier Diem the whole time? Of all the petty things for the company to worry about. I would like to see the money saved and just recess until they are serious. Either you are here to get an agreement or your not. Are you going to tackle the big ball issues or not. No use is sucking up hotel rooms and food expenses until your ready to hammer it out. But I am just an AFA member which these days doesn't mean that much to the powers that be.
So I understand what your saying. But I just won't be taking one step backward with this agreement.
Is it not obvious that this mis-management is not here to run this airline? There is something fishy in the state of Denmark. All of this "wailing and knashing" of teeth is moot if something underhanded and under-the-table is afoot. Dougweiser and the BOD are up to something and it just might be the parts are worth more than the whole. We can only hope. Hey Westies, I hear the staple guns clicking and being loaded all around the country. What goes around, usually comes around. But then again, it could be the CEO is just drunk and the BOD are enablers as long as the cash keeps flowing into the corporate coffers due to external factors and a roaring economy, for now.

I agree--I think their primary goal is other than fixing the operation.

That is why I use the term about management being unable or unwilling to fix the problems.

I think a sale of all or part is imminent--they are being too quiet.

I am not prognosticating, I just have a feeling.

All I know is it can't continue like it is and remain a viable concern.
Sad to say but we are hopeless in a hellhole! Lets make a wager, I say UNITED by September 15, 2007.
Way to many closed door meetings since Ross Bonanno was canned. No frontline action what-so-ever. Low season traditionally begins September 15, furloughs will come next and then the inevitable. Funny thing is though, after all the upsizing,downsizing bankruptcies,mergers, the senior employees in all groups, ALPA, IAM and CWA are always the ones left holding the ball. I'd say about 4 years to totally liguidate us or one month for a takeover or a merger. I still bet UNITED by September 15, 2007, too much money for the sandcastle to lose when they bailout.
I still think the sum of the parts is worth more than the dismal operation as a whole. Just a gut feeling, but something is up. I cannot believe that management this arrogant would not "try" something to get this operation headed in the right direction. They would most likely screw it up and blame the employees, the weather, a hurricane or something, but I would think they would try. Dougweiser is hunkered down in the bunker and up to no good; maybe he is planning for the defence of Berlin (sell off) or drawing up plans for Germania (merger), but he is up to something "creative".
I agree, something is up. Nothing is changing, been way too quiet for way too long. They will break us up and where we end up, no one knows. We do know that Dougie and Company will make thier millions and the common worker will continue to get screwed. God(dess) help us all.

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