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Attitudes Speak Volumes!


Hopefully, DP understands that he's not just operating out of PHX anymore, and is preparing to run a multi-base airline. USAirways is not a single base operation with perfect weather going in and out of the HUB.

East Coast weather is unpredictable and when PHL is backed up, so is DCA, LGA, BOS, PIT, CLT.

Call it spin, bottom line is it is still a lie no matter what.
Every airline deals with holiday staffing levels. They prepare and anticipate weather, traffic loads etc... Its like blaming the troops in IRAQ for an insurgency for having too few of them guarding the country.

But then, you already know all this.

It's an insult to the troops in Iraq to compare their situation to Flight Attendants who call in sick because they don't want to work on Christmas.

The shortage of troops in Iraq is not because they call in sick when they are scheduled to work.

You're way out of line.

Don't want to get thrown off these boards over you...but just guess what I'm think'in?

Yea, you guessed it, and thats besides sl&%$ buck&t:angry:
I'm not wrong..your just warped. I see you've been skipping your medication again. B)
I just pray that you guys will "let this go" someday with new management.....
As long as the "problem" is still on the property and the payroll it would be complete stupidity to "let it go".
Reread the post: "Until he vacates......."
Do you wish the new US to wind up like the old US?
If someone put a pickett fence up on your home property I expect you to just let it happen don't grieve it in court. When the guy next door then puts in a swimming pool on your property I expect not to grieve it in court! Finally when the guy throws a pool party and someone drowns in the pool and your sued you will then wish you had grieved it!

This is why you grieve things!

Get the point now?
Heck, I'd like a guy like that to move in next to me, he's improving my property value. The union guy is the one that complains that the cool decking isn't the right color. Everyone CAN grieve a "violation". Not everyone "SHOULD" greive a "violation".
She has nothing to apologise for. The analogy was accurate if a tiny bit insensitive with the Iraq reference. The on the ground troops can't control staffing anymore than the IAM can or could on the ramp.

Those responsible for staff or troop levels are managers and generals.

Those responsible for discipline and esprit de Corps are managers and generals.

The "Grunts" on the front line, be it the ticket counter or Iraq have little control. The glory of victory goes to them and therefore so should the sting of failure.

The analogy is not accurate.

There is a shortage of troops because our government does not give them the proper support. It is in no way the fault of the troops.

There was a shortage of Flight Attendants because the sick call rate increased to 25% and 24% for DEC. 24 and 25th. If people are honest and don't use sick calls to get unscheduled paid holiday vacations the flights don't get cancelled. The fact that they do it every year doesn't make it right.
Guess someone did not read the DOT report, the sick calls were basically the same as the previous x-mas.
I did read the report.

How many extra Flight Attendants is a company in Chapter 11 suppose to employee so the dishonest ones can call in sick to get Christmas off? Does anyone believe that 25% of the F/As are sick every Christmas?
I think it means that 840 F/As were supposed to start trips or stand reserve that day and 202 of them called in sick.

I'm a line pilot, not management. There is blame on both sides for problem.
I'm not wasting my time re reading the report but someone needs to explain to me how 202 F/A's is 24% of the workforce?

FACE FACTS - US Airways Sr Operations Management demonstrated they do not have the skill set required to organize a one car funeral.

Sick calls over holidays increase at every airline in the country over holidays. Stevie Wonder can see that! When you have industry wide historical data available with which to base manpower forecasts on and you come up woefully short it's a MANAGEMENT PROBLEM! PERIOD! GOT IT! GOOD!
When you rely on the Mandatory Overtime Clause of the CBA to compensate for poor manpower planning don't act surprised that you don't have enough rampers. You treat people like crap and sooner or later the whip and chair approach no longer works and nit wits like you stand there and wring your hands and wonder why! Then when you're done with that you get together and pull bogus numbers out f your arse to feed to a lazy and gullible press and then you again wring your hands when there is an ugly confrontation on the ramp with the HP Trainers. I think what the rampers did in that instance was wrong but i totally understand why they did and that is the type of fallout folks like Jerry Glass produce. So you wanna see the real reason for these issues to still fester and bubble over go stand in the mirror next to Suha Arkan, Al Crellin and anyone else I missed and you'll see the root cause.

Debating the morality is mere rearranging of philosophical deckchairs on the Titanic and deflects blame from where it truly belongs. Remember your management cronies created the culture that excess sick calls over holiday was permissable. You did this by overlooking it in the past so again you've no one to blame but yourself. Management sets the tone of the organization and you need look no farther than Doug Parker to see the stark contrast in styles.
Folks flew your airline last week for an interview with another airline in Indianapolis. Going there was perfect, returning home was a nightmare. I guess the first problem was that the airlineline I interveiwed with flew me as space available. Wiil start with the nightmare, tried to get the flight out of indy at 2:33 pm got bumped the same at 3:55 to Charlotte finially got on the 6:30 flight . A lot of other folks with revenue tickets were getting bumped , and very unhappy especially a gent who was going to Phil. On with the "fun", when I arrived in Charlotte for my 9:45 pm plane home they changed the gates, and planes were landing at the wrong gates. My flight was moved from one gate to another, at 9:45 we were told that our plane was "lost",close to 10 pm the found the plane in the Hangar. took off a 1/2 later was told in the air that the plane was in the hangar for maintenace problems arrived home very close to midnight.

Folks if we ever did what happened to me at NWA someone would be in very big trouble . Don't shoot yourself in the foot guys get your act together...............