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American Sniper

I suspect Bears doesn't actually speak "American" but instead "Southie" which is easily identifiable when spoken, but not so much in the written form...
Southie would be considered a dialect of "American" would it not?  Kind of like someone from Jersy?  Know what I mean?
Ms Tree said:
As far as Obama is concerned, is he supposed to comment on ever soldier that is killed? There are soldiers committing suicide and getting killed every day here in the US. What puts one soldier above another in your eyes?

But it's all good when he announces his legs are all tingley because an "EX" pro football player states he is gay......................big fn deal!
777 fixer said:
Speaking of sports people how many sports teams were invited to the White House under GWB?  And how many families of those KIA in Iraq were invited there?  
Your argument holds no water.
Libtard playbook, section 12, page 89............revert to GWB, when cornered!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
" To question his service I think is very..... " S T U P I D "....on your part "  !!!
(Tree...post # 98)
The ..SOUTH and STUPID  are very synonymous with each other, and both begin with..." S "  !
Dumb ASSS, ........synonymous means............A word having the same meaning as another word.
(We were taught ...'synonymous'..........." in the 2nd grade ".........up here in the Yankee Schools, while " Y'ALL " were learning...... D O G  and  C A T !
And as long as you can call out a veteran, I will return the favor................BIGOT!
southwind said:
But it's all good when he announces his legs are all tingley because an "EX" pro football player states he is gay......................big fn deal!
Libtard playbook, section 12, page 89............revert to GWB, when cornered!
And as long as you can call out a veteran, I will return the favor................BIGOT!
Looking at your quote, and more troubling,.....your reply, I've just got one question for you,(with THAT reply)........ W T F  are you TALKING ABOUT   ????????????????
Y F M !
Y = You
southwind said:
But it's all good when he announces his legs are all tingley because an "EX" pro football player states he is gay......................big fn deal!

Libtard playbook, section 12, page 89............revert to GWB, when cornered!

And as long as you can call out a veteran, I will return the favor................BIGOT!
Conservative play book seems to holding people to different standards.
Yep. Such as Romney being too rich and out of touch, while Hillary is flat broke and a person of the people.

Meanwhile, I'm willing to bet Romney's likely driven himself in a car more than he's been in a limo since the last time Hillary sat in the driver's seat. Heck, the press even had to cover him getting his license renewed once.

I'm sure if GBW had said "I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office" that the media would have had a field day.

Yet Conservatives are the ones who hold to double standards, right?
eolesen said:
Yep. Such as Romney being too rich and out of touch, while Hillary is flat broke and a person of the people.

Meanwhile, I'm willing to bet Romney's likely driven himself in a car more than he's been in a limo since the last time Hillary sat in the driver's seat. Heck, the press even had to cover him getting his license renewed once.

I'm sure if GBW had said "I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office" that the media would have had a field day.

Yet Conservatives are the ones who hold to double standards, right?
Eric,  Admit it.
After all is said and done about ANYTHING, 50.1% of the voters on the first tuesday night in Nov/16 will NOT buy into the GOP offering.
It really is that simple. Not rocket science !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Eric,  Admit it.
After all is said and done about ANYTHING, 50.1% of the voters on the first tuesday night in Nov/16 will NOT buy into the GOP offering.
It really is that simple. Not rocket science !
just admit you're really gullible enough to trust her, as you say it's really that simple not rocket science
Only ~40% of voting age adults find her favorable, and yet she'll get 50.01% of the votes?...

Keep believing that. O'Malley is looking better and better as a candidate. Even his failures are more of an accomplishment than anything done in her entire career.
eolesen said:
Yep. Such as Romney being too rich and out of touch, while Hillary is flat broke and a person of the people.

Meanwhile, I'm willing to bet Romney's likely driven himself in a car more than he's been in a limo since the last time Hillary sat in the driver's seat. Heck, the press even had to cover him getting his license renewed once.

I'm sure if GBW had said "I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office" that the media would have had a field day.

Yet Conservatives are the ones who hold to double standards, right?

Romeny got busted for talking about it in his speech.

Do you think that she might be driven around by the SS due to the fact that she is a high value target? Former first lady, state senator and former SecState? Seriously. Do you even read some of the BS you post? The SS would have a cow if Clinton tried to get behind the wheel.

Yes they are. They preach family values yet Hassert knew about Folley for 3 years. Gingrich cheated on 3 wives. Palin was pregnant out of wed lock. Want smaller government except for when they want to stick their nose in peoples private lives. Just to name a few flip flops.

Suffice to say, both parties are hypocritical when it suits their purpose.
southwind said:
Libtard playbook, section 12, page 89............revert to GWB, when cornered!
Just pointing out your hypocrisy.  That and the fact you could really care less about the troops.  
Ms Tree said:
Conservative play book seems to holding people to different standards.
It's all good. Once a Republican is in the WH, in 2016, were gonna pull another page out of the Libtard playbook and blame everything on BaRack, for the next 8 years.
777 fixer said:
Just pointing out your hypocrisy.  That and the fact you could really care less about the troops.
Libtard Playbook, section 9, page 87, " When totally at a loss, make sh!t up!"

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